
    Operative dentistry. Endodontics. In 2 vol. : [textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education establishments]. Vol. 1 / ed. A. V. Borysenko ; M. Yu. Antonenko, L. F. Sidelnikova, O. F. Nesyn et al. - 2nd ed. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2020. - 383 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Ref.: с. 379-380. - ISBN 978-617-505-788-9 : 250.00 р.
Переклад назви: Оперативна стоматологія. Ендодонтія. В 2-х т. Т. 1: підручник / за ред. А. В. Борисенка



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
стоматологія(англ) -- підручники англійською
Анотація: The textbook covers the history of dentistry, considers the anatomical and histological structure of the teeth and oral mucosa, describes the restorative materials for caries cavities restoration and root canals obturation, methods of caries cavity preparation and restoration, and root canals obturation. The textbook outlines basic examination methods of patients with hard dental tissue lesions: den¬tal caries and its complications; the basic data of the most common human disease — dental caries, its main etiologic and development factors. The dental caries clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of caries with other similar diseases are described. The methods of dental caries treatment with the use of modern medicamental preparations and restorative materials are described. The causes and mechanisms of dental pulp inflammation — pulpitis, its clinical features, the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment using modern methods of anesthesia are described. The etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features of periodontal ligament inflammation — apical perio¬dontitis are described. The basic methods of its treatment are presented. Considerable attention is paid to typical dentist errors that happen during treatment of dental caries, pulpitis and apical periodontitis, their causes, methods of prevention and elimination are described. The textbook is aimed at English-speaking students of stomatologic faculties of higher medical education establishments. Зміст книги Operative Dentistry. Endodontics: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: textbook / M.Yu. Antonenko, L.F. Sidelnikova, O.F. Nesyn et al. — 2nd edition ABBREVIATIONS CHAPTER 1. HISTORY OF DENTISTRY THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST THE CLASSICAL WORLD THE MIDDLE AGES THE LATE MIDDLE AGES THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THE DENTISTRY IN UKRAINE CHAPTER 2. DENTAL ANATOMY The incisors The canines The premolars The molars CHAPTER 3. HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURES OF THE TEETH CHAPTER 4. DENTAL OFFICE, INSTRUMENTATION AND EQUIPMENT DENTAL OFFICE POWERED CUTTING EQUIPMENT Instruments and Equipment for Tooth Preparation CHAPTER 5. DENTAL RESTORATIVE MATERIALS Material properties (requirements) DENTAL CEMENTS Phosphate-based cements Silicophosphate cements Glass-ionomer cements DENTAL AMALGAMS COMPOSITES Basic concepts of adhesion Manipulation CHAPTER 6. DENTAL PATIENTS EXAMINATION EXAMINATION Chief Complaint Medical History Dental History EXTRAORAL EXAMINATION INTRAORAL EXAMINATION Examination of the Oral Cavity Pulp Tests Percussion Soft Tissue Examination Palpation RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION DIAGNOSTIC METHODS BASED ON LIGHT METHODS BASED ON ELECTRICAL CURRENT LABORATORY METHODS CHAPTER 7. NON-CARIOUS LESIONS I. THE LESIONS OF THE TEETH, WHICH APPEAR BEFORE ERUPTION OF THE TEETH ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA ENAMEL PEARL (HYPERPLASIA) DENTAL FLUOROSIS (MOTTLED ENAMEL) II. THE LESIONS OF THE TEETH, WHICH APPEAR AFTER TEETH ERUPTION NON-CARIOUS DESTRUCTIVE POCESSES INVOLVEDIN TOOTH WEAR: ABRASION, ATTRITION, ABFRACTION, EROSION Common causes of non-carious lesions due to tooth surface loss Nomenclature and classification of erosion Multifactorial etiology of tooth wear CERVICAL (WEAR) LESIONS Management Preventive Methods Restoration of Teeth DENTINAL SENSITIVITY RADIATION EFFECTS ON THE TEETH TETRACYCLINE STAINING OF TEETH EXTRINSIC STAINING OF TEETH CHAPTER 8. DENTAL CARIES THEORIES OF THE DENTAL CARIES Current concept of caries development Microbial ecologic niche, Nonspecific plaque hypothesis of caries Nonspecific plaque hypothesis of caries CLASSIFICATION OF CARIES Classification Based on Severity and Rate of Caries Progression CLINICAL FEATURE OF CARIES MEDICAL TREATMENT OF DENTAL CARIES Backgrounds of remineralization therapy OPERATIVE CARIES TREATMENT (RESTORATION) Tooth preparation Restoration with composite Compomers CHAPTER 9. PULPITIS ETIOLOGY PATHOGENESIS OF PULPITIS Pulpal pathology CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION OF PULPAL AND PERIAPICAL DISEASE CLINICAL FEATURES PULPITIS TREATMENT Conservative (biological) pulpitis treatment Endodontic pulpitis treatment CHAPTER 10. APICAL PERIODONTITIS ETIOLOGY OF APICAL PERIODONTITIS CLINICAL FEATURE OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC APICAL PERIODONTITITS Pathogenesis of apical periodontitis Classification of apical periodontitis Clinical features and diagnostic of acute apical periodontitis (symptomatic apical periodontitis) Clinical features and diagnostic of chronic apical periodontitis (asymptomatic apical periodontitis) Exacerbative chronic periodontitis (Symptomatic Apical Abscess) Differential diagnostic of apical periodontitis Apical periodontitis and systemic diseases TREATMENT OF APICAL PERIODONTITIS Conservative method of apical periodontitis treatment CHAPTER 11. ENDODONTIC MISHAPS: THEIR DETECTION, CORRECTION, AND PREVENTION Access-related mishaps Instrumentation-related mishaps Obturation-related mishaps Miscellaneous REFERENCES
Дод.точки доступу:
Antonenko, Maryna Yuriyivna
Антоненко Марина Юріївна
Sidelnikova, Larysa Fedorivna
Сідельнікова Лариса Федорівна
Nesyn, Oleksandr Fedorovych
Несин Олександр Федорович
Rakhniy, Zh. I.
Рахній Ж.І.
Dikova, I. G.
Дікова І.Г.
Kolenko, Yu. G.
Коленко Юлія Геннадіївна
Lynovytska, O. V.
Линовицька О.В.
Kononova, O. V.
Dimitrova, A. G.
Дімітрова Алла Григорівна
Borysenko, A. V. \ed.\
Борисенко Олександр Васильович

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   С 42

    Skikevich, M. G.
    Maxillofacial surgery. Benign tumours and precancer diseases : text-book / M. G. Skikevich, D. S. Avetikov, A. A. Khalaf ; Ministry of health of Ukraine, UMSA = Щелепно-лицева хірургія. Доброякісні пухлини та передракові захворювання : навчальний посібник / М. Г. Скікевич, Д. С. Аветіков, А. А. Халаф ; МОЗ України, УМСА. - Poltava : ASMI/АСМІ, 2014. - 199 p. : il., photo, color. photo ; 20 cm. - Photos of the authors: 4 p. of the cover. - На англ. мові. - Bibliogr.: p. 197-199. - 500 прим.. - ISBN 978-966-182-313-5 : 040.00 р.



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники англійською
Анотація: CONTENT Chapter 1: EXAMINATION AND DIAGNOSTIC METHODS ....8 • Principles of investigation and diagnosis......... 8 • Role of the dental practitioner in cancer prevention and diagnosis..................37 Chapter 2: BENIGN LESION OF MUCUS MEMBRANE..... 38 • Frictional keratosis and cheek biting.......... 38 • Fordyce's granules................39 • HIV-associated hairy leukoplakia............ 39 • White sponge naevus............... 40 • Common benign mucosal swellings. Fibrous polyps, Epulides and denture-induced...........43 • Giant-cell fibroma..................45 • Giant-cell epulis..................45 • Benign epithelial tumours and tumour-like....... 45 Chapter 3: ORAL PREMALIGNANCY............49 • Premalignant lesions and conditions.......... 55 • Idiopathic leukoplakia............... 56 • Sublingual keratosis.................57 • Bowen's disease ................58 • Chronic hyperplastic candidosis (candidal)......59 • Management of dysplastic lesions ..........60 Chapter 4: SOFT TISSUE (MESENCHYMAL) NEOPLASMS... 66 • Connective (fibrous) tissue tumours........... 66 • Tumours of fat tissue................ 67 • Tumours from the muscles............. 70 • Sebaceous cyst.................. 71 Chapter 5: TUMORS OF THE VESSELS..........80Chapter 6: ODONTOGENIC TUMORS AND TUMOR-LIKE LESIONS OF THE JAWS...........96 • Important causes of tumours (swellings) of the jaws.... 96 • Important types of odontogenic tumours....... 96 • Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour ..........98 • Calcifying (ghost cell) odontogenic cyst........99 • Ameloblastic fibroma.............. 100 • Odontogenic myxoma............... 100 Odontogenic fibroma.............. 101 • Cemento-osseous dyplasias........... 102 • Odontomas (odontomes).............. 102 Chapter 7: NON-ODONTOGENIC TUMOURS OF THE JAWS................ 108 • Osteochondroma (cartilage-capped osteoma).....108 • Giant-cell ('reparative') granuloma........... 109 CHAPTER 8: NEOPLASTIC AND NON-NEOPLASTIC DISEASES OF SALIVARY GLANDS........... 112 • Diagnosis, principles of differential diagnosis of salivary gland disorders............. 112 • Mucoceles and cysts.............. 115 • Ranula..................... 117 • HIV-associated salivary gland disease........ 118 • Salivary gland neoplasms ............ 119 • General clinical features of salivary gland tumours.... 120 • Intraosseous salivary gland tumours........ 120 • Non-epithelial tumours .............. 120 • Juvenile haemangioma of the parotids........ 120 • Neoplastic salivary gland disorders.......... 121 • Pleomorphic adenoma (mixed tumour)....... 121 • Malignant change in pleomorphic adenoma...... 125 • Secondary tumours................ 127 Chapter 9: TUMOUR-LIKE LESSIONS OF JAWS ...... 132 • Cherubism....................132 • Hyperparathyroidism.............. 133 • Pagefs disease of bone (osteitis deformans)...... 134 • Fibro-osseous lesions ............... 136 • Fibrous dysplasia................ 136 Chapter 10: CYSTS OF THE JAWS............. 151 • Gingival cyst of the newborn........... 151 • Gingival cyst of the adult..............151 • Radicular cysts................. 152 • Periapical cyst (radicular cyst; apical periodontal cyst). 153 • Residual periapical cyst............. 154 • Gingival cysts................... 156 • Dentigerous cyst (follicular cyst)............ 156 • Eruption cyst (eruption hematoma).......... 160 Chapter 11: TUMORS AND TUMOR-LIKE LESIONS OF A GERMINAL ORIGIN - BRANCHIAL CYST, CYST OF THE THYROGLOSSAL DUCT AND DERMOID CYSTS............ 169 • Preauricular sinus or cyst............. 170 • Thyroglossal duct cyst............... 172 • Dermoid cysts................... 173 • Lymphoepithelial cyst................ 179 • True branchial cleft cyst............... 181 • Epidermoid inclusion cyst.............183 Chapter 12: TUMORS LIKE LESIONS OF SOFT TISSUE .. 185 • Keratoacanthoma................189 • Cutaneous horns................. 192 • Nevus, plural nevi................193 LITERATURE
Дод.точки доступу:
Avetikov, D. S.
Аветіков Давид Соломонович
Khalaf, A. A.
Халаф Анмар Абдулваххаб
Скікевич Маргарита Георгіївна
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   Д 49

    Pediatric surgical dentistry. Outpatient treatment : [lerning guide for international master's students, who are trained in specialty 221 ''Stomatology'' in higher institutions of the Ministry of health of Ukraine] / P. I. Tkachenko, S. O. Bilokon, N. M. Lokhmatova, O. B. Dolenko ; Ministry of health of Ukraine, Poltava state medical university, Department of pediatric surgical stomatology. - Lviv : Magnolia 2006, 2023. - 145 p. : photo, il. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-617-574-256-3 : 040.00 р.
Переклад назви: Дитяча хірургічна стоматологія. Амбулаторний прийом: навчальний посібник / П. Ткаченко та ін.

Рубрики: ДИТЯЧА СТОМАТОЛОГІЯ(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: CONTENTS 1. Anesthesia ......................4 2. Tooth extraction surgery ...................17 3. Alveolitis ......................22 4. Complicated teething ....................23 5. Abnormalities in the number, position and structure of teeth...........25 6. Periodontitis of temporary and permanent teeth...........36 7. Periostitis of the jaw....................45 8. Lymphadenitis of the maxillofacial region..............54 9. Traumatic injuries of soft tissues of the MFR and teeth...........65 10. Anomalies in the structure ofthe oral mucosa ...........85 11. Inflammation and cysts of the salivary glands ..............96 12. Benign tumours of soft tissues ofthe maxilla and jaw............ 104 13. Disease of the temporomandibular joint ...............109 14. Emergency conditions....................116 List of references ......................142
Дод.точки доступу:
Tkachenko, Pavlo I.
Ткаченко Павло Іванович
Bilokon, Serhii O.
Білоконь Сергій Олександрович
Lokhmatova, Nataliia M.
Лохматова Наталія Михайлівна
Poltava state medical university. Department of pediatric surgical stomatology

Примірників всього: 2
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)

   Г 72

    Acute and Chronic Maxillofacial Lymphadenitis in Children : Training Manual : [learning guide for international master's students, who are trained in spezialty 221 ''Stomatology'' in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine] / P. I. Tkachenko, S. O. Bilikon, N. M. Lokhmatova et al. ; Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Poltava State Medical University. - Lviv : Magnolia 2006, 2022. - 119 p. : il., photo ; 21 cm. - На англ. мові. - 300 прим.. - ISBN 978-617-574-224-2 : 050.00 р.
Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Tkachenko P. I.
Переклад назви: Гострий та хронічний щелепно-лицевий лімфаденіт у дітей: навчальний посібник для інозем. здобувачів вищої освіти, які навч. за спец. 221 ''Стоматологія'' у вищих навч. закладах МОЗ України/ П. Ткаченко та ін.


   ЛІМФАДЕНІТ(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: List of notations........................... 4 Introduction .......................... 5 D Lymphatic system: structure and functions ........... 7 H Abnormal changes in lymph nodes in primary and secondary lesions .................... 28 El Features of morphological examination of lymph nodes ... 31 El Etiological factors and pathogenesis of inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial region including in lymph nodes ...................... 41 & Methods of examination of children with inflammatory conditions of the maxillofacial region ............. 50 El Acute and chronic lymphadenitis of the maxillofacial region........................... 57 ma Differential diagnosis of nonspecific lymphadenitis of the maxillofacial region................... 83 HI Suppurative wound process in acute suppurative inflammation of lymph nodes............... 98 Cited literature ......................... 119
Дод.точки доступу:
Tkachenko, P. I.
Ткаченко Павло Іванович
Bilikon, S. O.
Білоконь Сергій Олександрович
Lokhmatova, N. M.
Лохматова Наталія Михайлівна
Popelo, Y. V.
Попело Юлія Вікторівна
Korotych, N. M.
Коротич Наталія Миколаївна
Poltava State Medical University

Примірників всього: 2
Наук.Аб. (2)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (2)

   Р 55

    Ritter, Andre V..
    Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry / A. V. Ritter, L. W. Boushell, R. Walter. - 7th ed. - St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2019 (China). - xii, 530 p. : photo, il. ; 29 cm. - Contributors: p. vi-vii. - На англ. мові. - Bibliogr. at the end of chapt. - Index: p. 511-530. - ISBN 978-0-323-47833-5 : 6 863.00 грн.
Enhanced Digital Version Included
Переклад назви: Мистецтво та наука оперативної стоматології за Стурдевантом / А. Ріттер та ін. +Доступ до електрон. версії


Анотація: Get a better picture of operative dentistry from the most complete text on the market. Using a heavily illustrated, step-by-step approach, Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry, 7th Edition helps you master the fundamentals and procedures of restorative and preventive dentistry and learn to make informed decisions to solve patient needs. Drawing from both theory and practice and supported by extensive clinical and laboratory research, this new full-color edition features four new chapters and updated information in the areas of color and shade matching, light curing, periodontology, digital dentistry and more. It’s the practicing dentist’s complete guide to all aspects of operative dentistry. Four new chapters cover the areas of color and shade matching, light curing, periodontology, and digital dentistry. Expert Consult website with five supplemental chapters and procedure videos. Evidence-based approach is supported by extensive clinical and laboratory research. Comprehensive coverage provides a thorough understanding of caries and an authoritative approach to its treatment and prevention. Illustrated step-by-step approach offers a better picture of conservative restorative and preventive dentistry. Full color design clearly demonstrates techniques and details Table of Contents 1. Clinical Significance of Dental Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, and Occlusion 2. Dental Caries: Etiology, Clinical Characteristics, Risk Assessment, and Management 3. Patient Assessment, Examination and Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning 4. Fundamental Concepts of Tooth Preparation and Pulp Protection 5. Fundamental Concepts of Enamel and Dentin Adhesion 6. Light Curing in Operative Dentistry 7. Color and Shade Matching in Operative Dentistry 8. Clinical Technique for Direct Composite Resin and Glass Ionomer Restorations 9. Additional Conservative Esthetic Procedures 10. Clinical Technique for Amalgam Restorations 11. Periodontology Applied to Operative Dentistry 12. Digital Dentistry in Operative Dentistry 13. Biomaterials ONLINE ONLY CHAPTERS 14. Instruments and Equipment for Tooth Preparation 15. Preliminary Considerations for Operative Dentistry 16. Bonded Splints and Bridges 17. Direct Gold Restorations 18. Class II Cast Metal Restorations
Дод.точки доступу:
Boushell, Lee W.
Walter, Ricardo
Sturdevant, Clifford Max (1918 - 9 вересня 2008)

Примірників всього: 3
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (2)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (2)


    Using of modern methods of diagnostics in the practice of oral surgery : text-book [for english-speaking students of higher education institutions of the Ministry of health of Ukraine] / D. S. Avetikov, M. G. Skikevich, K. P. Lokes, O. M. Bojchenko ; МОЗ України, УМСА (Полтава) = Застосування сучасних методів діагностики у практиці оральної хірургії : навчальний посібник [для англомовних студентів закладів вищої освіти МОЗ України] / Д. С. Аветіков, М. Г. Скікевич, К. П. Локес, О. М. Бойченко. - Полтава/Poltava : [s. n.], 2018. - 122 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - На англ. мові. - Lit.: p. 106-122. - 040.00 грн.



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ) -- оральна медицина(англ) -- діагностика стоматологічна(англ)
Дод.точки доступу:
Avetikov, D. S.
Аветіков Д. С.
Skikevich, M. G.
Скікевич М. Г.
Lokes, K. P.
Локес К. П.
Bojchenko, O. M.
Бойченко О. М.
УМСА (Полтава)

Примірників всього: 5
Наук.Аб. (5)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (5)