   М 42

    Medicine of emergency situations : textbook for students of higher medical educational establishments of IV level of accreditation / V. V. Chaplyk, P. V. Oliynyk, S. T. Omelchuk, V. V. Humenyuk. - 2nd ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2020. - 371 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography: с. 367-371. - ISBN 978-966-382-747-6 : 290.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Медицина надзвичайних ситуацій: підручник / В. В. Чаплик та ін.


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: CONTENT ABBREVIATIONS........................ PREFACE ............................9 SECTION 1. A modern technogenic and ecological situation in Ukraine..11 1.1. Socio-economic and ecological factors of emergency situations..................11 1.2. Probability of emergency situations of technogenic and natural origin......................13 SECTION 2. Organization of defence of population and territories in the conditions of emergency situations .........24 2.1. Norms and principles of the International Humanitarian Law....24 2.2. The aim and principles of organization of civil defence of population and territories from emergency situations.....27 2.3. The system of organs of management, forces and facilities in relation to providing of realization of public policy in the field of protecting population and territories from emergency situations......31 2.4. The Unified State System for prevention and reacting to emergency situations..................34 2.5. The basic measures in the field of protecting population and territories from emergency situations ...........42 2.6. The rules of technogenic safety in the field of civil defence ....44 2.7. The order of introduction of the legal mode of emergency condition...................54 SECTION 3. Emergency situations of natural, technogenic, socio-political and military origin, their medical-sanitary 3.1. The order of classification of emergency situations of technogenic, natural, socio-political and military origin.....61 3.2. Medical-tactical description of emergency situations of natural origin......................69 3.3. Medical-tactical description of emergency situations of technogenic origin ...................76 3.4. Medical-tactical description of emergency situations of socio-political origin....................78 3.5. Medical-tactical description of emergency situations of military origin.....................81 SECTION 4. Failures on radioactively dangerous objects, their medical-sanitary consequences...........87 4.1. Principles of work of atomic electric stations and the basic types of nuclear reactors ....................87 4.2. Units of ionizing radiations .................89 4.3. Types of failures in radioactively dangerous objects.........94 4.4. The principal reasons of emergence of radiation failures......101 4.5. Influence of ionizing radiation on the organism of a man .....104 4.6. Measures on liquidation of consequences of a radiation failure..110 4.7. The estimation of a radiation situation in the focus of an emergency situation ................113 4.8. Devices of radiation control investigation and dosimetric control..118 SECTION 5. Failures on chemically dangerous objects, their medical-sanitary consequences ...............128 5.1. The reasons and medical-sanitary consequences of failures on chemically dangerous objects .........128 5.2. An estimation of a chemical situation in the focus of an emergency situation................138 5.3. Measures on liquidation of consequences of a chemical failure ....144 5.4. Devices of chemical search and investigation...........149 5.5. Means of individual, collective and medical defence.......152 SECTION 6. First medical aid to victims in emergency situations ......174 6.1. Types and volume of first medical aid to population in the conditions of emergency situations..........174 6.2. Reanimation measures and sequence of their performing....187 6.3. Methods of artificial respiration (lung ventilation) .......190 6.4. Resuscitation of babies, small children and teenagers ......192 6.5. Features of giving first medical aid at different types of damages .196 6.6. Methods of imposition of transport fixators ..........205 6.7. First medical aid in cases of acute diseases and pathosises....207 6.8. First medical aid at chemical and thermal burns..........215 6.9. Features of giving first medical aid to children at different types of damages....................217 6.10. The rules of transporting a victim ..............227 6.11. First medical aid in criminal cases .............231 SECTION 7. The legislative basis of the Ukrainian Disaster Medicine Service...............233 7.1. The organizational structure and tasks of UDMS .........233 7.2. Forces and means of the Ukrainian Disaster Medicine Service....237 7.3. The structure and tasks of territorial centers of emergency medicare of UDMS.....................244 7.4. Features of organization of civil defence and medical providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations in foreign countries....................248 7.5. Organization of civil defence and medical providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations in the Russian Federation (RF) ...............251 7.6. Organization of medical providing of population in in conditions of emergency situations in the United States of America......................253 7.7. Organization of medical providing of population in the system of civil defence of some countries of Western Europe .....256 SECTION 8. Organization of therapeutic-evacuation providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations ...266 8.1. Types of medicare for the suffered in the conditions of liquidation of consequences of emergency situations and their description ..................266 8.2. Medical sorting and evacuation of victims..........271 8.3. Features of performing treatment-evacuation measures in the most widespread ES of technogenic origin .......275 8.4. Features of giving medicare to children ...........283 6.5. Features of giving first medical aid at different types of damages .196 6.6. Methods of imposition of transport fixators ..........205 6.7. First medical aid in cases of acute diseases and pathosises....207 6.8. First medical aid at chemical and thermal burns..........215 6.9. Features of giving first medical aid to children at different types of damages....................217 6.10. The rules of transporting a victim ..............227 6.11. First medical aid in criminal cases .............231 SECTION 7. The legislative basis of the Ukrainian Disaster Medicine Service...............233 7.1. The organizational structure and tasks of UDMS .........233 7.2. Forces and means of the Ukrainian Disaster Medicine Service....237 7.3. The structure and tasks of territorial centers of emergency medicare of UDMS.....................244 7.4. Features of organization of civil defence and medical providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations in foreign countries ....................248 7.5. Organization of civil defence and medical providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations in the Russian Federation (RF) ...............251 7.6. Organization of medical providing of population in in conditions of emergency situations in the United States of America......................253 7.7. Organization of medical providing of population in the system of civil defence of some countries of Western Europe .....256 SECTION 8. Organization of therapeutic-evacuation providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations ...266 8.1. Types of medicare for the suffered in the conditions of liquidation of consequences of emergency situations and their description ..................266 8.2. Medical sorting and evacuation of victims..........271 8.3. Features of performing treatment-evacuation measures in the most widespread ES of technogenic origin .......275 8.4. Features of giving medicare to children ...........283 SECTION 9. Organization of sanitary-hygienic and antiepidemic providing of population in the conditions of emergency situations ................286 9.1. Requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on providing sanitary and epidemic well-being of population ..........286 9.2. A sanitary-hygienic and epidemiological situation in the areas of emergency situations............290 9.3. Sanitary-hygienic and antiepidemic measures in the focus of an emergency situation............293 9.4. Organization of work of infectious hospitals in the conditions of liquidation of foci of mass infectious diseases........303 9.5. Decontamination, degassing and disinfection of medications and objects of medical use............306 SECTION 10. Informative providing, planning of work and medical supply of formings and establishments of UDMS .....311 10.1. Informative providing of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on problems of emergency situations ............311 10.2. The order of reacting of establishments of health protection to emergence of ES of natural, technogenic and socio-political origin.....................320 10.3. The Unified Emergency Care System .............325 10.4. Description of medical property and tasks of medical supply of formings and establishments of UDMS .........328 10.5. The order of creation and using of material reserves for prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of technogenic and natural origin and their consequences.....332 10.6. The order of accumulation of department, regional and local reserves of medications and objects of medical use ........335 10.7. The order of creation and accumulation of supplies of medications and medical equipment for rigging formings and establishments of UDMS................338 APPENDIX...........................343 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................367
Дод.точки доступу:
Chaplyk, V. V.
Чаплик, Віктор Васильович
Oliynyk, P. V.
Олійник, Петро Володимирович
Omelchuk, S. T.
Омельчук, Сергій Тихонович
Humenyuk, V. V.
Гуменюк, Василь Васильович

Примірників всього: 100
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (95)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (95)

   П 81

    Pronina, O. M.
    Accident and emergency medicine : study guide / O. M. Pronina, V. V. Shevchenko, S. I. Danylchenko ; Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Central Methodical Office, UMSA. - Poltava : ASMI, 2015. - 143 p. : il ; 21 cm. - На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 141. - 300 прим.. - ISBN 978-966-182-332-6 : 030.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медицина надзвичайних ситуацій: навчально-методичний посібник/ О. М. Проніна, В. В. Шевченко, С. І. Данильченко

Рубрики: МЕДИЦИНА КАТАСТРОФ(англ)--Навчальний посібник

Дод.точки доступу:
Shevchenko, V. V.
Шевченко Вікторія Володимирівна
Danylchenko, S. I.
Данильченко Світлана Іванівна
Проніна Олена Миколаївна
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 11
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (9), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (9), Гурт.4 (1)