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    Hordiienko, L. P.
    Biological chemistry [Электронный ресурс] : сollection of test tasks : textbook / L. P. Hordiienko, M. V. Bilets, K. S. Neporada ; Ministry of public health of Ukraine, Ukrainian medical stomatological academy = Біологічна хімія : збірник тестових завдань : навчальний посібник / Л. П. Гордієнко, М. В. Білець, К. С. Непорада ; МОЗ України, УМСА. - PDFдок. 147 с. 1,63 Мб. - Poltava : [s. n.], 2018. - 1 эл. опт. диск (CD-ROM). - Загл. с титул. экрана. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: БИОХИМИЯ(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник(англ)

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: CONTENTS Module ІІ .................................... 7 1. Control of initial level of knowledge. The subject and tasks of biochemistry. The aim and methods of biochemical research, its clinical and diagnostic value .............. 7 2.Analysis of structure, physical and chemical properties of protein enzymes .......... 9 3. Measurement of enzymic activity. Units of catalytic activity of enzymes. Analysis of enzymic processes by the reaction type of main classes of enzymes ............... 11 4.Analysis of the mechanism of enzymic action and kinetics of enzymic catalysis ....... 13 5.Analysis of regulation of enzymic processes ..................... 16 6.Medical enzymology ............................... 18 7. Analysis of the role of cofactors and coenzyme vitamins (В2, РР, В6) in the catalytic activity of enzymes ..................................... 22 8. Analysis of the role of cofactors and coenzyme vitamins (В3, Вс, В1, В12, Н, lipoic acid) in the catalytic activity of enzymes ............................. 23 9. Basic concepts of metabolism. Common catabolic pathways of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids .................................... 26 10.Metabolism of substances and energy. Analysis of the tricarboxylic acid cycle ....... 28 11.Bioenergetics processes: biological oxidation, oxidative phosphorylation ......... 29 12. Chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation. Inhibitors and uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation .................................. 31 13.Analysis of glycolysis – anaerobic oxidation of carbohydrates ............ 33 14.Analysis of aerobic oxidation of glucose ...................... 36 15.Alternate pathways of monosaccharide metabolism. Metabolism of fructose and galactose ... 38 16.Analysis of catabolism and biosynthesis of glycogen. Regulation of glycogen metabolism ... 40 17.Gluconeogenesis .............................. 42 18.Analysis of mechanisms of metabolic and hormone regulation of carbohydrate metabolism . 44 19. Analysis of catabolism and biosynthesis of triacylglycerols. Determination of molecular mechanisms of regulation of lipolysis ........................ 46 20.Transport forms of lipids ............................. 48 21.β-oxidation of fatty acids. Analysis of metabolism of fatty acids and ketone bodies ...... 50 22.Biosynthesis of fatty acids ........................... 52 23.Metabolism of complex lipids ........................... 54 24. Biosynthesis and biotransformation of cholesterol. Analysis of disorders of lipid metabolism: steatorrhea, atherosclerosis, obesity ........................ 57 25.Analysis of amino acid metabolism (transamination, deamination, decarboxylation) .... 59 5 26.Biosynthesis of glutathione and creatine ....................... 61 27.Analysis of ammonia detoxication and urea biosynthesis .............. 63 28. Analysis of intermediate products of porphyrin biosynthesis and their accumulation at porphyrias .................................. 66 Module ІІІ ................................... 68 1.Structure and functions of nucleic acids....................... 68 2. Study of biosynthesis and catabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. Analysis of the end products of their metabolism ............................. 71 3.DNA replication and RNA transcription ...................... 74 4. Biosynthesis of proteins on ribosomes. Initiation, elongation and termination in the synthesis of polypeptide chain. Inhibitory action of antibiotics .................... 76 5.Regulation of gene expression ......................... 79 6.Analysis of mutation mechanisms, DNA reparation. Principles of synthesis of recombinat DNA, transgenic proteins ................................. 81 7. Study of molecular cellular mechanisms of action of peptide and protein hormones on target cells. Hormones of hypothalamus and hypophysis ................... 83 8. Study of molecular cellular mechanisms of action of steroid hormones on target cells. Steroid hormones ................................... 86 9.Study of role of thyroid hormones and biogenic amines in regulation of metabolic processes . 89 10.Hormones of pancreas. Hormones of the digestive tract ................ 91 11.Hormonal regulation of calcium homeostasis ..................... 93 12.Physiologically active eicosanoids ....................... 96 13.Study of digestion of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates in the digestive tract ....... 98 14.Study of digestion of nutrients: lipids in the digestive tract ............. 100 15. Study of functional role of fat-soluble vitamins in the metabolism and realization of cell functions .................................. 102 16. Study of blood plasma proteins: proteins of acute phase of inflammation, own enzymes and indicator enzymes ................................ 105 17. Study of acid-base state of blood and respiratory function of erythrocytes. Pathological forms of hemoglobins ................................. 107 18. Study of nitrogen balance and non-protein nitrogen containing components of blood – end products of heme catabolism ........................... 110 19.Biochemical patterns of realization of immune processes. Immunodeficiency states ... 113 20.Biochemistry of liver. Pathobiochemistry of jaundices ................ 115 6 21. Study of processes of biotransformation of xenobiotics and endogeneous toxins. Microsomal oxidation, cytochrome P-450 .......................... 119 22.Study of normal components of urine. Study of pathological components of urine ...... 121 23.Biochemistry of muscle tissue ......................... 125 24.Biochemistry of connective tissue ......................... 127 25.Biochemistry of bone tissue. Risk factors of osteoporosis ............... 130 26.Biochemistry of nervous tissue .......................... 132 TESTS «BIOCHEMISTRY OF ORGANS OF ORAL CAVITY» ........... 135 Biochemistry of the dental tissue .......................... 135 Biochemistry of saliva ............................... 137 Biochemical mechanisms of the main stomatological diseases development ......... 138 ANSWERS TO THE TEST TASKS ........................ 143
Полный текст/внешний ресурс   скачать: БД Книги іноземною мовою. № 374 

Дод.точки доступу:
Bilets, M. V.
Білець М. В.
Neporada, K. S.
Непорада К.С.
Гордієнко Л. П.
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗЕБ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗЕБ (1)

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    Біохімія (на англійській, українській, російській мовах) [Электронный ресурс] : навчальні посібники / УМСА. - Электрон. дан. 6,67 Мб. - Полтава : УМСА, 2007. - СD 680 МБ. - Загл. с титул. экрана. - Б. ц.
Узагальнена назва. 10 док. 4 папки (док. англ., рос., укр. мовами та тести) і 1 док. окремо


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S.V. Kharchenko, Kharchenko, L.G. Netyukhaylo, М.V. Bylets
N.V., Syzonenko
С.В. Харченко, Харченко, Л.Г. Нетюхайло, М.В. Билец, О.Е. Омельченко, Н.Н. Прислопская
С.В. Харченко, Харченко, Л.Г. Нетюхайло, М.В. Билец
С.В. Харченко, Харченко, Л.Г. Нетюхайло, М.В. Білець
С.В. Харченко, Харченко, Л.Г. Нетюхайло, М.В. Білець, О.Є. Омельченко, Н.М. Прислопська

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗЕБ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗЕБ (1)

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