Ф 81

    Voss, Hermann.
    Taschenbuch der Anatomie. Band III. Nervensystem. Snnesystem. Hautsystem. Inkretsystem : mit 139 zum Teil farbigen Abbildungen / H. Voss, R. Herrlinger. - 14. Auflage. - Jena : VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1973. - 358 s. : il. ; 16 cm. - На нім. мові. - Register: s. 340-351. - Б. ц.
Переклад назви: Кишенькова книжка по анатомії. Том ІІI. Нервова система. Сенсорна система. Шкірна система. Ендокринна система / Г. Фосс, Р. Герлінгер

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(НІМ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальна література німецькою
Анотація: Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Nervensystem ...... l Aufbau, Bauplan und Einteilung .... l A. Zerebrospinales Nervensystem .. 6 1. Zentralnervensystem ... 6 Rückenmark ..... 6 Makroskopische Anatomie .... 6 Der innere Aufbau des Rückenmarks... 9 Die gröberen Bauverhältnisse .. 9 Der feinere Bau der grauen und weißen Substanz ..... 11 Leitwerk des Rückenmarks .... 13 Afferente Wurzelsysteme .... 13 Efferente Wurzelsysteme .... 14 Eigen- und Fernleitwerk des Rückenmarks ...... 15 Gehirn ..... 24 Das Gehirn im ganzen ... 24 Die einzelnen Gehirnabschnitte .. 26 Rautenhirn ...... 26 Makroskopische Anatomie .... 26 Verlängertes Mark ... 27 Brücke...... 28 Rautengrube ... 28 Der innere Aufbau des Rautenhirns ... 29 Kleinhirn ...... 32 Makroskopische Anatomie .... 32 Der feinere Bau des Kleinhirns .. 36 Rinde .... . 36 Kleinhirnmark ..... 38 Kleinhirnkerne ..... 38 Leitungslehre des Kleinhirns ... 39 Alt- oder Urkleinhirn .. 39 Neukleinhirn ... 41 Mittelhirn ..... 42 Großhirnschenkel .... 43 Haube ...... 44 Vierhügelplatte ..... 44 Kerne des Mittelhirns .. 45 Schalt- oder Koordinationsapparat des Mittelhirns .... 46 Leitungsapparat des Mittelhirns . 47 Zwischenhirn .... 47 Hypothalamus ..... 48 Sehhügel ..... 48 Zentrales Höhlengrau .. 51 Endhirn ...... 52 Makroskopische Anatomie ... 52 Hemisphären ..... 52 Der feinere Aufbau des Endhirns ... 58 Großhirnrinde .... 58 Großhirnmark. ..... 63 Die grauen Kerne des Endhirns ... 68 Zentrale Sinnesbahnen ... 70 Zentrale Sehbahn .... 70 Pupillenreflex ..... 72 Zentrale Hörbahn .... 73 Hirnkammern und Adergeflechte . 75 Hirnkammern ..... 75 1. und 2. Ventrikel. .. 75 3. Ventrikel... 76 4. Ventrikel... 77 Adergeflechte ... 78 Hüllen des Rückenmarks und Gehirns . . 80 Harte Hirnhaut ..... 81 Weiche Hirnhaut .... 83 ATLAS la ..... 87 2. Peripheres Nervensystem ... 119 Rückenmarknerven ..... 121 Rami ventrales der Spinalnerven . 122 Rami ventrales der Halsnerven .. 123 Halsgeflecht ... 123 Armgeflecht ... 125 Rami ventrales der Brustnerven .. 132 Äste der Interkostalnerven ... 133 Rami ventrales der Lenden-, Kreuz- und Steißnerven .... 134 Lendengeflecht ..... 134 Kreuzgeflecht ..... 137 Rami dorsales der Spinalnerven .. 143 Innervationstabelle des Armes .. 144 Innervationstabelle des Beines .. 145 Die 12 Hirnnervenpaare .. 146 1. Hirnnerv ... 147 2. Hirnnerv.... 147 3. Hirnnerv.... 147 4. Hirnnerv.... 148 5. Hirnnerv. ... 149 N. ophthalmicus ... 151 N. maxillaris ..... 153 N. mandibularis .... 156 6. Hirnnerv.... 161 7. Hirnnerv.... 161 N. petrosus major ... 162 N. stapedius ..... 163 Chorda tympani.... 163 8. Hirnnerv ... 164 9. Hirnnerv ... 165 10. Hirnnerv ... 167 11. Hirnnerv ... 171 12. Hirnnerv ... 172 Tabelle der Hirnnerven III—XII . . 174 B. Autonomes Nervensystem .... 173 Die Pars sympathica. ... 178 Halsteil der Pars sympathica .. 180 Grenzstrang ..... 180 Die peripheren Verzweigungen . . . 181 Brustteil der Pars sympathica . 183 Grenzstrang ..... 183 Die peripheren Verzweigungen . . . 183 Bauchteil der Pars sympathica . 184 Grenzstrang ..... 184 Die peripheren Verzweigungen . . . 185 Beckenteil der Pars sympathica . 186 Grenzstrang ..... 186 Die peripheren Verzweigungen ... 186 Die Pars parasympathica .... 187 Das intermurale Nervensystem . 189 Paraganglien ... 190 ATLAS Ib .... 191 II. Sinnessystem. ...... 223 Tast- oder Sensibilitätsorgane ... 226 Geschmacksorgan ..... 227 Geruchsorgan .... 228 Sehorgan ...... 229 Augapfel ..... 231 Wandschichten des Bulbus oculi . . 231 Kern oder Inhalt des Bulbus oculi . . 246 Schutz- und Hilfsorgane des Auges . . 249 Augenlider und Bindehaut .. 249 Tränenapparat .... 251 Muskeln des Auges. .. 253 Innervationstabelle der Augenmuskeln . 255 Inhalt der Orbita .... 255 Statoakustisches Sinnesorgan ... 256 Äußeres Ohr ... 258 B. Autonomes Nervensystem .... 173 Die Pars sympathica .... 178 Halsteil der Pars sympathica .. 180 Grenzstrang ..... 180 Die peripheren Verzweigungen . . . 181 Brustteil der Pars sympathica . 183 Grenzstrang ..... 183 Die peripheren Verzweigungen ... 183 Bauch teil der Pars sympathica . 184 Grenzstrang ..... 184 Die peripheren Verzweigungen . . . 185 Beckenteil der Pars sympathica . 186 Grenzstrang ..... 186 Die peripheren Verzweigungen . . . 186 Die Pars parasympathica .... 187 Das intermurale Nervensystem . 189 Paraganglien ... 190 ATLASIb .... II. Sinnessystem. ...... Tast- oder Sensibilitätsorgane ... Geschmacksorgan ..... Geruchsorgan .... Sehorgan ...... Augapfel ..... Wandschichten des Bulbus oculi . . Kern oder Inhalt des Bulbus oculi . . Schutz- und Hüfsorgane des Auges . . Augenlider und Bindehaut .. Tränenapparat .... Muskeln des Auges. .. Innervationstdbelle der Augenmuskeln Inhalt der Orbita .... Statoakustisch.es Sinnesorgan ... Äußeres Ohr ... Ohrmuschel. .. Äußerer Gehörgang . . . . . Trommelfell .. Mittelohr .. . . Paukenhöhle .. Gehörknöchelchen ... Ohrtrompete .. Nebenhöhlen der Paukenhöhle Inneres Ohr. ... Knöchernes Labyrinth . Häutiges Labyrinth .. ATLAS II .. III. Hautsystem ...... Haut ...... Schichten der Haut .... 301 Oberhaut....301 Lederhaut ...301 Unterhaut ....302 Anhangsorgane der Haut .. 303 Drüsen der Haut .... 303 Knäueldrüsen ..... 303 Brust- oder Milchdrüsen ... 305 Talgdrüsen ... 307 Horngebilde der Haut .. 308 Nägel ..... 308 Haare ..... 308 IV. Inkretsystem. . . . . . Hirnanhang. . . . Zirbeldrüse . Schilddrüse . Beischilddrüsen . . Nebennieren . . . Paraganglien . . . ATLAS III und IV Abbildungsnachweis ... Register ....
Дод.точки доступу:
Herrlinger, Robert

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   Ф 81

    Voss, Hermann.
    Taschenbuch der Anatomie. Band II. Verdauungssystem. Atmungssystem. Urologenitalsystem. Gefäßsystem : mit 218 zum Teil farbigen Abbildungen / H. Voss, R. Herrlinger, W. Graumann. - 14., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage. - Jena : VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1972. - 383 s. : il. ; 16 cm. - На нім. мові. - Register: s. 340-351. - Б. ц.
Переклад назви: Кишенькова книжка по анатомії. Том ІІ. Травна система. Дихальна система. Сечостатева система. Судинна система / Г. Фосс та ін.

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(НІМ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальна література німецькою
Анотація: Allgemeine Grundlagen ......... Allgemeine Drüsenlehre ......... Bindegewebsorgan ........... Schleimhautbegriff ........... 8 i. Verdauungssystem ........... 10 i. i. Mundhöhle ........... 11 i. i. i. Mundspalte .......... 11 MIKRO .......... 1.1.2. Vestibulum oris .......... 12 1.1.3.Kauapparat........... 13 Grundtypus des Zahnes ..... 13 MIKRO ......... 14 Halteapparat......... 17 MIKRO ......... 19 Gebiß ........ 19 Dentition ........ 22 Kiefergelenk und Kaumuskulatur ... 23 1.1.4. Mundboden .......... 24 Mundspeicheldrüsen ......... 26 MIKRO .......... 28 1.1.6. Zunge ............ 30 MIKRO .......... 31 1.1.7. Gaumen .......... 34 MIKRO .......... 38 1.2. Rachen ............ 40 1.2.1. Cavum pharyngis......... 41 MIKRO .......... 42 1.2.2. Pharynxmuskulatur, Schluckmechanismus .. 43 1.2.3. Peripharyngealer Bindegewebsraum..... 1.3. Speiseröhre ............ 46 MIKRO ............ 48 1.4. Bauchhöhle, allgemeine Bauchfellbeziehungen .. 50 MIKRO ............ 52 1.5. Magen ............. 52 MIKRO ............ 56 i .6. Dünndarm.......... 57 MIKRO ............ 60 1.7. Dickdarm ........... 64 1.7.1. Blinddarm ........... 64 1.7.2. Colon ............ 66 1.7.3. Mastdarm ......... 69 MIKRO ............ 71 1.8. Bauchspeicheldrüse .......... 71 MIKRO ............ 72 1 1.9. Leber ........... 73 1.9.1. Extrahepatische Gallengänge. ....... 79 MIKRO ........... 80 i.io. Bursa omentalis. ......... 84 l ATLAS I ............ 89 1. Atmungssystem ........... 116 z.i. Nasenraum ............ 117 z. i. i. Nebenhöhlen ......... 120 MIKRO ............ 122 2.2.Kehlkopf ........... 123 MIKRO ............ 131 2.3. Luftröhre ........... 132 MIKRO ............ 134 2.4. Lungen ............ 134 MIKRO .......... 139 2.5. Pleurahöhle ........... 141 MIKRO ............ 146 ATLAS II ........... 147 3. Urogenitalsystem .......... 154 3.1. Harnsystem ........... 155 3.1.1.Niere.......... 155 MIKRO .......... 161 3.1.2. Ableitende Harnwege ........ 166 Nierenbecken ........ 166 MIKRO ......... 168 Harnleiter ........ 168 MIKRO ......... 169 Harnblase ........ 170 MIKRO ......... 172 Harnröhre........ 173 MIKRO ......... 174 3.2. Männliches Geschlechtssystem ...... 174 3.2.1. Hoden............ 174 MIKRO .......... 176 3.2.2. Ableitende Samenwege. ...... 179 MIKRO .......... 182 3.2.3. Akzessorische Geschlechtsdrüsen .... 184 MIKRO .......... 186 3.2.4. Harnsamenröhre und Penis ...... 187 MIKRO .......... 190 3.2.5. Funktionelle Zusammenfassung ..... 191 3.3. Weibliches Geschlechtssystem ...... 192 3.3.1. Gebärmutter ......... 192 MIKRO .......... 197 3.3.2. Eierstock und Eileiter. ....... 201 MIKRO .......... 203 3.3.3. Scheide ........... 208 MIKRO .......... 209 3.3.4. Äußeres weibliches Genitale ..... 210 3.3.5. Gebärmutter in der Schwangerschaft.... 212 MIKRO .......... 216 3.4. Beckenboden .......... 219 ATLAS III ............. 227 4. Kreislaufsystem............ 245 4.1. Blutkörperchen (MIKRO) ........ 245 4.1.1. Erythrozyten ......... 246 4.1.2. Leukozyten .......... 247 4.1.5. Thrombozyten........ 251 4.2. Organe der Blutbildung und Blutkontrolle .... 251 4.2.1. Knochenmark ........ 252 MIKRO .......... 252 4.2.2. Lymphatische Organe ....... 254 Lymphknoten ....... 255 MIKRO ......... 255 Milz .......... 257 MIKRO ......... 258 Thyrnus.......... 261 MIKRO ......... 261 4-3- Herz ............ 263 4.3.1. Morphologische Übersicht....... 265 4.3.2. Innenräume des rechten Herzens .... 266 4.3.3. Innenräume des linken Herzens ..... 269 4.3.4. Endokard, Myokard, Herzskelet..... 270 MIKRO .......... 271 4.3.4. Herzdynamik ......... 272 4.3.5. Erregungsleitungssystem ........ 273 MIKRO ........... 27; 4.3.6. Herzkranzgefäße ......... 275 4.3.7. Projektion des Herzens auf die vordere Brustwand (Röntgenbild, Perkussion, Auskultation).... 276 4.3.8. Herzbeutel ........... 280 4.4. Allgemeine Gefäßlehre ....... 281 4.4. i. Arterien .......... 282 MIKRO .......... 282 4.4.2.Venen ............ 283 4.4.3. Capillaren ......... 285 MIKRO .......... 28; 4.4.4. Vasa vasorum und Gefäßnerven ..... 286 4.4.5. Arteriovenöse Anastomosen ..... 286 4.5. Blutkreislauf........... 287 4.5.1. Verlauf der Gefäße ....... 288 4.5.2. Verzweigung, Kollateralen, Wundernetze ... 289 4.5.3. Arterien und Venen des kleinen Kreislaufs .. 290 4.5.4. Arterien des großen Kreislaufs ...... 290 Aorta ......... 290 Arteria carotis communis..... 292 Arteria carotis externa ....... 292 Arteria carotis interna ....... 296 Arteria subclavia ......... 299 Arteria axillaris ....... 301 Arteria brachialis......... 302 Unterarmarterien ........ 304 Hohlhandbögen ......... 306 Aorta thoracica ....... 306 Aorta abdominaüs ....... 307 Arteria iliaca communis ...... 212 Arteria iliaca interna ...... 312 Arteria iliaca externa...... 315 Arteria femoralis ......... 316 Arteria poplitea ....... 319 Arteria tibialis antenor....... 319 4-3-Herz ............ 4.3.1. Morphologische Übersicht....... 4.3.2. Innenräume des rechten Herzens .... 4.3.3. Innenräume des linken Herzens ..... 4.3.4. Endokard, Myokard, Herzskelet..... MIKRO .......... 4.3.4. Herzdynamik ......... 4.3.5. Erregungsleitungssystem ........ MIKRO ........... 4.3.6. Herzkranzgefäße ......... 4.3.7. Projektion des Herzens auf die vordere Brustwand (Röntgenbild, Perkussion, Auskultation).... 4.3.8. Herzbeutel ........... 4.4. Allgemeine Gefäßlehre ....... 4.4. i. Arterien .......... . MIKRO .......... 4.4.2.Venen ............ 4.4.3. Capillaren ......... MIKRO .......... 4.4.4. Vasa vasorum und Gefaßnerven ..... 4.4.5. Arteriovenöse Anastomosen ..... 4.5. Blutkreislauf........... 4.5. i. Verlauf der Gefäße ....... 4.5.2. Verzweigung, Kollateralen, Wundernetze ... 4.5.3. Arterien und Venen des kleinen Kreislaufs .. 4.5.4. Arterien des großen Kreislaufs ...... Aorta ......... Arteria carotis communis..... Arteria carotis externa ....... Arteria carotis interna ....... Arteria subclavia......... Arteria axillaris ....... Arteria brachialis........ Unterarmarterien ....... Hohlhandbögen ........ Aorta thoracica ......... Aorta abdominalis ...... Arteria iliaca communis ..... Arteria iliaca interna ........ Arteria iliaca externa........ Arteria femoralis ........ Arteria poplitea ......... Arteria tibialis anterior...... Arteria tibialis posterior...... 320 4 Venen des großen Kreislaufs ..... 323 Einzugsgebiet der oberen Hohlvene .... 323 Venae brachiocephalicae..... 323 Vena jugularis interna.... 325 Sinus durae matris ....... 326 Venen der oberen Extremität ... 328 Vena subclavia ...... 328 Tiefe Venen der oberen Extremität . 329 Oberflächliche Armvenen ... 329 Längsvenen des hinteren Mediastinum . 330 Einzugsgebiet der unteren Hohlvene ... 330 Äste der Cava inferior.... Pfortader ........ Beckenvenen ..... Venen der vorderen Bauchwand.... 333 Venen der unteren Extremität... 333 Tiefe Beinvenen ..... 333 Oberflächliche Beinvenen ... 333 4.6. System der Lymphbahnen ....... 334 4.6.1. Regionäre Lymphknoten des Kopfes und des Halses 336 4.6.2. Regionäre Lymphknoten der oberen Extremität und der Brustwand ........ 337 4.6.3. Regionäre Lymphknoten des Brustraumes .. 338 4.6.4. Regionäre Lymphknoten des Bauch- und Beckenraumes ........339 4.6.5. Regionäre Lymphknoten der unteren Extremität. .340 4.6.6. Zentrale Lymphstämme ...... 341 ATLAS IV ...........343 Abbildungsnachweis.......... Register ...........354
Дод.точки доступу:
Herrlinger, Robert
Graumann, Walther

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 4. Brain-Neuroanatomy / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2020. - xviii, 206 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Glossary: p. xv-xviii. - Further Reeding; p. 200. - Index: p. 203-206. - ISBN 978-93-85915-48-2 : 180.00 р.
Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Brain-Neuroanatomy. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edittions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 4. Мозок-Нейроанатомія

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years 'Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves 'Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams -A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume •Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 40 tables • 460 figures • 13 flowcharts • 360 pages Salient features of the four volumes • The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. • An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. • Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. • Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. • Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Widely accloaimed as a shand text in view of its simple language, comperhensive coverage and attroclive presentation,bd chaurosia,s human anatomy remonins on ideal and the most perterred textbook in india and abrood the sevnth edition of the book has been rewritten, thoroughly revised and updated, to make it shill more shudent-friendly. the seventh edition new features * newly drawn diagrms, redesigned on the basis of reader - teacher preceptions,in vivid coloursjmposing dimensoins,with clarity of depiction using fresh labelling * Enhanced and well illusstrated clinical al anatomy given alang with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility * to the during the clincal years* volumes presents respecfarced material on head and Neck * Volume 4 new highlights Bronand Neuroanatomy * a CD containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientotion of these topics and faqs with answers and diagt ifoyaroper preparation for the examinations,accompanij each volume * Many new chapters added to learning ariatomy with enhonced interest. Salient Features Of The Four Volumes prolusely illustrated to enhanc the cliical impartance of osteclogy steps of dissection cleartu delineated to enhance aspects, fresh figures on dissection have been redrawn to impart both theoretical as well as proclical knowledge to the students the attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles are shown in boxes, testing of a group of muscles is to the reoder to complete the variaus focets facels of hnatomy and development of various organs have been added fresh radiographs ultasound scons and ct scans have been added to initidte the reoders into the realm of radiology and imaging at the end of each section, appendix containing full courses of the sping nerves, cranial, cranial nevers, autonomic ganglic clinic at terns and tabtes on arteeries en arteries have been given clinic oanatamical problrms have been given to prepars for their fulure clinial years multiple choice questions (MCQs) have been reinfarcewd to fast the knwledge and skills acquired. Contents Preface to the Seventh Edition Preface to the First Edition (excerpts) Glossary vii viii xv 1. Introduction 3 Divisions of Nervous System 3 Cellular Architecture 3 Synapse 6 Neuroglial Cells 6 Reflex arc 7 Components of Central Nervous System 7 Parts of the Nervous System 9 Development of Brain 11 Neural Tube 11 Spinal Cord 11 Gross Study of Brain 16 Facts to Remember 18 Oinicoanatomical Problems 18 Frequently Asked Questions 19 Multiple Choice Questions 18 2. Menlnges of the Brain and Cerebrosplnal Fluid 19 The Meninges 19 Dissection 19 Dura Mater 19 Arachnoid Mater 19 Pia Mater 21 Cisterns 22 Clinical Anatomy 24 Cerebrospinal Fluid 24 Clinical Anatomy 25 Mnemonics 25Facts to Remember 26 Clinicoanatomical Problem 26 Frequently Asked Questions 26 Multiple Choice Questions 26 3. Spinal Cord Introduction 28 Dissection 28 Meningeal Coverings 28 Cauda Equina 29 External Features of Spinal Cord 30 Internal Structure 30 Clinical Anatomy 30 Spinal Nerves 32 Nuclei of Spinal Cord 32 Nuclei in Anterior Grey Column or Horn 32 Nuclei in Lateral Horn 33 Nuclei in Posterior Grey Column 34 Laminar Organisation in Spinal Cord 34 Sensory Receptors 35 Tracts of the Spinal Cord 35 Descending Tracts 35 Pyramidal or Corticospinal Tracts 35 Extrapyramidal Tracts 37 Ascending Tracts 37 Intersegmental Tracts 42 Clinical Anatomy 44 Facts to Remember 46 Clinicoanatomica1 Problems 46 Frequently Asked Questions 46 Multiple Choice Questions 47 4. Cranial Nerves Introduction 48 Embryology 48 Nuclei 49 General Somatic Efferent Nuclei 49 Special Visceral Efferents Nuclei 49 General Visceral Efferent Nuclei 50 General Visceral Afferent and Special Visceral Afferent Nuclei 57 General Somatic Afferent Nuclei 53 Special Somatic Afferent Nuclei 53 First Cranial Nerve 53 Olfactory (Smell) Pathways 53 Clinical Anatomy 55 Second Cranial Nerve 56 Optic Pathways 56 Reflexes 57 Clinical Anatomy 60 Third Cranial Nerve 6 1 Oculomotor Nerve 61 Functional Components 61 Nucleus 61 Course and Distribution 61 Clinical Anatomy 63 Fourth Cranial Nerve 63 Trochlear Nerve 63 Functional Components 63 Nucleus 63 Course and Distribution 64 Clinical Anatomy 65 Sixth Cranial Nerve 65 Abducent Nerve 65 Functional Components 65 Nucleus 65 Course and Distribution 65 Clinical Anatomy 65 Fifth Cranial Nerve 66 Trigeminal Nerve 66 Nuclear Columns 66 Sensory Components of V Nerve 66 Motor Components for Muscles 67 Trigeminal Nerve/Cranial Nerve V 67 Ophthalmic Nerve Division 68 Maxillary Nerve Division 68 Mandibular Nerve Division 69 Clinical Anatomy 69 Seventh Cranial Nerve 70 Facial Nerve 70 Functional Components 70 Nuclei 70 Course and Relations 70 Branches and Distribution 71 Ganglia 73 Clinical Anatomy 73 Eighth Cranial Nerve 74 Vestibulocochlear Nerve 74 Pathway of Hearing 74 Vestibular Pathway 77 Clinical Anatomy 77 Ninth Cranial Nerve 77 Glossopharyngeal Nerve 77 Functional Components 78 Nuclei 79 Course and Relations 79 Branches and Distribution 80 Clinical Anatomy 81 Tenth Cranial Nerve 81 Vagus Nerve 81 Functional Components ft 1 Nuclei 81 Course and Relations in Head and Neck 81 Branches in Head and Neck 82 Clinical Anatomy 83 Eleventh Cranial Nerve 84 Accessory Nerve 84 Functional Components 84 Nuclei 84 Course and Distribution of the Cranial Root 84 Course and Distribution of the Spinal Root 84 Clinical Anatomy 85 Twelfth Cranial Nerve 86 Hypoglossal Nerve 86 Functional Components 86 Nucleus 86 Course and Relations 86 Extracranial Course 86 Branches and Distribution 87 Clinical Anatomy 87 Mntmonlei w Facts to Remember 88 Clinicoanatomical Problem 88 Frequently Asked Questions 88 Multiple Choice Questions 89 5. Brain Stem 90 Introduction 90 Medulla Oblongata 90 External Features 90 Internal Structure 92 Transverse Section through Pyramidal Decussation 92 Transverse Section through Sensory Decussation 94 Transverse Section through Floor of Fourth Ventricle 95 Clinical Anatomy 96 Pons 96 External Features 96 Internal Structure of Pons 97 Tegmentum in the Lower Part of Pons 97 Tegmentum in the Upper Part of Pons 98 Clinical Anatomy 99 Midbrain 99 Subdivision 700 Internal Structure of Midbrain 100 Transverse Section of Midbrain at the Level of Inferior Colliculi 700 Transverse Section of Midbrain at the Level of Superior Colliculi 101 Medial Longitudinal Bundle 702 Clinical Anatomy 103 Mnemonics 703 Clinicoanatomical Problem 703 Frequently Asked Questions 704 Multiple Choice Questions 704 6. Cerebellum Location 705 External Features 705 Parts of Cerebellum 705 Morphological and Functional Divisions of Cerebellum 706 Connections of Cerebellum 709 Grey Matter of Cerebellum 709 Histological Structure 770 Functions of Cerebellum 712 Development 772 Clinical Anatomy 7 72 Summary 773 Facts to Remember 7 73 Clinicoanatomical Problem 7 73 Frequently Asked Questions 7 74 Multiple Choice Questions 7 74 7. Fourth Ventricle Lateral Boundaries Floor 7 75 Roof 716 Recesses of Fourth Ventricle Clinical Anatomy 718 Facts to Remember 718 Clinicoanatomical Problem 7 78 Frequently Asked Questions 779 Multiple Choice Questions 7 79 8. Cerebrum Introduction 720 Dissection 720 Cerebral Hemisphere 727 Lobes of Cerebral Hemisphere Insula 724 Sulci and Gyri on Superolateral Surface Functional or Cortical Areas of Cerebral Cortex 726 Motor Areas 127 Clinical Anatomy 730 Sensory Areas 730 Clinical Anatomy 737 Areas of Special Sensations 737 Clinical Anatomy 732 Functions of Cerebral Cortex 732 Clinical Anatomy 732 Human Speech 733 Diencephalon 734 Thalamus 734 Metathalamus 737 Clinical Anatomy 737 Epithalamus 738 Pineal Body 738 Hypothalamus 738 Functions of Hypothalamus 739 Clinical Anatomy 740 Subthalamus 740 Clinical Anatomy 740 Basal Nuclei 747 Dissection 747 Corpus Striatum 747 Connections of Corpus Striatum 742 Clinical Anatomy 743 White Matter of Cerebrum 744 Dissection 744 Association Fibres 744 Commissural Fibres 745 Corpus Callosum 745 Projection Fibres 745 Internal Capsule 746 Gross Anatomy 746 Fibres of Internal Capsule 746 Blood Supply 748 Clinical Anatomy 749 Development 749 Facts to Remember 749 Clinicoanatomical Problems 749 Frequently Asked Questions 750 Multiple Choice Questions 750 9. Third Ventricle, Lateral Ventricle and Limbic System 757 Third Ventricle 757 Dissection 757 Clinical Anatomy 752 Lateral Ventricle 752 Dissection 752 Central Part 753 Anterior Horn 754 Posterior Horn 755 Inferior Horn 755 Limbic System 756 Clinical Anatomy 759 Facts to Remember 760 Clinicoanatomicaf Problem 760 Frequently Asked Questions 760 Multiple Choice Questions 760 10. Some Neural Pathways and Reticular Formation Pyramidal Tract Pathway of Pain and Temperature Taste Pathway 763 Reticular Formation 764 Action of Drugs 765 Frequently Asked Questions 765 Multiple Choice Questions 766 11. Blood Supply of Spinal Cord and Brain 167 Blood Supply of Spinal Cord 167 clinical Anatomy 768 Arteries of Brain 768 Vertebral Arteries 768 Basilar Arteries 768 Internal Carotid Artery 170 Circulus Arteriosus or Circle of Willis 175 Arterial Supply of Different Areas Blood-Brain Barrier 174 Perivascular Spaces 775 Clinical Anatomy 776 Veins of the Cerebrum 7 76 778 Mnemonics 778 Clinicoanatomical Problems 778 Frequently Asked Questions 779 Multiple Choice Questions 779 12. Investigations of a Neurological Case, Surface and Radiological Anatomy and Evolution of Head 761 Investigations Required in a Neurological Case 780 Surface Anatomy 787 Radiological Anatomy of the Brain 782 Evolution of Head 782 Frequently Asked Questions 784 13. Autonomlc Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous System: Thoracolumbar Outflow 785 Parasympathetic Nervous System 788 Comparison of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems 797 Nerve Supply of the Viscera 789 Afferent Atonomic Fibres 792 Clinical Anatomy 793 Appendix 794 Summary of the Ventricles of the Brain 7 94 Nuclear Components of Cranial Nerves 795 Arteries of Brain 796 Clinical Terms 197 Multiple Choice Questions 799 Further Reading 200 Spots 207 index
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 2
Наук.Аб. (2)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (2)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical : As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018. Vol. 2. Lower Limb. Abdomen and Pelvis / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed., Reprint. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2021. - xxviii, 532 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography in chapters. - Index: p. 525-532. - ISBN 978-93-88902-74-8 : 200.00 грн.
Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from 1st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) Hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral APp. Wall chart on Veins of Human Body. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edittions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 2. Нижня кінцівка. Живіт і таз

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник




Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years • Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves •Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams «A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume 'Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 6 7 tables • 805 figures • 3 flowcharts • 536 pages Salient features of the four volumes The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PhD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1 -3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, GovVrriment Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana Fidely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features -Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years • Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves •Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams *A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume •Some new chapters added to lenc to learning anatomy with enhanced interest.I This volume has • 61 tables • 805 figures • 3 flowcharts'536 pages Salient features of the four volumes The eighth edition has been recast and designed according to the latest CBME Guidelines, featuring text and headings as outlined in Competency Based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the1 book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   Д 73

    Drake, Richard L..
    Gray`s Anatomy for students. Vol. 1 / R. L. Drake, A. W. Vogl, A. W. M. Mitchell ; ill. R. Tibbits and P. Richardson ; photographs A. Horn. - 4th ed. - Philadelphia : Elsevier, 2020 (Canada). - 672 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-0-323-39304-1 : 080.00 р.
Тільки на корінці: Vol. 1!
Переклад назви: Анатомія Грея для студентів. Т. 1 / Р. Дрейк та ін.

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Дод.точки доступу:
Vogl, A. Wayne
Mitchell, Adam W. M.
Gray, Henry (1827, Belgravia, London – 13 June 1861, Belgravia, London)
Tibbits, Richard \ill.\
Richardson, Paul \ill.\
Horn, Ansell \photographs.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   П 32

    B D Chaurasia's Handbook of Human Anatomy : As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. 2018 / late B D Chaurasia ; revised and edited K. Garg. - 6tp ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2020. - 372 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - На англ. мові. - Index of Competencies: p. vii-viii. - Additional Reading: p. 360-367. - Index: p. 369-372. - ISBN 978-81-94125-41-9 : 100.00 р.
Переклад назви: Підручник Б Д Чауразії з загальної анатомії / перероб. та відредагов. К. Гангом

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: This edition of the Handbook aims to meet the requirements of students of courses in medical and dental sciences, homeopathy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and alternative medicine, who are newly admitted to their respective professional colleges. It thoroughly introduces the reader to the basics of human anatomy and anatomic terminology along with various structures which constitute the human body. As teaching of general anatomy lays down the foundation of the subjects of medicine and surgery with their allied counterparts/the text has been written in a simple and comprehensive language. The sixth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI BoG syllabus featuring the text and headings following the Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018, prescribed by the Medical Council of India. All the chapters have been extensively illustrated by simple colour diagrams. Each chapter begins with a quotation giving a subtle meaning to the topic. A new chapter on basic genetics has been added to make the book more meaningful. Chapter on radiology has been expanded and revised by extensive addition of radiology-images. A new section on biomechonics has been added in the chapter on joints, giving another dimension to the learning of mechanism of the joints. Points to Remember given at the end of each chapter will help the student in quick revision of the topics. Self-evaluation of the learnt topics can be done by answering multiple choice questions put at the end of each chapter. The appendix on anatomical word meanings and historic names makes a rich source of information that is basic to the study of medicine. The size of the book has been deliberately kept small so that it fits into the student's apron-pocket. Krishna Garg MBBS, MS. PhD, FIMSA, FIAMS. FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Departmen of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical : As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. 2018. Vol. 4. Brain-Neuroanatomy / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2020. - xx, 220 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Index of competencies: p. xvi. - Glossary: p. xvii-xx. - ISBN 978-93-88902-75-5 : 180.00 р.
Volumes 3 & 4 sold together as one set. Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Brain-Neuroanatomy. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edittions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 4. Мозок-Нейроанатомія

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's-Kuman Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the has been thoroughly-revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features -Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years • Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves •Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams *A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and agrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume *Some new chapters added to lend flavour earning anatomy with enhanced interest. hhis volume has • 26 tables • 269 figures • 7 flowcharts • 222pages Salient features of the four volumes The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of studehts who need to read further on the topics of their interest. Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS. Pho, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical : As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. 2018. Vol. 3. Head and Neck / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2020. - xviii, 369 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography in chapters. - Index: p. 361-365. - Index of Competencies: p. 367-369. - ISBN 978-93-88902-75-5 : 180.00 р.
Volumes 3 & 4 sold together as one set. Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Nerves of Human Body. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edittions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 3. Голова та шия

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features "Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years • Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves 'Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams *A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume 'Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 40 tables • 460figures* 13 flowcharts • 360 pages Salient features of the four volumes The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PUD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1 -3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical : As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. 2018. Vol. 2. Lower Limb. Abdomen and Pelvis / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2020. - xxviii, 532 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography in chapters. - Index: p. 525-532. - ISBN 978-93-88902-74-8 : 200.00 грн.
Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from 1st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) Hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral APp. Wall chart on Veins of Human Body. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edittions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 2. Нижня кінцівка. Живіт і таз

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник




Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years • Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves •Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams «A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume 'Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 6 7 tables • 805 figures • 3 flowcharts • 536 pages Salient features of the four volumes The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PhD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1 -3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, GovVrriment Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 2
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)

   Д 73

    Drake, Richard L..
    Gray`s Anatomy for students. (Vol. -02). Thorax. Back. Head & Neck. Neuroanatomy / R. L. Drake, A. W. Vogl, A. W. M. Mitchell ; ill. R. Tibbits and Paul Richardson ; photographs A. Horn ; adapt. ed./South Asia Edition Ed.: R. Veeramani, S. J. Holla. - 2nd South Asia Ed.Restricted Ed. - New Delhi : Elsevier, 2020 (India). - XXVI, 716-1396, 1-1-1-12 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 1-1-1-12. - ISBN 978-0-323-39304-1 : 200.00 р.
Neuroanatomy added. For sale in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,and Sri Lanka only. Complimentary e-book with online resources at www.medenact.com
Переклад назви: Анатомія Грея для студентів. Т. II. Грудна клітка. Спина. Голова і шия. Нейроанатомія / Р. Дрейк та ін.


Анотація: Gray's Anatomy for Students is a clinically oriented, student-friendly textbook of human anatomy. It allows students to anatomy within the context of many different curricular designs, and within ever-increasing time constraints. The artwork in this textbook presents the reader with a visual image that brings the text to life and presents views that will assist in the understanding and comprehension of the anatomy. Salient Features • Each regional anatomy chapter consists of four consecutive sections: conceptual overview, regional anatomy, surface anatomy, and clinical cases. • The Second Soufh Asia Edition of this textbook has two volumes: Volume One—The Body, Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Abdomen, Pelvis and Perineum; and Volume Two—Thorax, Back, Head and Neck, and Neuroanatomy. • New content has been added on the basis of updates in the Fourth International Edition, including the addition of a new chapter on neuroanatomy. • The innovative features of the First South Asia Edition such as Set Inductions, Outlines, and Flowcharts have been improved. • Students are encouraged to use online resources available on MedEnact. • A unique feature of this edition is that each chapter contains line diagrams, abbreviated as LDs, along with questions and answers. These line diagrams are sketches which are easy to draw during an examination and can help students to acquire anatomical concepts and do well in assessment. The questions and answers facilitate learning. • Competencies have been added in all the chapters since the curriculum is becoming competency based
Дод.точки доступу:
Vogl, A. Wayne
Mitchell, Adam W. M.
Gray, Henry (1827, Belgravia, London – 13 June 1861, Belgravia, London)
Veeramani, Raveendranath \ред.\
Holla, Sunil Jonathan \ed.\
Tibbits, Richard \ill.\
Richardson, Paul \ill.\
Horn, Ansell \photographs.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 4. Brain-Neuroanatomy / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 7th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2017. - xvii, 206 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Glossary: p. xv-xviii. - Further Reeding; p. 200. - Index: p. 203-206. - ISBN 978-93-85915-48-2 : 180.00 р.
Volumes 3 & 4 sold together as one set. Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Brain-Neuroanatomy
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 4. Мозок-Нейроанатомія

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years 'Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves 'Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams -A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume •Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 40 tables • 460 figures • 13 flowcharts • 360 pages Salient features of the four volumes • The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. • An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. • Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. • Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. • Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PUD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1 -3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has,written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 3. Head and Neck / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 7th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2017. - xiv, 338 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding; p. 329. - Index: p. 333-338. - ISBN 978-93-85915-48-2 : 180.00 р.
Volumes 3 & 4 sold together as one set. Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Nerves of Human Body
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 3. Голова та шия

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years 'Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves 'Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams -A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume •Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 40 tables • 460 figures • 13 flowcharts • 360 pages Salient features of the four volumes • The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. • An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. • Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. • Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. • Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PUD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1 -3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has,written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 2. Lower Limb. Abdomen and Pelvis / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P.S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 7th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2017. - xxii, 498 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding: p. 197, 488. - Index: p. 491-498. - ISBN 978-93-85915-47-5 : 200.00 грн.
Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from 1st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) Hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral APp. Wall chart on Veins of Human Body
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 2. Нижня кінцівка. Живіт і таз

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник




Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: This popular textbook encompasses the essence of the latest syllabus prescribed by Medical Council of India. All figures have been redrawn to improve lucidity, and many hand-drawn illustrations have been added to help students reproduced the details in their exams. Many new topics and features have been added to make this better than any other textbook in the market. Well acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains the most preferred and an ideal textbook both in India and abroad. The sixth edition of the book has been rewritten, thoroughly revised and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. This edition now features • Freshly drawn diagrams in vivid colours with redesigned labelling and clarity of depiction • Illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility during the clinical years • A CD containing videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accompanies each volume * New chapters add flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. Salient features of the three volumes Profusely illustrated to enhance the clinical importance of osteology Steps of dissection clearly delineated to enhance practical aspects; figures on dissection have been redrawn to impart both theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the students The attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles are shown in boxes. Testing of a group of muscles is shown with the help of diagrams The text is supplemented with a number of easily reproducible colour diagrams providing a photogenic memory to the reader To complete the various facets of anatomy, histology and development of various organs have been added. Some radiographs, ultrasound scans and CT scans have been added to initiate the readers into the realm of radiology and imaging At the end of each section, appendix containing full courses of the spinal nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic ganglia, clinical terms and tables on arteries have been given Clinicoanatomical problems have been given to prepare the readers for their future clinical years Multiple choice questions (MCQs) have been reinforced to test the knowledge and skills acquired. Krishna Garg. MBBS MS PhD PAWS, chief editor or mis DooK.T^JPWWSSSBFWft Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She is visiting faculty for DNB. She is author of Companion Pocket Books (1 -3 Volumes) and Anatomy for Dental Students; coauthor of Textbook of Histology, Textbook of Neuroanatomy, and Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses and Allied Health Sciences; and editor of Human Embryology and Handbook of General Anatomy (all the titles published by CBS P&D). In the preparation of the material for this volume, she was ably assisted by the two editors, Dr PS Mittal and Dr Mrudula Chandrupatla.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 1. Upper Limb. Thorax / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 7th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2017. - xvi, 328 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding in chapter. - Index: p. 323-328. - ISBN 978-93-85915-46-8 : 180.00 р.
Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from 1st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) Hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall Chart on Arterial Tree of Human Body
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 1. Верхня кінцівка. Грудна клітина

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Human Anatomy Upper Limb Thorax is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Medicine. The book comprises of chapters on bones of upper limb, pectoral region, scapular region, forearm and hand, joints of upper limb, wall of thorax, thoracic cavity and the pleura, pericardium, and the heart. In addition, the book consists of several detailed diagrams and illustrations for the students to understand the concepts better. This book is essential for medical students preparing for various postgraduate medical entrance examinations Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 3. Head and Neck / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2021. - xvii, 369 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding in chapter. - Index: p. 361-369. - ISBN 978-93-88902-75-5 : 200.00 грн.
As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. 2018. Volumes 3 & 4 sold together as one set. Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Nerves of Human Body. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edifions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 3. Голова та шия

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years 'Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves 'Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams -A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume •Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. I This volume has • 40 tables • 460 figures • 13 flowcharts • 360 pages Salient features of the four volumes • The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. • An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. • Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. • Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. • Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PUD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1 -3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has,written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 2
Наук.Аб. (2)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (2)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 3. Head-Neck. Brain / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. PS Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 6th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2015. - xviii, 493 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding: p. 479. - Index: p. 485-493. - ISBN 978-81-239-2332-1 : 180.00 грн.
Wall chart on Nerves of Human Body. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Free Access to Internet site for Animation of Brain, Videos and Images on Human Anatomy
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 3. Голова-шия. Мозок

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник




Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: WeII acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains the most preferred and an ideal textbook both in India and abroad. The sixth edition of the book has been rewritten, thoroughly revised and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. This edition now features • Freshly drawn diagrams in vivid colours with redesigned labelling and clarity of depiction • Illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility during the clinical years • A CD containing videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accompanies each volume • New chapters add flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. Salient features of the three volumes Profusely illustrated to enhance the clinical importance of osteology Steps of dissection clearly delineated to enhance practical aspects; figures on dissection have been redrawn to impart both theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the students The attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles are shown in boxes. Testing of a group of muscles is shown with the help of diagrams The text is supplemented with a number of easily reproducible colour diagrams providing a photogenic memory to the reader To complete the various facets of anatomy, histology and development of various organs have been added. Some radiographs, ultrasound scans and CT scans have been added to initiate the readers into the realm of radiology and imaging At the end of each section, appendix containing full courses of the spinal nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic ganglia, clinical terms and tables on arteries have been given Clinicoanatomical problems have been given to prepare the readers for their future clinical years Multiple choice questions (MCQs) have been reinforced to test the knowledge and skills acquired. MBBS MS PhD FAMS, cniet ddllOf 01 IMS UUOTTlS^X-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge lical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists and the International lical Science Academy. She was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with [cellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She is visiting faculty for DNB. e is author of Companion Pocket Books (1 -3 Volumes) and Anatomy for Dental Students; coauthor of Textbook of Histology, :tbook of Neuroanatomy, and Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses and Allied Health Sciences; and editor of Human 'bryology and Handbook of General Anatomy (a\\ the titles published by CBS P&D). In the preparation of the material for this volume, she was ably assisted by the two editors, Dr PS Mittal and Dr Mrudula Chandrupatla.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 1. Upper Limb. Thorax / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P S Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 6th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2015. - xv, 311 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding - in book. - Index: p. 307-311. - ISBN 978-81-239-2330-7 : 180.00 грн.
At Inside Front Cover Stratch Code. For Viewing Free Videos and Images on Human Anatomy on the Internet Site
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 1. Верхня кінцівка. Грудна клітина

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Human Anatomy Upper Limb Thorax is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Medicine. The book comprises of chapters on bones of upper limb, pectoral region, scapular region, forearm and hand, joints of upper limb, wall of thorax, thoracic cavity and the pleura, pericardium, and the heart. In addition, the book consists of several detailed diagrams and illustrations for the students to understand the concepts better. This book is essential for medical students preparing for various postgraduate medical entrance examinations Well acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains the most preferred and an ideal textbook both in India and abroad. The sixth edition of the book has been rewritten, thoroughly revised and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. This edition now features • Freshly drawn diagrams in vivid colours with redesigned labelling and clarity of depiction • Illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility during the clinical years • A CD containing videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accompanies each volume • New chapters add flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. Salient features of the three volumes Profusely illustrated to enhance the clinical importance of osteology Steps of dissection clearly delineated to enhance practical aspects; figures on dissection have been redrawn to impart both theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the students The attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles are shown in boxes. Testing of a group of muscles is shown with the help of diagrams The text is supplemented with a number of easily reproducible colour diagrams providing a photogenic memory to the reader To complete the various facets of anatomy, histology and development of various organs have been added. Some radiographs, ultrasound scans and CT scans have been added to initiate the readers into the realm of radiology and imaging At the end of each section, appendix containing full courses of the spinal nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic ganglia, clinical terms and tables on arteries have been given Clinicoanatomical problems have been given to prepare the readers for their future clinical years Multiple choice questions (MCQs) have been reinforced to test the knowledge and skills acquired. J MBBS MS PhD RAMS, chief editor of this book, is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardingei Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy tilr 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She is visiting faculty for DNB. She is author of Companion Pocket Books (1 -3 Volumes) and Anatomy for Dental Students; coauthor of Textbook of Histology, Textbook of Neuroanatomy, and Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses and Allied Health Sciences; and editor of Human Embryology and Handbook of General Anatomy (att the titles published by CBS P&D). In the preparation of the material for this volume, she was ably assisted by the two editors, Dr PS Mittal and Dr Mrudula.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 1. Upper Limb. Thorax / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. P. S. Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 8th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2021. - xxi, 354 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding in chapter. - Index: p. 349-354. - ISBN 978-93-88902-73-1 : 200.00 грн.
As per Medical Council of India: Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate. 2018. Available Free on CBSiCentral App. Original Images from st Edition of BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia. Videos on Osteology and Soft Parts. Freguently Asked Guestions & Answers. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Accessing CBSiCentral App. Wall chart on Arterial Tree of Human Body. Some easily reproducible popular hand-drawn diagrams from previous edifions have been coloured and given at appropriate locations in the text
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 1. Верхня кінцівка. Грудна клітина

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: Dr. B. D. Chaurasia is an Indian academic author and educationist. He has authored several books including Handbook Of General Anatomy and Human Anatomy For Dental Students: Regional And Applied Anatomy, Clinical Applications, Dissection Human Anatomy Upper Limb Thorax is a comprehensive book for undergraduate students of Medicine. The book comprises of chapters on bones of upper limb, pectoral region, scapular region, forearm and hand, joints of upper limb, wall of thorax, thoracic cavity and the pleura, pericardium, and the heart. In addition, the book consists of several detailed diagrams and illustrations for the students to understand the concepts better. This book is essential for medical students preparing for various postgraduate medical entrance examinations Widely acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains an ideal and the most preferred textbook in India and abroad. This edition of the book has been thoroughly revised, enlarged and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. The eighth edition now features 'Some newly drawn colour diagrams from the first edition matching with the latest diagrams •Enhanced and well illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility to the student during the clinical years • Volume 3 presents reinforced material on Head and Neck including a brief description of cranial nerves Volume 4 now highlights Brain and Neuroanatomy with MRI matching the diagrams *A CBSiCentral App containing respective videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with answers and diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accessible for each volume 'Some new chapters added to lend flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. This volume has • 50 tables • 504 figures • 6 flowcharts • 354 pages Salient features of the four volumes The eighth edition has been designed as per the latest MCI syllabus featuring the text and headings following the "Competency based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, 2018", prescribed by Medical Council of India. An attempt has been made to introduce "molecular regulation of development" of some organs in the book which will help in better understanding of the interesting aspect of embryology. Some select references have been given at the end of the chapters to enhance the horizon of students who need to read further on the topics of their interest. Actual dissection photographs have also been added to make the subject more visual and interesting. Many viva voce questions have been added which would definitely be of immense value to the readers. These questions would also help the students in their PG entrance examinations and in the interviews for getting the appropriate jobs. Chief Editor Krishna Garg MBBS, MS, PUD, FIMSA, FIAMS, FAMS, FASI is ex-Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists, and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She has received Life Time Achievement Award, Fellowship of Anatomical Society of India, and DMA Distinguished Services Award, in 2015. She is visiting faculty of DNB, MDS and a PhD examiner. She is author of Companion Pocketbook—BDC Human Anatomy (Vols 1-3) and BDC Human Anatomy for Dental Students 3/e; coauthor of Textbook of Histology 5/e, Textbook of Neuroanatomy 6/e, Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Sciences, Practical Anatomy Workbook, Practical Histology Workbook and Practical Anatomy Workbook for Dental Students; and editor of Human Embryology 2/e and Handbook of General Anatomy 6/e. Another book she has written is Anatomy and Physiology for Diploma in Pharmacy Students. Editors PS Mittal MBBS, MS is Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. Mrudula Chandrupatla MBBS, MD is Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 2
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    B D Chaurasia`s Human Anatomy: Regional and Applied. Dissection and Clinical. Vol. 2. Lower Limb. Abdomen and Pelvis / chief ed. K. Garg ; ed. PS Mittal, M. Chandrupatla. - 6th ed. - New Delhi ; Bengaluru ; Chennai etc. : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2015. - xxii, 463 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Further Reeding: p. 452. - Index: p. 457-463. - ISBN 978-81-239-2331-4 : 200.00 грн.
Wall chart on Veins of Human Body. Stratch Code on Inside Front Cover for Viewing Free Videos and Images on Human Anatomy on the Internet Site
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини Б Д Чауразії: Регіональна та прикладна. Анатомування та клініка. Т. 2. Нижня кінцівка. Живіт і таз

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник




Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: This popular textbook encompasses the essence of the latest syllabus prescribed by Medical Council of India. All figures have been redrawn to improve lucidity, and many hand-drawn illustrations have been added to help students reproduced the details in their exams. Many new topics and features have been added to make this better than any other textbook in the market. Well acclaimed as a standard text in view of its simple language, comprehensive coverage and attractive presentation, BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy remains the most preferred and an ideal textbook both in India and abroad. The sixth edition of the book has been rewritten, thoroughly revised and updated, to make it still more student-friendly. This edition now features • Freshly drawn diagrams in vivid colours with redesigned labelling and clarity of depiction • Illustrated clinical anatomy given along with each concerned topic to increase the book's utility during the clinical years • A CD containing videos on osteology and soft parts for better orientation of these topics and FAQs with diagrams for proper preparation for the examinations, accompanies each volume * New chapters add flavour to learning anatomy with enhanced interest. Salient features of the three volumes Profusely illustrated to enhance the clinical importance of osteology Steps of dissection clearly delineated to enhance practical aspects; figures on dissection have been redrawn to impart both theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the students The attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles are shown in boxes. Testing of a group of muscles is shown with the help of diagrams The text is supplemented with a number of easily reproducible colour diagrams providing a photogenic memory to the reader To complete the various facets of anatomy, histology and development of various organs have been added. Some radiographs, ultrasound scans and CT scans have been added to initiate the readers into the realm of radiology and imaging At the end of each section, appendix containing full courses of the spinal nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic ganglia, clinical terms and tables on arteries have been given Clinicoanatomical problems have been given to prepare the readers for their future clinical years Multiple choice questions (MCQs) have been reinforced to test the knowledge and skills acquired. Krishna Garg. MBBS MS PhD PAWS, chief editor or mis DooK.T^JPWWSSSBFWft Head, Department of Anatomy, Lady Hardinge Medical College (LHMC), New Delhi. She joined LHMC in 1964 where she completed her MS and PhD, and taught anatomy till 1996. She has received fellowships of the Indian Medical Association, Academy of Medical Specialists and the International Medical Science Academy. She was elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS) in 2005. She was honoured with Excellence Award in Anatomy in 2004 by Delhi Medical Association. She is visiting faculty for DNB. She is author of Companion Pocket Books (1 -3 Volumes) and Anatomy for Dental Students; coauthor of Textbook of Histology, Textbook of Neuroanatomy, and Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses and Allied Health Sciences; and editor of Human Embryology and Handbook of General Anatomy (all the titles published by CBS P&D). In the preparation of the material for this volume, she was ably assisted by the two editors, Dr PS Mittal and Dr Mrudula Chandrupatla.
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaurasia, B D (Dr ; 1937-1985)
Garg, Krishna \ed.\
Mittal, Pragati Sheel \ed.\
Chandrupatla, Mrudula \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   А 64

    Human Anatomy. In 3 Vol. : [textbook for the students of medical schools of IV accreditation level]. Vol. 3 / еd. by V. H. Koveshnikov ; V. H. Koveshnikov, I. I. Bobryk, M. A. VoloshynA. S. Holovatskyi et al. - 2nd ed., corr. and suppl. - Lviv : Magnolia 2006, 2021. - 355 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - На англ. мові. - English index : p. 325-334. - Latin index: p. 335-344. - ISBN 978-617-574-202-0 : 500.00 грн.
Нервова, серцево-судинна і лімфатична система, органи чуття
Переклад назви: Анатомія людини : в 3-х т.: підручник. Т. 3 / за ред. В. Г. Ковешнікова

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: CONTENT PREFACE ................................5 SHORTENINGS KEY..........................6 NERVOUS SYSTEM ..................7 INTRODUCTION............................7 Practice questions ........................... 10 EVOLUTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM .............. 11 1. Nervous system in invertebrates ....................11 2. Nervous system in chordates ....................... 12 3. Features of the human brain ..................... 14 DEVELOPMENT OF CNS IN HUMANS ................. 14 Practice questions ........................... 18 THE SPINAL CORD .......................... 19 EXTERNAL FEATURES .........................19 INTERNAL FEATURES OF SPINAL CORD .................22 THE GREY MATTER ..........................22 THE WHITE MATTER ..........................26 Practice questions ...........................28 THE BRAIN, ENCEPHALON ...................... 30 OVERVIEW OF THE INFERIOR SURFACE OF BRAIN ..........30 OVERVIEW OF THE MEDIAL SURFACE OF BRAIN ..........33 THE RHOMBENCEPHALON ........................35 THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA ..................... 35 THE METENCEPHALON .........................39 THEPONS ...............................39 THE CEREBELLUM ..........................41 THE RHOMBOID FOSSA ........................44 THE FOURTH VENTRICLE .......................48 THE MIDBRAIN .............................49 THE AQUEDUCT OF MIDBRAIN (CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT) .......49 THE CEREBRAL PEDUNCLES .....................49 THEDIENCEPHALON ..........................52 THETHALAMUS ..........................52 THE DORSAL THALAMUS........................ 52 THE VENTRAL THALAMUS ..................... 53 THE METATHALAMUS ........................53 THE EPITHALAMUS ..........................54 THE HYPOTHALAMUS ........................ 54 THE THIRD VENTRICLE ........................56 THETELENCEPHALON ..........................57 THE CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES ......................57 THE RHINENCEPHALON .......................63 THE CORPUS CALLOSUM .........................63 THE ANTERIOR COMMISSURE ....................64 THE FORNIX .............................65 THE SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM .......................66 THE GREY MATTER OF CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES ...........66 I. The cerebral cortex ..........................66 II. The basal nuclei ...........................67 THE WHITE MATTER OF CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES ...........69 THE INTERNAL CAPSULE ......................... 70 THE LATERAL VENTRICLES .......................71 FUNCTIONAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX .......72 THE SENSORY ZONES OF CERBRAL CORTEX ..............73 THE PRIMARY SENSORY CENTERS ..................73 ASSOCIATION SENSORY AREAS ..................... 74 THE EFFERENT (MOTOR) AREAS ...........:.........74 SPEECH CENTERS ...........................75 ASSOCIATION OF THE SENSORY AND THE MOTOR AREAS ......76 FUNCTIONAL ASYMMETRY OF THE HEMISPHERES ...........76 THE LIMBIC SYSTEM ......................... 77 THE NEURAL PATHWAYS ......................... 77 THE AFFERENT PATHWAYS ........................ 77 1. The proprioceptive pathways to the cerebral cortex ............ 78 2. The proprioceptive pathways to the cerebellum ...............78 3. The exteroceptive pathways ...................... 79 THE EFFERENT PATHWAYS ........................81 1. The pyramidal system ..........................81 2. The extrapyramidal system .......................83 THE MENINGES .............................84 THE DURA MATER .........................84 THE ARACHNOID MATER .......................86 THE SUBARACHNOID CISTERNS ..................86 THE GRANULATIONS .........................86 THE PIA MATER ............................87 CIRCULATION OF THE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID .............87 Practice questions ...........................87 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ................. 90 GENERAL DATA ............................. 90 STRUCTURE OF THE NERVE .....................90 THE GANGLIA ...........................91 THE CRANIAL NERVES ........................ 91 THE OLFACTORY NERVE ......................92 THE OPTIC NERVE .........................93 THE OCULOMOTOR NERVE ......................93 THE TROCHLEAR NERVE ........................94 THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE .......................94 1. The ophthalmic nerve ..........................96 2. The maxillary nerve ..........................98 3. The mandibular nerve ..........................99 RESPONSIBILITY AREAS OF THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE .........99 THE ABDUCENT NERVE ........................102 THE FACIAL NERVE ........................102 THE VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE ................105 THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE .................. 107 THE VAGUS NERVE .........................108 THE CRANIAL PART ..........................110 THE CERVICAL PART ........................110 THE THORACIC PART OF THE VAGUS NERVE ............ 111 THE ABDOMINAL PART ......................113 THE ACCESSORY NERVE .......................114 THE HYPO GLOSSAL NERVE ....................114 Practice questions ............................115 THE SPINAL NERVES ........................ 117 FORMATION OF THE SPINAL NERVE .................117 TYPICAL DIVISIONS OF THE SPINAL NERVE ............117 THE POSTERIOR RAMI OF THE SPINAL NERVES ........... 118 THE ANTERIOR RAMI OF THE SPINAL NERVES ............. 118 THE CERVICAL PLEXUS ....................... 118 THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS ......................... 119 THE ULNAR NERVE ........................123 THE RADIAL NERVE .......................... 125 THE ANTERIOR RAMI OF THORACIC NERVES .............. 126 THE LUMBAR PLEXUS .......................... 128 THE SACRAL PLEXUS ......................... 130 THE SCIATIC NERVE .........................133 THE TIBIAL NERVE .........................133 THE COMMON FIBULAR NERVE .................... 135 Practice questions ............................135AUTONOMIC DIVISION, AUTONOMIC PART OF PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ................. 138 THE REGULATORY CENTERS OF THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM ..........................139 THE SYMPATHETIC PART, PARS SYMPATHICA ..............142 THE SYMPATHETIC TRUNK ....................142 THE AUTONOMIC PLEXUSES .................... 147 THE PARASYMPATHETIC PART .................... 148 Practice questions ............................150 THE SENSE ORGANS, ORGANA SENSUUM ......152 THE EYE AND RELATED STRUCTURES .................. 153 THE EYEBALL ...........................153 THE FIBROUS LAYER OF EYEBALL .................154 THE VASCULAR LAYER OF EYEBALL ..................154 THE INNER LAYER OF EYEBALL ..................155 THE INTERNAL MEDIA OF EYEBALL ..................156 THE CHAMBERS OF EYEBALL ....................156 THE ACCESSORY VISUAL STRUCTURES ...............158 THE EXTRA-OCULAR MUSCLES ..................158 THE FASCIAE OF ORBIT ......................159 THE CONJUNCTIVA ..........................160 THE LACRIMAL APPARATUS .....................161 THE PATHWAYS OF THE VISUAL ANALYZER ............. 163 EVOLUTION OF VISUAL ORGANS ...................164 DEVELOPMENT OF EYES IN HUMANS ................ 165 THE EAR ................................ 166 THE EXTERNAL EAR .......................... 166 THE MIDDLE EAR ......................... 167 THE TYMPANIC MEMBRANE .....................167 THE TYMPANIC CAVITY .......................168 THE AUDITORY OSSICLES .....................170 THE JOINTS AND LIGAMENTS OF THE AUDITORY OSSICLES ......170 THE MUSCLES OF AUDITORY OSSICLES ............... 171 THE AUDITORY TUBE .........................171 THE INTERNAL EAR ..........................171 THE BONY LABYRINTH ......................171 THE MEMBRANOUS LABYRINTH ..................174 THE RECEPTOR AREAS .......................175 THE PATHWAYS OF AUDITORY ANALYZER ..............176 EVOLUTION OF VESTIBULAR AND AUDITORY ORGANS ......178 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR ORGAN IN HUMANS .............................. 178 THE OLFACTORY ORGAN ...................... 179 THE GUSTATORY ORGAN ...................... 180 THE INTEGUMENT ..........................182 THE BREAST (MAMMARY GLAND)................... 183 Practice questions ............................183 THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM ............185 THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ....................... 185 THE ARTERIES ............................187 MICROCIRCULATION .......................189 THE VEINS ..............................190 Practice questions ............................191 THE HEART, COR ........................ 193 THE CARDIAC CHAMBERS ....................... 195 WALL STRUCTURE OF HEART ....................201 THE CONDUCTING SYSTEM OF HEART ................203 THE PERICARDIUM .........................205 TOPOGRAPHY OF HEART ......................206 THE CORONARY ARTERIES ......................206 THE CARDIAC VEINS .........................209 INNERVATION OF THE HEART ....................210DEVELOPMENT OF HEART IN HUMANS ...............211 DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES OF HEART ...............213 DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD VESSELS ...................215 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARTERIES ...................216 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VEINS ....................217 ANOMALIES OF BLOOD VESSELS ....................218 FETAL CIRCULATION ........................219 THE VESSELS OF PULMONARY CIRCULATORY ROUTE ........ 222 THE PULMONARY TRUNK ........................222 THE PULMONARY VEINS .......................223 Practice questions ............................223 THE VESSELS OF SYSTEMIC CIRCULATORY ROUTE ........226 THE AORTA, AORTA ...........................226 THE BRANCHES OF AORTIC ARCH ...................226 THE COMMON CAROTID ARTERY .................228 THE EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY ...................228 THE INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY ...................232 THE SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY ......................235 BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE BRAIN .....................240 THE AXILLARY ARTERY ......................241 THE BRACHIAL ARTERY ......................242 THE RADIAL ARTERY ........................243 THE ULNAR ARTERY .........................246 THE THORACIC AORTA .......................247 THE ABDOMINAL AORTA ......................248 THE UNPAIRED VISCERAL BRANCHES .................249 THE COELIAC TRUNK .........................249 THE SUPERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY ...............251 THE INFERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY ................253 THE PAIRED VISCERAL BRANCHES OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTA ...254 THE PARIETAL BRANCHES OF ABDOMINAL AORTA .........254THE COMMON ILIAC ARTERY ....................255 THE INTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY ...................255 THE EXTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY .....................258 THE FEMORAL ARTERY .......................258 THE POPLITEAL ARTERY .......................260 THE ANTERIOR TIBIAE ARTERY ...................260 THE DORSAL ARTERY OF FOOT ...................262 THE POSTERIOR TIBIAL ARTERY ....................262 THE PLANTAR ARTERIES .......................263 THE VEINS OF SYSTEMIC CIRCULATORY ROUTE ......... 265 THE SUPERIOR VENA CAVA ......................265 THE BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEIN .....................265 THE INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN ...................267 THE INTRACRANIAL TRIBUTARIES OF THE INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN ...........................267 THE EXTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN ...................271 THE ANTERIOR JUGULAR VEIN ...................271 THE SUBCLAVIAN VEIN .......................271 THE AXILLARY VEIN ..........................272 THE VEINS OF UPPER LIMBS ......................272 THE AZYGOS VEIN ...........................273 THE HEMI-AZYGOS VEIN .......................275 THE INFERIOR VENA CAVA ......................275 THE COMMON ILIAC VEIN ......................277 THE INTERNAL ILIAC VEIN .....................277 THE VENOUS PLEXUSES AND VISCERAL TRIBUTARIES OF THE LESSER PELVIS .........................278 THE EXTERNAL ILIAC VEIN .....................278 THE HEPATIC PORTAL VEIN .......................279 THE INTRINSIC VASCULATURE OF LIVER ...............281 THE VEINS OF LOWER LIMB .......................281 THE CAVA-CAVAL ANASTOMOSES .................282THE PORTOCAVAL ANASTOMOSES ..................283 EVOLUTION OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEM .................283 Practice questions ............................287 THE LYMPHOID SYSTEM ...............290 THE LYMPHATIC PATHWAYS ......................291 THE REGIONAL LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS ............298 THE LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS OF HEAD AND NECK .......298 THE LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS OF THE UPPER LIMB ........300 THE LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS OF THE LOWER LIMB .......301 THE PELVIC LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS ..............303 THE ABDOMINAL LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS ...........305 THE THORACIC LYMPH NODES AND VESSELS ............308 THE LYMPH NODES OF BREAST ...................311 THE LYMPHOID ORGANS ......................311 THE PRIMARY LYMPHOID ORGANS ................312 THE RED BONE MARROW .......................312 THE THYMUS ...........................312 THE SECONDARY LYMPHOID ORGANS ................314 THE LYMPH NODES ........................314 THE SPLEEN .............................316 THE LYMPHOID STRUCTURES OF THE ALIMENTARY, RESPIRATORY AND GENITOURINARY SYSTEMS ...........320 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF LYMPHOID SYSTEM ..........322 Practice questions ............................323 ENGLISH INDEX ............................325 LATIN INDEX ............................335
Дод.точки доступу:
Koveshnikov, Volodymyr Heorhiiovych (7 листопада 1931, Борисоглібськ Воронезька обл. - 17 травня 2015)
Ковешніков Володимир Георгійович
Bobryk, I. I.
Бобрик Іван Іванович
Holovatskyi, A. S.
Головацький Андрій Степанович
Illiin, I. I.
Ільїн Ігор Іванович
Kiriakulov, H. S.
Кірьякулов Георгій Степанович
Kozlov, V. O.
Козлов Володимир Олексіцович
Kostylenko, Yu. P.
Костиленко Юрій Петрович
Luzin, V. I.
Лузін Владислав Ігоревич
Lupyr, V. M.
Лупир Віктор Михайлович
Pykaliuk, V. S.
Пикалюк Василь Степанович
Romensky, O. Yu.
Роменський Олег Юрійович
Sikora, V. Z.
Сікора Віталій Зіновійович
Voloshyn, M. A.
Волошин Микола Анатолійович
Fedoniuk, Ya. I.
Федонюк Ярослав Іванович
Shutka, B. V.
Шутка Богдан Васильович
Koveshnikov, Volodymyr Heorhiiovych (1931-2015) \ред.\

Примірників всього: 74
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (69)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (69)