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Методичні рекомендації. Брошури - результати пошуку 2207

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 Знайдено у інших БД:Періодичні видання. Статті (18)Матеріали конференцій (14)Електронний ресурс (1)
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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=Коровіна, Л. Д.$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 7
Показані документи с 1 за 7

Korovina L. D. Bases of the biological and medical physics/L. D. Korovina Module 2: Bases of medical physics. - 2019

Korovina L. D. Biophysics with beginnings of mathematical analysis and statistics/L. D. Korovina Vol. 2: Basis of thermodynamics. Biomembranes. Electricity and magnetism. - 2018

Korovina L. D. Biophysics with beginnings of mathematical analysis and statistics/L. D. Korovina Vol. 3: Optics. Quantum phenomena. - 2018

Korovina L. D. Biophysics with beginnings of mathematical analysis and statistics/L. D. Korovina Vol. 1: Bases of mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical stаtistics. Methods of obtaining of the biophysical information. Biomechanics. - 2018

Korovina L. D. Biophysics with beginnings of mathematical analysis and statistics/L. D. Korovina Vol. 2: Basis of thermodynamics. Biomembranes. Electricity and magnetism. - 2017

Korovina L. D. Biophysics with beginnings of mathematical analysis and statistics/L. D. Korovina Vol. 3: Optics. Quantum phenomena. - 2018

Korovina L. D. Biophysics with beginnings of mathematical analysis and statistics/L. D. Korovina Vol. 1: Bases of mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical stаtistics. Methods of obtaining of the biophysical information. Biomechanics. - 2017
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