   Л 27

    The Latin Language and Medical Terminology Basics : [textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the III-IV level of accreditation] / L.Yu. Smolska, O.G. Pylypiv, P.A. Sodomora et al.; еd. L.Yu. Smolska. - Kyiv : Medicine Publishers, 2010. - 398 p. - На англ. мові. - English-Latin glossary: p. 287-322. - Latin-English glossary: p. 323-395. - ISBN 978-617-505-039-2 : 125.00 грн
Smolska L.Yu., Kiselyova O.G. (Autors) - тит .л., обкл. Віднесено помилково до книг
Переклад назви: Латинська мова і основи медичної термінології : підручник / Л. Ю. Смольська, О. Г. Пилипів, П. А. Содомора та ін. ; за ред. Л. Ю. Смольської
~РУБ 4А+61:4(075.8)

Рубрики: Латинська мова(англ.)--Навчальний посібник(англ.)



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники англійською
Анотація: CONTENTSPreface 3Unit 1. The Latin alphabet. The pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs and consonants 5Unit 2. The stress. The length and brevity of a syllable 13Unit 3. The notion of the scientific term. The structureof anatomical and histological terms. The grammatical categories of nouns. The non-agreed modifier and the ways of its translation 17Unit 4. The grammatical categories of the adjective. The endings of genders. The division into groups. The agreed modifier....25Unit 5. The morphological structure of binomial and polynomialanatomical terms with different modifiers..........32Unit 6. The 1st noun declension (Declinatio prima) ..........38Unit 7. The 2nd noun declension (Declinatio secunda) .........46Unit 8. The adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declension...........54Unit 9. The 3rd declension nouns (Declinatio tertia)..........62Unit 10. The masculine nouns of the 3rd declension..........69Unit 11. The 3rd declension of nouns. The feminine gender of nouns 73Unit 12. The 3rd declension nouns. The neutral gender of nouns .....79Unit 13. The peculiarities of the 3rd declension nouns 85Unit 14. The adjectives of the 3rd declension(AdjectTva declinationis III). The Present Participle Active (Participium praesentis activi) 90 Unit 15. The degrees of comparison of adjectives (Gradus comparationis adjectivorum) 97Unit 16. The 4th and 5th declension of nouns (Declinationes quarta et quinta) 103Unit 17. The verb. The basic forms of the verb.The Imperative Mood. The Present Indicative Activeand Passive. The Present Subjunctive Active and Passive.The verb sum, esse. The verb fio, fieri 109Unit 18. The Latin chemical nomenclature.The names of chemicalelements, acids, oxides, salts, ethers 123Unit 19. The word-forming elements indicating chemica-composition of medications. The word-forming elements indicating pharmacological groups of medications. The word forming elements indicating pharmacological effects of medical substances. Herb names in the Crude Drug Nomenclature 131Unit 20. The prescription. The prescription structure. The Latin part of the prescription 143Unit 21. The liquid medicinal forms (Formae medicamentorum liquidae) 156Unit 22. The soft medicinal forms (Formae medicamentorum molles) 171Unit 23. The solid medicinal forms (Formae medicamentorum durae)180Unit 24. The introduction to clinical terminology.The Greek and Latin doublets of the I-II declension nouns.The endings as word-forming elements of the 1st declension ..194Unit 25. The Greek and Latin doublets of the adjectives of the 1st group. The Past Participle Passive used in clinical terminology 205Unit 26. The Greek and Latin doublets of nouns (III declension, masculine and feminine genders) 211Unit 27. The Greek and Latin doublets of nouns (III declension, neutral gender). The word-building elements of the III declension 217Unit 28. The Greek and Latin doublets of the III declension adjectives. The Present Participle Active used in medical terminology. Word-building by means of suffixes ..... .222Unit 29. The Greek and Latin doublets of the IV-V declension : nouns 227Unit 30. The Latin and Greek prefixes. The numerals and adverbs used as prefixes 231Unit 31. The translation of diagnoses .240Appendix. Patterns of examination questions for final and content-oriented graded tests 248Module 1......................253Module 2.....................255Greek and Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes used in medical terminology 259English-Latin glossary ...................287Latin-English glossary....................323
Дод.точки доступу:
Smolska, L.Yu.
Pylypiv, O.G.
Sodomora, P.A.
Koval-Gnativ, Dz.Yu.
Vlasenko, O.R.
Hyrivska, N.O.
Yankovska, N.V.
Kryvyak, B.Y at al.
Kiselyova, O.G.
Smolska, L.Yu. \еd.\

Примірників всього: 6
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Уч.Аб. (2)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Уч.Аб. (2)

   Е 64

    Taber's® Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary : illustrated in full color / ed D. Venes. - Ed. 22. - Philadelphia : F. A. Davis Company, 2009. - xxxiv, 2846 p. : color. il. ; 22 cm. - Consultants and Reviewers: p. viii-ix. - На англ. мові. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - ISBN 978-0-8036-2977-6 : 100.00 р.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедичний медичний словник Тейбера. Вид. 22




Перейти к внешнему ресурсу https://www.tabers.com/tabersonline/index/Tabers-Dictionary/Entries/*

Дод.точки доступу:
Taber, Clarence Wilbur (1870-1967)
Venes, Donald (1952-) \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   К 49

    Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine. Vol. 1 / ed.: P. Kumar, M. Clark ; ed., online content A. Feather. - 9th ed. - Edinburg ; London ; New York etc. : Elsevier, 2017. - xiv, 719 p. : il. ; 29 cm. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography at the end of chapt. - ISBN 978-0-7020-6601-6 : 200.00 р.
Vol. 1 - тільки на корінці кн.
Переклад назви: Клінічна медицина Кумара та Кларка. Т. 1



Анотація: The ninth edition of this best-selling textbook of clinical medicine builds even further on its formidable, prize-winning formula of excellence, comprehensiveness and accessibility. ‘This book is stunning in its breadth and ease-of-use. It still remains the "gold standard", thorough guide to clinical medicine its forefathers were.’ BMA Medical Book Awards judges. New to this edition: 2 new chapters: Global Health and Women’s Health. 25 new authors. New online editor, Adam Feather, with a team of young doctors to augment the e-book which accompanies the print book with clinical tips, key learning points, drug tips, learning challenges, case studies and MCQs. Full text redesign to incorporate: New system overview diagrams for clinical chapters. New coloured headings to help identify content relating to disease, management, investigations etc. New icons to aid text navigation. 11 new members and a new co-editor, Senaka Rajapakse, of the International Advisory Board. Edited by Kumar and Clark, clinicians and educators of world-renowned expertise. Authors comprise consultants at the top of their fields, paired with younger doctors closer to the exam experience, to ensure authority and relevance. Enhanced e-book accompanies the print book, for ease of transportation and use on the move. International Advisory Board, led by Professor Janaka de Silva and Professor Senaka Rajapakse, providing guidance for global coverage from across the world. Contributions to the e-book by members of the International Advisory Board to amplify areas of clinical importance in their parts of the world 2 new chapters Women’s health Global health 25 new young consultant authors teamed with clinicians at the top of their career, to ensure the text is accessible for students and trainees. A new role of online Editor. Adam Feather and his team of young doctors, have created (in the e-book) a host of embedded features including: chapter summaries, key-point boxes, self-assessment, top tips, extra content (videos and images) and more… They have focused on enabling more inexperienced learners to interpret the detail, navigate the content effectively and get the most from the text. New co-editor for the International Advisory Board, Professor Senaka Rajapakse from the University of Colombo. 11 new members of the International Advisory Board. 9 new online international articles, including: Ebola Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Visceral Leishmaniasis New features Full text re-design New diagrammatic anatomy and physiology overviews at the beginning of clinical systems chapters Coloured headings to help distinguish sciences, procedures, etc. New icons to aid text navigation Divided into three sections for greater ease of navigation: Good Medical Practice Clinical Sciences Clinical Practice Bigger chapters unbundled into smaller chapters for ease of access. Clinical Pharmacy now separate from Poisoning STIs and HIV now separate from Infectious Disease Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Disease now separate from Liver Rheumatic Disease now separate from Bone Disease Lipid and Metabolic Disease now separate from Diabetes Mellitus Coming soon: Semantic zoom – an online text summarising tool which will provide stages of the book’s content in decreasing levels of detail according to your need: from the full text to the bare essentials. Keep checking your registered e-book for updates! Contents Acknowledgements............... Online Special Topics.............. vi Online Contributors................ x International Advisory Board............ xi Preface to the Ninth Edition............xiii Section 1 Good medical practice 1. Ethics, law and communication........ 1 Deborah Bowman, Annie Cushing 2. Clinical pharmacology.......... 17 Michael Rawlins, Munir Pirmohamed 3. Palliative medicine and symptom control.. 31 Miriam J Johnson, Gail E Eva, Sara Booth 4. Global health.............. 43 Babulal Sethia, Parveen Kumar 5. Environmental medicine............ 51 Michael L Clark 6. Poisoning........ 63 J Allister Vale, Sally M Bradberry Section 2 Clinical sciences 7. Molecular cell biology and human genetics .87 David P Kelseil, Kenneth J Union 8. The immune system and disease....... 121 Mark Peakman, Matthew S Bucktand 9. Water, electrolytes and acid-base balance... 149 M Magdi Yaqoob, Kieran McCafferty 10. Nutrition................ 183 Marines Bia, Susan A Lanham-New Section 3 Clinical practice 11. Infectious diseases and tropical medicine .219 Gavin Barlow, William L Irving, Peter J Moss 12. Sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus ...........317 Janet D Wilson, Jane Anderson 13. Gastrointestinal disease........... 357 James LJndsay, Louise Langmead, Sean L Preston 14. Liver disease............ 437 Graham Foster, Alastair O'Brien 15. Biliary tract and pancreatic disease...... 489 Dawof Westaby, Christopher Wadsworth 16. Haematological disease........... 515 Michael F Murphy, K John Past, Adam Mead 17. Malignant disease............ 583 Christopher J Gallagher, Matthew Smith, Jonathan Shamash 18. Rheumatic disease............. 645 Anisur Rahman, lan Giles 19. Bone disease.............. 707 Donncha O'Gradaigh, Richard Conway 20. Kidney and urinary tract disease..... 721 M Magdi Yaqoob, Nell Ashman 21. Neurological disease.......... 795 PaulJarman 22. Psychological medicine......... 893 Jute Bourke, Peter D White 23. Cardiovascular disease......... 931 Nicholas H Ounce, Robin Ray 24. Respiratory disease.......... 1057 Anthony J Frew, Sarah R Doffman, Katharine Hurt, Rachel Buxton-Thamas 25. Critical care medicine .........1139 Michael J O'Dwyer, Rupert M Pearse, Charles J Hinds 26. Endocrine disease............. 1175 Miles J Levy, Helena Gleeson 27. Diabetes mellitus............ 1241 Edwin AM Gale, John V Anderson 28. Lipid and metabolic disorders........ 1277 Edwin AM Gale, John V Anderson 29. Women's health.............. 1293 Catherine Nelson-Piercy, Edward WS Mullins, Lesley Regan 30. Ear, nose and throat and eye disease.... 1311 Francis Vaz, Nishchay Mehta, Robin D Hamilton 31. Skin disease.............. 1337 David G Paige, Sarah H Wakelin Index. .1387
Дод.точки доступу:
Kumar, Parveen \ed.\
Clark, Michael \ed.\
Feather, Adam \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)


    Organismic level of life organization. Bases of human genetics : Training text-book on Medical biology (module I, part II) for students of medical and dental specialties / G. A. Yeroshenko, O. V. Klepets, O. V. Kinash et al. ; Ministry of health of Ukraine, Poltava state medical university. - Poltava : Укрпромторгсервіс, 2021. - 166 p. : граф., il. ; 31 cm. - На англ. мові. - Recom. lit.: p. 166. - 100 прим.. - ISBN 978-617-7464-81-4 : 050.00 р.
Переклад назви: Організмовий рівень організації життя. Основи генетики людини: навчальний посібник / Г. Єрошенко та ін.

Рубрики: ГЕНЕТИКА(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники англійською
Дод.точки доступу:
Yeroshenko, G. A.
Єрошенко Галина Анатоліївна
Klepets, O. V.
Клепець Олена Вікторівна
Kinash, O. V.
Кінаш Оксана В'ячеславівна
Perederii, N. O.
Передерій Ніна Олександрівна
Vatsenko, A. V.
Ваценко Ірина Володимирівна
Ulanovska-Tsyba, N. A.
Улановська-Циба Наталія Аркадіївна
Riabushko, O. B.
Рябушко Олена Борисівна
Shevchenko, K. V.
Шевченко К. В.
Poltava State Medical University

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   Б 63

    Biological features of the human vital activity : training text-book on Medical biology (module I) for students of medical and stomatological faculties / G. A. Yeroshenko, O. V. Klepets, N. O. Perederii et al. ; Ukrainian medical stomatological academy. - Poltava : Укрпромторгсервіс, 2021. - 80 p. : il. ; 30 см. - На англ. мові. - 100 прим.. - ISBN 978-617-7464-73-9 : 020.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Біологічні особливості життєдіяльності людини: навчальний посібник по мед. біології (модуль I) для студентів медичного та стоматологічного факультетів / Г. Єрошенко та ін.

Рубрики: БІОЛОГІЯ(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник

   МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: Contents Introduction to the course of medical biology. Levels of living matter organization. Optical systems in biological research .......................... 3 1st level tests ...........................:........ 6 2nd level tests ................................... 8 Cell morphophysiology. Structural components of cytoplasm ................ 9 1st level tests .................................... 15 2nd level tests................................... 17 Cell membrane. Transport through the plasmalemma .................... 19 1st level tests.................................... 23 Nucleus. Human karyotype. Genome and chromosomal mutations ............ 26 1st level tests .................................... 30 2nd level tests ................................... 32 Molecular basis of heredity. Characteristics of nucleic asids................ 34 1st level tests .................................... 41 2nd level tests ................................... 44 Tasks........................................ 45 Structure of pro- and eukaryotes gene ......................... 46 1st level tests .................................... 49 2nd level tests ................................... 52 Tasks.................. 52 Organization of information flow in the cell. Regulation of gene expression. Molecular mechanisms of the human variation ...................... 53 1st level tests .................................... 57 2nd level tests ................................... 60 Tasks.................................... 61 Cell cycle. Cell division ............................... 62 1st level tests .................................... 66 2nd level tests................................... 69 Tasks........................................ 70 Biological peculiarities of human reproduction. Gametogenesis. Meiosis. Fertilization ...... 71 1st level tests .................................... 77 2nd level tests ................................... 78 Tasks........................................ 79
Перейти к внешнему ресурсу http://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/15858/1/M1_Biological%20peculiarities.pdf

Дод.точки доступу:
Yeroshenko, G. A.
Єрошенко Галина Анатоліївна
Klepets, O. V.
Клепець Олена Вікторівна
Perederii, N. O.
Передерій Ніна Олександрівна
Vatsenko, A. V.
Ваценко Анжела Володимирівна
Ulanovska-Tsyba, N. A.
Улановська-Циба Наталія Аркадіївна
Riabushko, O. B.
Рябушко Олена Борисівна
Shevchenko, K. V.
Шевченко К. В.
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 2
Наук.Аб. (2)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (2)


    Basics of Medical Terminology : [підручник для студентів вищих мед. навч. закладів] / P. Sodomora, L. Smolska, O. Belayeva at al. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2020. - 261 p. ; 22 cm. - На англ. мові. - English-Latin Glossary: p. 130-171. - Latin-English-Glossary: p. 172-221. - ISBN 978-966-382-842-8 : 320.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Основи медичної термінології: підручник / П. А. Содомора, Л. Ю. Смольська, О. М. Бєляєва та ін.
~РУБ ТБК 4(075.8)

Рубрики: МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--Підручник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: This textbook is intended to acquaint students with medical terminology and scientific vocabulary in order to obtain the knowledge of Greek, Latin, and English medical terminology and to review the material of professional matters. The aim of the book is to fill the need for applying obtained skills in further studying at higher medical educational institutions and at a future work-placing. The textbook helps students develop and train basic lexical and grammatical skills required for the effective performance during the Medical Licensing Examination STEP 1 and the exam in English as the part of State Qualification Examination. Can be used by English-speaking as well as by Ukrainian students Contents Preface (Ukrainian) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Introductory Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Part I 1. Letters and Sounds in Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. Syllables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3. Anatomical Terminology Essentials: the Noun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4. Anatomical Terminology Essentials: the Adjective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5. The Structure of Anatomical Term ..........26 6. The 1st declension of nouns (Declinatio prima) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 7. The 2nd declension of nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8. The adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 9. The 3rd declension nouns (Declinatio tertia) ........41 10. The masculine nouns of the 3rd declension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 11. The 3rd declension of nouns. The feminine gender of nouns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 12. The neutral gender of the 3rd declension nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 13. Adjectives of the 3rd declension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 14. Degrees of comparison of adjectives (Gradus comparatiōnis adjectivōrum) . . . . 58 15. The 4th and 5th declension of nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Part II 1. Clinical Terminology Essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 2. The 1st declension of Nouns. Clinical terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3. The 2nd declension of Nouns. Clinical terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 4. Adjectives and Participle Past Passive used in clinical terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5. The 3rd declension, masculine and feminine genders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 6. The word-building elements of the III declension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 7. Greek and Latin doublets of the III declension adjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 8. Greek and Latin doublets of the IV–V declension nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 9. Latin and Greek prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 10. Translation of Diagnoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 11. The Verb. Basic forms of the verb. Imperative Mood. Present Indicative Active and Passive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 12. Latin Chemical Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 13. Pharmaceutical Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 14. Prescription . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 English-Latin Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Latin-English Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Greek doublets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 The most important prescription abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 The most commonly used phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Дод.точки доступу:
Sodomora, Pavlo
Содомора Павло Андрійович
Smolska, Larysa
Смольська Лариса Юріївна
Belayeva, Olena
Бєляєва Олена Миколаївна
Rak, Oleksandr
Рак О.
Kuchumova, Natalia
Кучумова Н.
Kryvjak, Bogdana
Крив'як Б.
Moroz-Tsilyjko, Natalia
Мороз-Цілуйко Н.

Примірників всього: 70
Наук.Аб. (5), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (64)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (5), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (64)

   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies] / V. О. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. О. Kalibabchuk. - 7nt ed. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2020. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 217-223. - ISBN 978-617-505-771-1 : 180.00 р., 150.00 р.
Переклад назви: Медична хімія : підручник / В. О. Калібабчук та ін.

Рубрики: ХІМІЯ(англ)--підручник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники(англ) -- національний підручник(англ)
Анотація: The textbook outlines the fundamentals of bioenergetics and cybernetics of bioche­mical reactions; describes the properties of solutions and their role in biochemical pro­cesses; presents modern concepts of electrode processes; explains peculiarities of surface phenomena and their value for the vital activity of the body; dwells on the properties of dispersion systems and biopolymer solutions. Special emphasis is placed on biogenic ele­ments and their properties viewed through the spectacle of modern concepts of atomic and molecular structure, and chemical bonds. The authors touch upon topical problems of ecology. The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher education estab­lishments — medical universities, institutes, and academies, pharmaceutical, biological, and eco­logical specialties. У підручнику викладено основи біоенергетики і кібернетики біохімічних реакцій; описано властивості розчинів та їх роль у біохімічних процесах; наведено сучасні уявлення про електродні процеси; висвітлено особливості поверхневих явищ та їх значення в життєдіяльності організму, властивості дисперсних систем і розчинів біополімерів. Особливу увагу приділено біогенним елементам та їх властивостям, розглянутим із позиції сучасних уявлень про будову атомів, молекул і хімічні зв’язки. Автори торкнулись актуальних аспектів проблем екології. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів - медичних університетів, інститутів та академій, фармацевтичних, біологічних та екологічних спеціальностей, що навчаються англійською мовою Preface........................... 5 Chapter 1. Chemical bonding and complexing......... 7 1.1. Chemical bond and its experimental characteristics........ 7 1.2. Covalent bond....................... 8 1.3. Ionic bond....................... 14 1.4. Metallic bond...................... 15 1.5. Hydrogen bond...................... 15 1.6. Complexing...................... 16 Self-test questions and tasks................... 23 Chapter 2. Theoretical principles of bioenergetics........ 24 2.1. Subject of thermodynamics................ 24 2.2. Thermodynamic systems. Thermodynamic functions....... 25 2.3. First law of thermodynamics................. 26 2.4. Heat of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations..... 28 2.5. Thermochemistry laws.................... 29 2.6. Application of thermochemical calculations for describing the energy of biochemical processes....................31 2.7. Second law of thermodynamics................ 33 2.8. Gibbs equation....................... 34 Self-test questions and tasks.................. 36 Chapter 3. Physical and chemical fundamentals of biochemical reaction kinetics.. 37 3.1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactant concentration. Mass action law...... 39 3.2. Molecularity and order of reaction...............40 3.3. Simple and complex reactions.................. 42 3.4. Effect of temperature on reaction rate............... 44 3.5. Catalysis........................ 46 3.6. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant........... 49 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 53 Chapter 4. Solutions and their role in biochemical processes..... 55 4.1. Modern ideas about solutions................ 56 4.2. Solution concentration..................... 58 4.3. Solubility of gases in liquids................... 60 4.4. Solubility of liquids and solid substances in liquids......... 61 4.5. Colligative properties of diluted solutions.............. 62 4.6. Solutions of electrolytes....................70 4.7. Dissociation of water..................... 73 4.8. Acid-base theories..................... 76 4.9. Buffer solutions...................... 80 4.10. Formation and dissolution of precipitates........... 86 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 89 Chapter 5. Electrode processes and their significance for physiology and medicine... 92 5.1. Electrode potentials.................... 92 5.2. Classification of electrodes.................. 95 5.3. Diffusion and membrane potentials............... 99 5.4. Potentials in biological systems................. 100 5.5. Oxidation-reduction reactions................ 103 Self-test questions and tasks...................107 Chapter 6. Physical chemistry of surface phenomena and their role in the processes taking place in the human body......... 108 6.1. Surface tension of liquids. Surface activity............. 109 6.2. Adsorption at the liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces...... 111 6.3. Orientation of molecules of surface-active substances in the surface layer...... 112 6.4. Langmuir isotherm equation................... 114 6.5. Structure of biological membranes............... 115 6.6. Solute adsorption at solid interface.............. 116 6.7. Laws of solute adsorption at solid interface............. 117 6.8. Adsorption therapy fundamentals................ 120 6.9. Adsorption of electrolytes................... 124 6.9.1. Selective adsorption..................... 124 6.9.2. Ion exchange adsorption................. 125 6.10. Chromatographic methods of analysis............ 128 6.10.1. Principles of chromatographic methods classification....... 129 6.10.2. Application of chromatography in biology and medicine....... 131 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 132 Chapter 7 . Physical chemistry of disperse systems........ 134 7.1. Classification of disperse systems............... 135 7.2. Methods of colloid system preparation............... 137 7.2.1. Methods of dispergation.................. 138 7.2.1. Methods of condensation................... 138 7.3. Methods of colloid system purification............... 139 7.4. Molecular-kinetic properties of disperse systems .......... 140 7.5. Optical properties of colloid systems.............. 141 7.6. Double electrical layer. Structure of colloid particles. Electrokinetic phenomena.. 143 7.6.1. Electrokinetic phenomena................... 146 7.7. Stability and coagulation of disperse systems.......... 151 7.7.1. Stability factors of disperse systems .............. 151 7.7.2. Theory of coagulation and stability of disperse systems...... 152 7.7.3. Kinetics of coagulation.................... 154 7.7.4. Special cases of coagulation................. 155 7.7.5. Peptization as inverse process of coagulation......... 158 7.7.6. Coagulation in biological systems................ 159 7.8. Aerosols. Powders. Suspensions. Pastes. Foams......... 160 7.9. Emulsions......................... 162 7.10. Colloid surface-active substances................ 163 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 165 Chapter 8. Physical chemistry of biopolymers and their solutions.. 168 8.1. Biological macromolecules.................. 169 8.2. Biopolymer structure..................... 170 8.3. Isoelectric state of proteins................. 171 8.4. HMC solutions and their properties.............. 173 8.5. Thermodynamic stability of HMC solutions. Methods of protein precipitation ... 175 8.6. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure in HMC solutions............ 177 8.7. Viscosity of HMC solutions.................. 180 8.8. Jellies: formation and properties ................. 180 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 183 Chapter 9. Chemistry of biogenic elements............ 184 9.1 General information about biogenic elements.......... 184 9.2. s-Elements: biological role, application in medicine......... 192 9.3. p-Elements: biological role, application in medicine......... 196 9.4. General characteristic of d-elements............. 209 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 215 Index............................. 217
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, Valentyna Oleksandrivna
Калібабчук Валентина Олександрівна
Halynska, Valentyna Ivanivna
Галинська Валентина Іванівна
Hryshchenko, Larysa Ivanivna
Грищенко Лариса Іванівна
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Гождзинський С. М.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Овсяннікова Т. О.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Самарський В. А.
Kalibabchuk, V. О. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 9
Наук.Аб. (7), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (7), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (1)

   Л 27

    The Latin Language and Medical Terminology Basics : textbook [for students of higher medical education establishments / еd. L. Yu. Smolska ; L. Yu. Smolska, O. H. Pylypiv, P. A. Sodomora et al. - 4th ed. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2018. - 398 p. - На англ. мові. - English-Latin glossary: p. 287-322. - Latin-English glossary: p. 323-395. - ISBN 978-617-505-682-0 : 150.00 грн
Обкл.: Smolska L. Yu. - автор
Переклад назви: Латинська мова і основи медичної термінології : підручник / за ред. Л. Ю. Смольської
~РУБ ТБК 4А+61:4](075.8)

Рубрики: ЛАТИНСЬКА МОВА(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник(англ)



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: The textbook is aimed to teach students the principles of the Latin grammar and medical terminology (anatomo-histological, pharmaceutical and clinical) in accordance with the demands of the European Credit Transfer System. The changes introduced into the latest issues of the International Anatomical, Histological and Chemical Nomenclatures are included in the textbook. 31 units constitute the foundation of the textbook supplemented with tables of the basic suffixes, prefixes, combining forms and anatomical terms, Latin-English and English-Latin glossaries, exercises, prescriptions, etc. There is also given information on ancient medicine. The development of medicine as a separate science and particularly the final dissociation of the medical terminology resulted in the strengthening of its ties with other sciences. Thus the Latin language is an effectual means of broadening the outlook of a future doctor. The Latin aphorisms and quotations that supplement the textbook will assist in developing the logical and rational understanding of the peculiarities of the Latin grammar and will provide students with ample opportunity to estimate at true worth the uniqueness and wisdom of the ancient world. The textbook is designed both for classroom use and for self-study training. The authors hope that the textbook will arouse interest in further studying of the medical language by giving students and teachers of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies the essential language tools to understanding the meaning and proper use of anatomical, histological, pharmaceutical and clinical terms Preface Unit 1. The Latin alphabet. The pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs and consonants. Unit 2. The stress. The length and brevity of a syllable. Unit 3. The notion of the scientific term. The structure of anatomical and histological terms. The grammatical categories of nouns. The non-agreed modifier and the ways of its translation. Unit 4. The grammatical categories of the adjective. The endings of genders. The division into groups. The agreed modifier. Unit 5. The morphological structure of binomial and polynomial anatomical terms with different modifiers. Unit 6. The 1st noun declension (Declinatio prima). Unit 7. The 2nd noun declension (Declinatio secunda). Unit 8. The adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declension. Unit 9. The 3rd declension nouns (Declinatio tertia). Unit 10. The masculine nouns of the 3rd declension. Unit 11. The 3rd declension of nouns. The feminine gender of nouns. Unit 12. The 3rd declension nouns. The neutral gender of nouns. Unit 13. The peculiarities of the 3rd declension nouns. Unit 14. The adjectives of the 3rd declension (Adjectīva declinatiōnis III). The Present Participle Active (Participium praesentis actīvi). Unit 15. The degrees of comparison of adjectives (Gradus comparatiōnis adjectivōrum). Unit 16. The 4th and 5th declension of nouns (Declinatiōnes quarta et quinta). Unit 17. The verb. The basic forms of the verb. The Imperative Mood.The Present Indicative Active and Passive. The Present Subjunctive Active and Passive.The verb sum, esse. The verb fio, fiĕri. Unit 18. The Latin chemical nomenclature.The names of chemical elements, acids, oxides, salts, ethers. Unit 19. The word-forming elements indicating chemical composition of medications. The word-forming elements indicating pharmacological groups of medications. The word forming elements indicating pharmacological effects of medical substances. Herb names in the Crude Drug Nomenclature. Unit 20. The prescription. The prescription structure. The Latin part of the prescription. Unit 21. The liquid medicinal forms (Formae medicamentōrum liquĭdae). Unit 22. The soft medicinal forms (Formae medicamentōrum molles). Unit 23. The solid medicinal forms (Formae medicamentōrum durae). Unit 24. The introduction to clinical terminology. The Greek and Latin doublets of the I-II declension nouns. The endings as word-forming elements of the 1st declension. Unit 25. The Greek and Latin doublets of the adjectives of the 1st group. The Past Participle Passive used in clinical terminology. Unit 26. The Greek and Latin doublets of nouns (III declension, masculine and feminine genders). Unit 27. The Greek and Latin doublets of nouns (III declension, neutral gender). The word-building elements of the III declension. Unit 28. The Greek and Latin doublets of the III declension adjectives. The Present Participle Active used in medical terminology. Word-building by means of suffixes. Unit 29. The Greek and Latin doublets of the IV—V declension nouns. Unit 30. The Latin and Greek prefixes. The numerals and adverbs used as prefixes. Unit 31. The translation of diagnoses Appendix. Patterns of examination questions for final and content-oriented graded tests. Module 1. Module 2 Greek and Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes used in medical terminology English-Latin glossary Latin-English glossary
Дод.точки доступу:
Smolska, Larysa Yuriyivna
Смольська Л. Ю.
Pylypiv, Olga Hryhorivna
Пилипів Ольга Григорівна
Sodomora, Pavlo Andriyovych
Содомора Павло Андрійович
Kuchumova, N. V.
Koval-Hnativ, D. Yu.
Vlasenko, O. R.
Hyrivska, N. O.
Yankovska, N. V.
Kryvyak, B. Ya.
Chervinska, L. O.
Smolska, L. Yu. \еd.\

Примірників всього: 17
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (5), Уч.Аб. (10), ННА (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (5), Уч.Аб. (10), ННА (1)

   М 98

    Murray, Patrick (Senior Worldwide Director, Scientific Affairs, BD Diagnostics Systems, Sparks, Maryland, Adjunct Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland).
    Basic medical microbiology / P. R. Murray. - Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, 2018. - viii, 232 p. : color. il. - На англ. мові. - Referenc. at the end of the chapt. - Index: p. 225-232. - ISBN 978-0-323-47676-8 : 1 481.00 грн.
Study smart with Student Consult
Переклад назви: Основи медичної мікробіології [Книга з кодом інтернет-доступу] / П. Мюррей






Анотація: Authored by the lead author of the bestselling Medical Microbiology and written in the same tradition, Basic Medical Microbiology was designed as a straight-forward, practical introduction to this difficult topic. It provides students with a firm foundation in the principles and applications of microbiology, serving as an effective prep tool for examinations and the transition into clinical application. Key Features Carefully curated contents focus on the most commonly observed and tested organisms and diseases. Differential diagnosis, organism classification overview, and a list of antimicrobials used to treat infections are provided in the introductory chapter of each organism section, reinforcing the clinical application and relevance. Organized by organism; focuses on the association between an organism and disease. Concise tables and high-quality illustrations offer visual guidance and an easy review of key material. Clinical cases reinforce the clinical significance of each organism. Includes multiple-choice questions to aid in self-assessment and examination preparation. Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Table of Contents Section I. Introduction Chapter 1. Overview of Medical Microbiology Section I. Bacteria Chapter 2. Introduction of Bacteria Chapter 3. Aerobic Gram-Positive Cocci Chapter 4. Aerobic Gram-Positive Rods Chapter 5. Acid-Fast Bacteria Chapter 6. Aerobic Gram-Negative Cocci and Coccobacilli Chapter 7. Aerobic Fermentative Gram-Negative Rods Chapter 8. Aerobic Non-fermentative Gram-Negative Rods Chapter 9. Anaerobic Bacteria Chapter 10. Spiral Shaped Bacteria Chapter 11. Intracellular Bacteria Section II. Viruses Chapter 12. Introduction to Viruses Chapter 13. Human Immunodeficiency Viruses Chapter 14. Human Herpes Viruses Chapter 15. Respiratory Viruses Chapter 16. Hepatitis Viruses Chapter 17. Gastrointestinal Viruses Section III. Fungi Chapter 18. Introduction to Fungi Chapter 19. Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Fungi Chapter 20. Systemic Dimorphic Fungi Chapter 21. Opportunistic Fungi Section IV. Parasites Chapter 22. Introduction to Parasites Chapter 23. Protozoa Chapter 24. Nematodes Chapter 25. Trematodes Chapter 26. Cestodes Chapter 27. Arthropods Section V. Review Questions
Примірників всього: 15
Наук.Аб. (14), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (14), Гурт.4 (1)

   М 42

    Medical Microbiology : A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogenesis, Immunity, Laboratory Investigation and Control / edited by M. R. Barer, W. Irving, A. Swann, N. Perera. - 19th ed.International ed.Print+Electronic package. - Edinburg etc. : Elsevier, 2019 (China). - xvi, 743 p. : color. il. ; 25 cm. - Contributors: p. vii-xi. - На англ. мові. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapt. - Index: p. 711-743. - ISBN 978-0-7020-7199-7 : 1 672.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Медична мікробіологія: посібник по мікробних інфекціях : патогенез, імунітет, лабораторні дослідження і контроль / за ред. М. Барера та ін. [Книга з кодом інтернет-доступу]







Анотація: Now in a fully revised and updated 19th edition, Medical Microbiology provides comprehensive coverage of infection from the microbial perspective, combining a clear introduction to key principles with a focus explicitly geared to modern clinical practice. It provides ideal coverage for medical and biomedical students - with ‘Key Points’ boxes throughout to highlight the essentials - and sufficient detail to also inform specialists in training. Building on the success of previous editions, updates in Medical Microbiology 19e include: New and expanded coverage of hot topics and emerging areas important to clinical practice, including: Genomics The Human Microbiome Direct acting antiviral agents for the treatment of HCV infection Molecular methods in diagnostic microbiology Antibiotic Stewardship A new and improved downloadable eBook (from studentconsult) - for anytime access to the complete contents plus BONUS interactive learning materials: Clinical cases - to introduce how patients with infections present and help relate key principles to practice MCQs for each chapter - to check understanding and aid exam preparation Table of Contents MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, EIGHTEENTH NINETEENTH EDITION Section 1: Microbial Biology 1. Microbiology and Medicine 2. Morphology and Nature of Micro-Organisms 3. Bacterial Identification and Systematics (Classification, Identification and Typing of Micro-organisms) 4. Bacterial Growth, Physiology and Death 5. Antimicrobial Agents and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing 6. Bacterial Genetics 7. Virus-Cell Interactions Section 2: Infection and Immunity 8. Innate and Adaptive Immunity 9. Immunity In Infection 10. Bacterial Pathogenicity 11. The Human Microbiome and the Natural History of Infection Section 3: Bacterial Pathogens and Associated Diseases 12. Staphylococcus 13. Streptococcus and Enterococcus 14. Coryneform Bacteria, Listeria and Erysipelothrix 15. Bacillus 16. Shigella and Escherichia 17. Salmonella 18. Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Proteus and Other Enterobacteria 19. Yersinia 20. Campylobacter and Helicobacter 21. Vibrio 22. Pseudomonads and Non-Fermenters 23. Haemophilus 24. Bordetella 25. Legionella 26. Neisseria and Moraxella 27. Mycobacterium 28. Other Actinobacteria 29. Clostridium 30. Non-Sporing Anaerobes 31. Brucella, Bartonella and Streptobacillus 32. Treponema And Borrelia 33. Leptospira: Leptospirosis; Weil's Disease 34. Chlamydia 35. Mycoplasmas 36. Rickettsia, Orientia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and Coxiella Section 4: Viral Pathogens and Associated Diseases 37. Adenoviruses 38. Herpesviruses 39. Poxviruses 40. Papillomaviruses 41. Polyomaviruses 42. Hepadnaviruses 43. Parvoviruses 44. Picornaviruses 45. Orthomyxoviruses 46. Paramyxoviruses 47. Arboviruses - Alphaviruses, Flaviviruses and Bunyaviruses 48. Hepaciviruses 49. Hepeviruses 50. Arenaviruses and Filoviruses 51. Reoviruses 52. Retroviruses 53. Caliciviruses and Astroviruses 54. Coronaviruses 55. Rhabdoviruses 56. Togaviruses 57. Prion Diseases Section 5: Fungal Pathogens, Parasitic Infections and Medical Entomology 58. Fungi 59. Protozoa 60. Helminths 61. Arthropods Section 6: Diagnosis, Treatment and Control of Infection 62. Infective Syndromes 63. Diagnostic Procedures 64. Molecular Methods in Diagnostic Microbiology 65. Management of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 66. Epidemiology and Control of Community Infections 67. Hospital Infection 68. Immunization
Дод.точки доступу:
Barer, Michael R. (Professor of Clinical Microbiology Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester Medical School, Leicester, United Kingdom) \ed.\
Irving, Will \ed.\
Swann, Andrew \ed.\
Perera, Nelum \ed.\

Примірників всього: 15
Наук.Аб. (14), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (14), Гурт.4 (1)

   М 98

    Murray, Patrick (Senior Worldwide Director, Scientific Affairs, BD Diagnostics, Sparks, Maryland, Adjunct Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland).
    Medical Microbiology / P. R. Murray, K. S. Rosenthal, M. A. Pfaller. - 8th ed.Print & eBook. - Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, 2016 (China). - x, 836 p. : color. il. ; 28 cm. - На англ. мові. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapt. - Index: p. 806-836. - ISBN 978-0-323-29956-5 : 3 296.00 грн.
Study smart with Student Consult
Переклад назви: Медична мікробіологія [Книга з кодом інтернет-доступу] / П. Мюррей, К. Розенталь, М. Пфальєр







Анотація: Description Turn to Medical Microbiology, 8th Edition for a thorough, clinically relevant understanding of microbes and their diseases. This succinct, easy-to-use text presents the fundamentals of microbiology and immunology in a clearly written, engaging manner—effectively preparing you for your courses, exams, and beyond. Key Features Coverage of basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology help you master the essentials. Review questions at the end of each chapter correlate basic science with clinical practice to help you understand the clinical relevance of the organisms examined. Clinical cases illustrate the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of infectious diseases, reinforcing a clinical approach to learning. Full-color clinical photographs, images, and illustrations help you visualize the clinical presentations of infections. Summary tables and text boxes emphasizing essential concepts and learning issues optimize exam review. Additional images, 200 self-assessment questions, NEW animations, and more. Table of Contents SECTION 1 Introduction 1 Introduction to Medical Microbiology 2 Human Microbiome in Health and Disease 3 Sterilization, Disinfection, and Antisepsis SECTION 2 General Principles of Laboratory Diagnosis 4 Microscopy and In Vitro Culture 5 Molecular Diagnosis 6 Serologic Diagnosis SECTION 3 Basic Concepts in the Immune Response 7 Elements of Host Protective Responses 8 Innate Host Responses 9 Antigen-Specific Immune Responses 10 Immune Responses to Infectious Agents 11 Antimicrobial Vaccines SECTION 4 Bacteriology 12 Bacterial Classification, Structure, and Replication 13 Bacterial Metabolism and Genetics 14 Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis 15 Role of Bacteria in Disease 16 Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases 17 Antibacterial Agents 18 Staphylococcus and Related Gram-Positive Cocci 19 Streptococcus and Enterococcus 20 Bacillus 21 Listeria and Related Gram-Positive Bacteria 22 Mycobacterium and Related Acid-Fast Bacteria 23 Neisseria and Related Genera 24 Haemophilus and Related Bacteria 25 Enterobacteriaceae 26 Vibrio and Related Bacteria 27 Pseudomonas and Related Bacteria 28 Campylobacter and Helicobacter 29 Miscellaneous Gram-Negative Rods 30 Clostridium 31 Non–Spore-Forming Anaerobic Bacteria 32 Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira 33 Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma SECTION 1 Introduction 1 Introduction to Medical Microbiology 2 Human Microbiome in Health and Disease 3 Sterilization, Disinfection, and Antisepsis SECTION 2 General Principles of Laboratory Diagnosis 4 Microscopy and In Vitro Culture 5 Molecular Diagnosis 6 Serologic Diagnosis SECTION 3 Basic Concepts in the Immune Response 7 Elements of Host Protective Responses 8 Innate Host Responses 9 Antigen-Specific Immune Responses 10 Immune Responses to Infectious Agents 11 Antimicrobial Vaccines SECTION 4 Bacteriology 12 Bacterial Classification, Structure, and Replication 13 Bacterial Metabolism and Genetics 14 Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis 15 Role of Bacteria in Disease 16 Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases 17 Antibacterial Agents 18 Staphylococcus and Related Gram-Positive Cocci 19 Streptococcus and Enterococcus 20 Bacillus 21 Listeria and Related Gram-Positive Bacteria 22 Mycobacterium and Related Acid-Fast Bacteria 23 Neisseria and Related Genera 24 Haemophilus and Related Bacteria 25 Enterobacteriaceae 26 Vibrio and Related Bacteria 27 Pseudomonas and Related Bacteria 28 Campylobacter and Helicobacter 29 Miscellaneous Gram-Negative Rods 30 Clostridium 31 Non–Spore-Forming Anaerobic Bacteria 32 Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira 33 Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma 34 Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, and Related Bacteria 35 Chlamydia and Chlamydophila SECTION 5 Virology 36 Viral Classification, Structure, and Replication 37 Mechanisms of Viral Pathogenesis 38 Role of Viruses in Disease View less oplasma and Ureaplasma 34 Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, and Related Bacteria 35 Chlamydia and Chlamydophila SECTION 5 Virology 36 Viral Classification, Structure, and Replication 37 Mechanisms of Viral Pathogenesis 38 Role of Viruses in Disease 39 Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Diseases 40 Antiviral Agents and Infection Control 41 Papillomaviruses and Polyomaviruses 42 Adenoviruses 43 Human Herpesviruses 44 Poxviruses 45 Parvoviruses 46 Picornaviruses 47 Coronaviruses and Noroviruses 48 Paramyxoviruses 49 Orthomyxoviruses 50 Rhabdoviruses, Filoviruses, and Bornaviruses 51 Reoviruses 52 Togaviruses and Flaviviruses 53 Bunyaviridae and Arenaviridae 54 Retroviruses 55 Hepatitis Viruses 56 Prion Diseases SECTION 6 Mycology 57 Fungal Classification, Structure, and Replication 58 Pathogenesis of Fungal Disease 59 Role of Fungi in Disease 60 Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Disease 61 Antifungal Agents 62 Superficial and Cutaneous Mycoses 63 Subcutaneous Mycoses 64 Systemic Mycoses Caused by Dimorphic Fungi 65 Opportunistic Mycoses 66 Fungal and Fungal-Like Infections of Unusual or Uncertain Etiology 67 Mycotoxins and Mycotoxicoses SECTION 7 Parasitology 68 Parasitic Classification, Structure, and Replication 69 Pathogenesis of Parasitic Diseases 70 Role of Parasites in Disease 71 Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Disease 72 Antiparasitic Agents 73 Intestinal and Urogenital Protozoa 74 Blood and Tissue Protozoa 75 Nematodes 76 Trematodes 77 Cestodes 78 Arthropods
Дод.точки доступу:
Rosenthal, Ken S.
Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Director Microbiology and Immunology, Roseman University of Health Sciences College of Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada; Emeritus Professor, Northeastern Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, Ohio
Pfaller, Michael A. (Chief Medical Officer, T2 Biosystems, Lexington, Massachusetts, Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa College of Medicine and College of Public Health, Iowa City, Iowa)

Примірників всього: 15
Наук.Аб. (14), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (14), Гурт.4 (1)

   М 42

    Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology / K. C. Carroll, T. A. Mietzner, J. A. Hobden et al. - 27th ed.International ed. - New York ; Chicago ; San Francisco etc. : McGraw Hill Education, 2016 (China). - xii, 852 p. : color. il., il. ; 28 cm. - (A LANGE medical book). - На англ. мові. - Referenc. at the end of the chapt. - Index: p. 809-851. - ISBN 9780-0-71-82498-9 : 1 742.00 грн
На обкл. авт.: Karen C. Carroll, Stephen A. Morse, Timothy A. Mietzner, Steve Miller
Переклад назви: Медична мікробіологія Джавця, Мельника та Ейдельберга / К. Керрол та ін.






Анотація: Contents Preface xii SECTION I FUNDAMENTALS OF MICROBIOLOGY 1 Stephen A. Morse, PhD and Timothy A. Meitzner, PhD 1. The Science of Microbiology 1 Introduction 1 Biologic Principles Illustrated by Microbiology 1 Viruses 2 Prions 3 Prokaryotes 4 Protists 7 Chapter Summary 9 Review Questions 9 2. Cell Structure 11 Optical Methods 11 Eukaryotic Cell Structure 13 Prokaryotic Cell Structure 15 Staining 38 Morphologic Changes During Growth 39 Chapter Summary 40 Review Questions 40 3. Classification of Bacteria 43 Taxonomy—The Vocabulary of Medical Microbiology 43 Criteria for Identification of Bacteria 43 Classification Systems 46 Description of the Major Categories and Groups of Bacteria 48 Nonculture Methods for the Identification of Pathogenic Microorganisms 52 Objectives 53 Review Questions 53 4. Growth, Survival, and Death of Microorganisms 55 Survival of Microorganisms in the Natural Environment 55 The Meaning of Growth 55 Exponential Growth 56 The Growth Curve in Batch Culture 57 Maintenance of Cells in the Exponential Phase 58 Growth in Biofilms 58 Definition and Measurement of Death 59 Environmental Control of Microbial Growth 59 Strategies to Control Bacteria at the Environmental Level 59 General Mechanisms of Biocide Action 60 Specific Actions of Selected Biocides 63 Relationship of Biocide Concentration and Time on Antimicrobial Killing 64 Summary 65 Key Concepts 65 Review Questions 66 5. Cultivation of Microorganisms 69 Requirements for Growth 69 Sources of Metabolic Energy 69 Nutrition 70 Environmental Factors Affecting Growth 71 Cultivation Methods 74 Chapter Summary 78 Review Questions 78 6. Microbial Metabolism 81 Role of Metabolism in Biosynthesis and Growth 81 Focal Metabolites and Their Interconversion 81 Assimilatory Pathways 84 Biosynthetic Pathways 92 Patterns of Microbial Energy-Yielding Metabolism 94 Regulation of Metabolic Pathways 101 Chapter Summary 103 Review Questions 103 7. Microbial Genetics 105 Nucleic Acids and Their Organization in Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, and Viral Genomes 105 iii Caroll_FM_pi-xii.indd 3 5/30/15 2:18 PM iv Contents Replication 110 Transfer of DNA 111 Mutation and Gene Rearrangement 114 Gene Expression 115 Genetic Engineering 117 Characterization of Cloned DNA 120 Site-Directed Mutagenesis 123 Analysis With Cloned DNA: Hybridization Probes 124 Manipulation of Cloned DNA 124 Objectives 125 Review Questions 125 SECTION II IMMUNOLOGY 127 Barbara Detrick, PhD 8. Immunology 127 Overview 127 Innate Immunity 127 Adaptive Immunity 130 Complement 141 Cytokines 143 Hypersensitivity 145 Deficiencies of the Immune Response 146 Clinical Immunology Laboratory (Diagnostic Testing) 147 Chapter Summary 149 Review Questions 149 SECTION III BACTERIOLOGY 153 Karen C. Carroll, MD and Jeffery A. Hobden, PhD 9. Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection 153 Identifying Bacteria That Cause Disease 154 Transmission of Infection 155 The Infectious Process 156 Genomics and Bacterial Pathogenicity 156 Regulation of Bacterial Virulence Factors 157 Bacterial Virulence Factors 158 Chapter Summary 165 Review Questions 165 10. Normal Human Microbiota 169 Human Microbiome Project 169 Role of the Resident Microbiota 169 Normal Microbiota of the Skin 171 Normal Microbiota of the Mouth and Upper Respiratory Tract 171 Normal Microbiota of the Urethra 176 Normal Microbiota of the Vagina 176 Normal Microbiota of the Conjunctiva 176 Chapter Summary 177 Review Questions 177 11. Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacilli: Bacillus and Clostridium Species 179 Bacillus Species 179 Bacillus anthracis 179 Bacillus cereus 182 Clostridium Species 182 Clostridium botulinum 183 Clostridium tetani 184 Clostridia That Produce Invasive Infections 186 Clostridium difficile and Diarrheal Disease 187 Review Questions 188 12. Aerobic Non–Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacilli: Corynebacterium, Listeria, Erysipelothrix, Nocardia, and Related Pathogens 191 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 192 Other Coryneform Bacteria 195 Listeria monocytogenes 196 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 198 Complex Aerobic Actinomycetes 198 Nocardiosis 199 Actinomycetoma 200 Review Questions 200 13. The Staphylococci 203 Chapter Summary 210 Review Questions 210 14. The Streptococci, Enterococci, and Related Genera 213 Classification of Streptococci 213 Streptococci of Particular Medical Interest 215 Streptococcus pyogenes 215 Streptococcus agalactiae 220 Groups C and G 220 Group D Streptococci 221 Streptococcus anginosus Group 221 Groups E, F, G, H, and K–U Streptococci 221 Viridans Streptococci 221 Nutritionally Variant Streptococci 222 Peptostreptococcus and Related Genera 222 Streptococcus pneumoniae 222 Enterococci 226 Other Catalase-Negative Gram-Positive Cocci 227 Review Questions 228 Caroll_FM_pi-xii.indd 4 5/30/15 2:18 PM Contents v 15. Enteric Gram-Negative Rods (Enterobacteriaceae) 231 Classification 231 Diseases Caused By Enterobacteriaceae Other Than Salmonella and Shigella 234 The Shigellae 237 The Salmonellae 239 Chapter Summary 242 Review Questions 243 16. Pseudomonads and Acinetobacter 245 The Pseudomonad Group 245 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 245 Burkholderia pseudomallei 248 Burkholderia cepacia Complex 248 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 249 Acinetobacter 249 Chapter Summary 249 Review Questions 249 17. Vibrio, Campylobacter, and Helicobacter 253 The Vibrios 253 Vibrio cholerae 253 Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus 256 Campylobacter 256 Campylobacter jejuni 256 Helicobacter pylori 258 Review Questions 259 18. Haemophilus, Bordetella, Brucella, and Francisella 263 The Haemophilus Species 263 Haemophilus influenzae 263 Haemophilus aegyptius 265 Aggregatibacter aphrophilus 266 Haemophilus ducreyi 266 Other Haemophilus Species 266 The Bordetellae 266 Bordetella pertussis 266 Bordetella parapertussis 268 Bordetella bronchiseptica 268 The Brucellae 269 Francisella tularensis and Tularemia 271 Review Questions 273 19. Yersinia and Pasteurella 275 Yersinia pestis and Plague 275 Yersinia enterocolitica 277 Pasteurella multocida 278 Review Questions 278 20. The Neisseriae 281 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 281 Neisseria meningitidis 287 Other Neisseriae 288 Chapter Summary 289 Review Questions 289 21. Infections Caused by Anaerobic Bacteria 293 Physiology and Growth Conditions for Anaerobes 293 Anaerobic Bacteria Found in Human Infections 294 Bacteria That Cause Vaginosis 295 Gardnerella vaginalis 295 Pathogenesis of Anaerobic Infections 296 The Polymicrobial Nature of Anaerobic Infections 297 Diagnosis of Anaerobic Infections 297 Treatment of Anaerobic Infections 298 Chapter Summary 298 Review Questions 298 22. Legionella, Bartonella, and Unusual Bacterial Pathogens 301 Legionella pneumophila and Other Legionellae 301 Bartonella 304 Streptobacillus moniliformis 306 Whipple Disease 306 Review Questions 307 23. Mycobacteria 309 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 309 Other Mycobacteria 317 Mycobacterium leprae 319 Review Questions 320 24. Spirochetes and Other Spiral Microorganisms 323 Treponema pallidum and Syphilis 323 Borrelia 327 Borrelia Species and Relapsing Fever 327 Borrelia burgdorferi and Lyme Disease 328 Leptospira and Leptospirosis 330 Review Questions 332 25. Mycoplasmas and Cell Wall–Defective Bacteria 335 Mycoplasmas 335 Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Atypical Pneumonias 337 Mycoplasma hominis 338 Ureaplasma urealyticum 338 Mycoplasma genitalium 338 Chapter Summary 338 Review Questions 339 Caroll_FM_pi-xii.indd 5 5/30/15 2:18 PM vi Contents 26. Rickettsia and Related Genera 341 General 341 Rickettsia and Orientia 341 Ehrlichia and Anaplasma 345 Coxiella burnetii 346 Review Questions 348 27. Chlamydia spp. 351 Chlamydia trachomatis Ocular, Genital, and Respiratory Infections 354 Trachoma 354 Chlamydia trachomatis Genital Infections and Inclusion Conjunctivitis 355 Chlamydia trachomatis and Neonatal Pneumonia 356 Lymphogranuloma Venereum 356 Chlamydia pneumoniae and Respiratory Infections 357 Chlamydia psittaci and Psittacosis 358 Chapter Summary 360 Review Questions 360 28. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 363 Mechanisms of Action of Antimicrobial Drugs 363 Selective Toxicity 363 Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis 363 Inhibition/Alteration of Cell Membrane Function 365 Inhibition of Protein Synthesis 366 Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis 367 Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs 368 Origin of Drug Resistance 368 Cross-Resistance 369 Limitation of Drug Resistance 369 Clinical Implications of Drug Resistance 369 Antimicrobial Activity in Vitro 370 Factors Affecting Antimicrobial Activity 370 Measurement of Antimicrobial Activity 371 Antimicrobial Activity in Vivo 372 Drug–Pathogen Relationships 372 Host–Pathogen Relationships 373 Clinical Use of Antibiotics 373 Selection of Antibiotics 373 Dangers of Indiscriminate Use 374 Antimicrobial Drugs Used in Combination 374 Antimicrobial Chemoprophylaxis 375 Antimicrobial Drugs for Systemic Administration 377 Penicillins 377 Cephalosporins 383 Other β-Lactam Drugs 385 Tetracyclines 385 Glycylcyclines 386 Chloramphenicol 386 Macrolides 387 Clindamycin and Lincomycin 387 Glycopeptides, Lipopeptides, Lipoglycopeptides 388 Streptogramins 388 Oxazolidinones 389 Bacitracin 389 Polymyxins 389 Aminoglycosides 389 Quinolones 391 Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim 392 Other Drugs with Specialized Uses 392 Drugs Used Primarily To Treat Mycobacterial Infections 393 Review Questions 394 SECTION IV VIROLOGY 397 Steve Miller, MD, PhD 29. General Properties of Viruses 397 Terms and Definitions in Virology 397 Evolutionary Origin of Viruses 398 Classification of Viruses 398 Principles of Virus Structure 404 Chemical Composition of Viruses 405 Cultivation and Detection of Viruses 407 Purification and Identification of Viruses 408 Laboratory Safety 409 Reaction to Physical and Chemical Agents 409 Replication of Viruses: an Overview 410 Genetics of Animal Viruses 414 Natural History (Ecology) and Modes of Transmission of Viruses 416 Chapter Summary 418 Review Questions 418 30. Pathogenesis and Control of Viral Diseases 421 Principles of Viral Diseases 421 Pathogenesis of Viral Diseases 421 Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections 433 Chapter Summary 438 Review Questions 438 Caroll_FM_pi-xii.indd 6 5/30/15 2:18 PM Contents vii 31. Parvoviruses 441 Properties of Parvoviruses 441 Parvovirus Infections in Humans 441 Chapter Summary 445 Review Questions 445 32. Adenoviruses 447 Properties of Adenoviruses 447 Adenovirus Infections in Humans 451 Chapter Summary 454 Review Questions 454 33. Herpesviruses 457 Properties of Herpesviruses 457 Herpesvirus Infections in Humans 460 Herpes Simplex Viruses 460 Varicella-Zoster Virus 466 Cytomegalovirus 470 Epstein-Barr Virus 474 Human Herpesvirus 6 477 Human Herpesvirus 7 478 Human Herpesvirus 8 478 Herpes B Virus 478 Chapter Summary 479 Review Questions 479 34. Poxviruses 483 Properties of Poxviruses 483 Poxvirus Infections in Humans: Vaccinia and Variola 486 Monkeypox Infections 490 Cowpox Infections 490 Buffalopox Infections 490 Orf Virus Infections 490 Molluscum Contagiosum 490 Tanapox and Yaba Monkey Tumor Poxvirus Infections 492 Chapter Summary 493 Review Questions 493 35. Hepatitis Viruses 495 Properties of Hepatitis Viruses 495 Hepatitis Virus Infections in Humans 500 Chapter Summary 512 Review Questions 512 36. Picornaviruses (Enterovirus and Rhinovirus Groups) 515 Properties of Picornaviruses 515 Enterovirus Group 516 Polioviruses 516 Coxsackieviruses 522 Other Enteroviruses 524 Enteroviruses in the Environment 525 Rhinoviruses 526 Parechovirus Group 527 Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Aphthovirus of Cattle) 528 Chapter Summary 528 Review Questions 528 37. Reoviruses, Rotaviruses, and Caliciviruses 531 Reoviruses and Rotaviruses 531 Rotaviruses 532 Reoviruses 536 Orbiviruses and Coltiviruses 536 Caliciviruses 536 Astroviruses 539 Chapter Summary 539 Review Questions 539 38. Arthropod-Borne and Rodent-Borne Viral Diseases 541 Human Arbovirus Infections 541 Togavirus and Flavivirus Encephalitis 543 Yellow Fever Virus 550 Dengue Virus 552 Bunyavirus Encephalitis Viruses 554 Sandfly Fever Virus 554 Rift Valley Fever Virus 554 Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus 555 Heartland Virus 555 Colorado Tick Fever Virus 555 Rodent-Borne Hemorrhagic Fevers 555 Bunyavirus Diseases 555 Arenavirus Diseases 557 Filovirus Diseases 559 Chapter Summary 561 Review Questions 561 39. Orthomyxoviruses (Influenza Viruses) 565 Properties of Orthomyxoviruses 565 Influenza Virus Infections in Humans 570 Chapter Summary 576 Review Questions 576 40. Paramyxoviruses and Rubella Virus 579 Properties of Paramyxoviruses 579 Parainfluenza Virus Infections 583 Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections 586 Human Metapneumovirus Infections 588 Mumps Virus Infections 589 Measles (Rubeola) Virus Infections 591 Hendra Virus and Nipah Virus Infections 594 Rubella (German Measles) Virus Infections 595 Caroll_FM_pi-xii.indd 7 5/30/15 2:18 PM viii Contents Postnatal Rubella 595 Congenital Rubella Syndrome 596 Chapter Summary 597 Review Questions 598 41. Coronaviruses 601 Properties of Coronaviruses 601 Coronavirus Infections in Humans 602 Chapter Summary 605 Review Questions 605 42. Rabies, Slow Virus Infections, and Prion Diseases 607 Rabies 607 Borna Disease 613 Slow Virus Infections and Prion Diseases 613 Chapter Summary 616 Review Questions 616 43. Human Cancer Viruses 619 General Features of Viral Carcinogenesis 619 Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogensis 620 Interactions of Tumor Viruses with Their Hosts 621 RNA Tumor Viruses 622 Hepatitis C Virus 622 Retroviruses 622 DNA Tumor Viruses 628 Polyomaviruses 628 Papillomaviruses 630 Adenoviruses 633 Herpesviruses 633 Poxviruses 634 Hepatitis B Virus 634 How to Prove That a Virus Causes Human Cancer 635 Chapter Summary 635 Review Questions 635 44. Aids and Lentiviruses 639 Properties of Lentiviruses 639 Hiv Infections in Humans 643 Chapter Summary 653 Review Questions 653 SECTION V MYCOLOGY 657 Thomas G. Mitchell, PhD 45. Medical Mycology 657 General Properties, Virulence, and Classification of Pathogenic Fungi 658 Laboratory Diagnosis of Mycoses 663 Superficial Mycoses 665 Cutaneous Mycoses 665 Key Concepts: Superficial and Cutaneous Mycoses 669 Subcutaneous Mycoses 669 Sporotrichosis 670 Chromoblastomycosis 671 Phaeohyphomycosis 672 Mycetoma 673 Key Concepts: Subcutaneous Mycoses 674 Endemic Mycoses 674 Coccidioidomycosis 675 Histoplasmosis 678 Blastomycosis 681 Paracoccidioidomycosis 682 Key Concepts: Endemic Mycoses 683 Opportunistic Mycoses 683 Candidiasis 684 Cryptococcosis 687 Aspergillosis 690 Mucormycosis 691 Pneumocystis Pneumonia 691 Penicilliosis 692 Other Opportunistic Mycoses 693 Key Concepts: Opportunistic Mycoses 693 Antifungal Prophylaxis 693 Hypersensitivity to Fungi 694 Mycotoxins 694 Antifungal Chemotherapy 694 Topical Antifungal Agents 700 Key Concepts: Antifungal Chemotherapy 700 Review Questions 700 SECTION VI PARASITOLOGY 705 Judy A. Sakanari, PhD and James H. McKerrow, MD, PhD 46. Medical Parasitology 705 Classification of Parasites 705 Intestinal Protozoan Infections 709 Giardia lamblia (Intestinal Flagellate) 709 Entamoeba histolytica (Intestinal and Tissue Ameba) 710 Other Intestinal Amebae 712 Cryptosporidium (Intestinal Sporozoa) 712 Cyclospora (Intestinal Sporozoa) 713 Sexually Transmitted Protozoan Infection 713 Trichomonas vaginalis (Genitourinary Flagellate) 713 Blood and Tissue Protozoan Infections 713 Blood Flagellates 713 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Blood Flagellates) 714 Trypanosoma cruzi (Blood Flagellate) 715 Leishmania Species (Blood Flagellates) 715 Entamoeba histolytica (Tissue Ameba)—See Intestinal Protozoan Infections Section 717 Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba castellanii, and Balamuthia mandrillaris (Free-Living Amebae) 717 Plasmodium Species (Blood Sporozoa) 717 Babesia microti (Blood Sporozoa) 721 Toxoplasma gondii (Tissue Sporozoa) 722 Microsporidia 722 Intestinal Helminthic Infections 723 Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm—Intestinal Nematode) 723 Trichuris trichiura (Whipworm—Intestinal Nematode) 724 Ascaris lumbricoides (Human Roundworm— Intestinal Nematode) 724 Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (Human Hookworms—Intestinal Nematode) 728 Strongyloides stercoralis (Human Threadworm— Intestinal and Tissue Nematode) 729 Trichinella spiralis (Intestinal and Tissue Nematode) 730 Fasciolopsis buski (Giant Intestinal Fluke—Intestinal Trematode) 730 Taenia saginata (Beef Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) and Taenia solium (Pork Tapeworm— Intestinal and Tissue Cestode) 731 Diphyllobothrium latum (Broad Fish Tapeworm— Intestinal Cestode) 731 Hymenolepis nana (Dwarf Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) 732 Dipylidium caninum (Dog Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) 732 Blood and Tissue Helminthic Infections 732 Wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi, and Brugia timori (Lymphatic Filariasis—Tissue Nematodes) 732 Onchocerca volvulus (River Blindness—Tissue Nematode) 733 Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea Worm—Tissue Nematode) 734 Larva Migrans (Zoonotic Larval Nematode Infections) 734 Clonorchis sinensis (Chinese Liver Fluke), Fasciola hepatica (Sheep Liver Fluke), and Paragonimus westermani (Lung Fluke)—Tissue Trematodes 734 Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma haematobium (Blood Flukes) 735 Tissue Cestode Infections (Caused By the Larval Stages) 736 Taenia solium—Cysticercosis/ Neurocysticercosis 736 Echinococcus granulosus (Hydatid Cyst) 736 Review Questions 737 SECTION VII DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND CLINICAL CORRELATION 741 Karen C. Carroll, MD and Steve Miller, MD, PhD 47. Principles of Diagnostic Medical Microbiology 741 Communication Between Physician and Laboratory 741 Diagnosis of Bacterial and Fungal Infections 742 The Importance of Normal Bacteria l and Fungal Microbiota 753 Laboratory Aids in the Selection of Antimicrobial Therapy 754 Diagnosis of Infection By Anatomic Site 755 Anaerobic Infections 761 Diagnosis of Chlamydial Infections 761 Diagnosis of Viral Infections 762 Review Questions 769 48. Cases and Clinical Correlations 773 Central Nervous System 773 Respiratory 777 Heart 782 Abdomen 783 Urinary Tract 785 Bone and Soft Tissue 790 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 792 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infections 795 Myocobacterium avium Complex 798 Infections in Transplant Patients 799 Emerging Infections 805 Index 809 Blood and Tissue Protozoan Infections 713 Blood Flagellates 713 Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Blood Flagellates) 714 Trypanosoma cruzi (Blood Flagellate) 715 Leishmania Species (Blood Flagellates) 715 Entamoeba histolytica (Tissue Ameba)—See Intestinal Protozoan Infections Section 717 Naegleria fowleri, Acanthamoeba castellanii, and Balamuthia mandrillaris (Free-Living Amebae) 717 Plasmodium Species (Blood Sporozoa) 717 Babesia microti (Blood Sporozoa) 721 Toxoplasma gondii (Tissue Sporozoa) 722 Microsporidia 722 Intestinal Helminthic Infections 723 Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm—Intestinal Nematode) 723 Trichuris trichiura (Whipworm—Intestinal Nematode) 724 Ascaris lumbricoides (Human Roundworm— Intestinal Nematode) 724 Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (Human Hookworms—Intestinal Nematode) 728 Strongyloides stercoralis (Human Threadworm— Intestinal and Tissue Nematode) 729 Trichinella spiralis (Intestinal and Tissue Nematode) 730 Fasciolopsis buski (Giant Intestinal Fluke—Intestinal Trematode) 730 Taenia saginata (Beef Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) and Taenia solium (Pork Tapeworm— Intestinal and Tissue Cestode) 731 Diphyllobothrium latum (Broad Fish Tapeworm— Intestinal Cestode) 731 Hymenolepis nana (Dwarf Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) 732 Dipylidium caninum (Dog Tapeworm—Intestinal Cestode) 732 Blood and Tissue Helminthic Infections 732 Wuchereria bancrofti, brugia malayi, and Brugia timori (Lymphatic Filariasis—Tissue Nematodes) 732 Onchocerca volvulus (River Blindness—Tissue Nematode) 733 Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea Worm—Tissue Nematode) 734 Larva Migrans (Zoonotic Larval Nematode Infections) 734
Перейти к внешнему ресурсу http://med-mu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Jawetz-Melnick-Adelbergs-Medical-Microbiology-27-edition.pdf,
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Дод.точки доступу:
Carroll, Karen C. (Professor of Pathology The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Director, Division Medical Microbiology The Johns Medical Institutions Baltimore, Maryland)
Mietzner, Timothy A. (PhD)
Hobden, Jeffery A. Hobden (PhD)
Detrick, Barbara (PhD)
Miller, Steve (MD, PhD)
Mitchell, Thomas G. (PhD)
Morse, Stephen A.
McKerrow, James H. (MD, PhD)
Sakanari, Judy A. (PhD)

Примірників всього: 15
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (13), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (13), Гурт.4 (1)

   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher educational establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies] / V. О. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. О. Kalibabchuk. - 6th ed. corrected. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2018. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 217-223. - ISBN 978-617-505-659-2 : 130.00 грн, 150.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична хімія : підручник / В. О. Калібабчук та ін.

Рубрики: ХІМІЯ(англ)--підручник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники(англ) -- національний підручник(англ)
Анотація: The textbook outlines the fundamentals of bioenergetics and cybernetics of bioche­mical reactions; describes the properties of solutions and their role in biochemical pro­cesses; presents modern concepts of electrode processes; explains peculiarities of surface phenomena and their value for the vital activity of the body; dwells on the properties of dispersion systems and biopolymer solutions. Special emphasis is placed on biogenic ele­ments and their properties viewed through the spectacle of modern concepts of atomic and molecular structure, and chemical bonds. The authors touch upon topical problems of ecology. The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher education estab­lishments — medical universities, institutes, and academies, pharmaceutical, biological, and eco­logical specialties. У підручнику викладено основи біоенергетики і кібернетики біохімічних реакцій; описано властивості розчинів та їх роль у біохімічних процесах; наведено сучасні уявлення про електродні процеси; висвітлено особливості поверхневих явищ та їх значення в життєдіяльності організму, властивості дисперсних систем і розчинів біополімерів. Особливу увагу приділено біогенним елементам та їх властивостям, розглянутим із позиції сучасних уявлень про будову атомів, молекул і хімічні зв’язки. Автори торкнулись актуальних аспектів проблем екології. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів - медичних університетів, інститутів та академій, фармацевтичних, біологічних та екологічних спеціальностей, що навчаються англійською мовою Preface........................... 5 Chapter 1. Chemical bonding and complexing......... 7 1.1. Chemical bond and its experimental characteristics........ 7 1.2. Covalent bond....................... 8 1.3. Ionic bond....................... 14 1.4. Metallic bond...................... 15 1.5. Hydrogen bond...................... 15 1.6. Complexing...................... 16 Self-test questions and tasks................... 23 Chapter 2. Theoretical principles of bioenergetics........ 24 2.1. Subject of thermodynamics................ 24 2.2. Thermodynamic systems. Thermodynamic functions....... 25 2.3. First law of thermodynamics................. 26 2.4. Heat of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations..... 28 2.5. Thermochemistry laws.................... 29 2.6. Application of thermochemical calculations for describing the energy of biochemical processes....................31 2.7. Second law of thermodynamics................ 33 2.8. Gibbs equation....................... 34 Self-test questions and tasks.................. 36 Chapter 3. Physical and chemical fundamentals of biochemical reaction kinetics.. 37 3.1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactant concentration. Mass action law...... 39 3.2. Molecularity and order of reaction...............40 3.3. Simple and complex reactions.................. 42 3.4. Effect of temperature on reaction rate............... 44 3.5. Catalysis........................ 46 3.6. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant........... 49 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 53 Chapter 4. Solutions and their role in biochemical processes..... 55 4.1. Modern ideas about solutions................ 56 4.2. Solution concentration..................... 58 4.3. Solubility of gases in liquids................... 60 4.4. Solubility of liquids and solid substances in liquids......... 61 4.5. Colligative properties of diluted solutions.............. 62 4.6. Solutions of electrolytes....................70 4.7. Dissociation of water..................... 73 4.8. Acid-base theories..................... 76 4.9. Buffer solutions...................... 80 4.10. Formation and dissolution of precipitates........... 86 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 89 Chapter 5. Electrode processes and their significance for physiology and medicine... 92 5.1. Electrode potentials.................... 92 5.2. Classification of electrodes.................. 95 5.3. Diffusion and membrane potentials............... 99 5.4. Potentials in biological systems................. 100 5.5. Oxidation-reduction reactions................ 103 Self-test questions and tasks...................107 Chapter 6. Physical chemistry of surface phenomena and their role in the processes taking place in the human body......... 108 6.1. Surface tension of liquids. Surface activity............. 109 6.2. Adsorption at the liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces...... 111 6.3. Orientation of molecules of surface-active substances in the surface layer...... 112 6.4. Langmuir isotherm equation................... 114 6.5. Structure of biological membranes............... 115 6.6. Solute adsorption at solid interface.............. 116 6.7. Laws of solute adsorption at solid interface............. 117 6.8. Adsorption therapy fundamentals................ 120 6.9. Adsorption of electrolytes................... 124 6.9.1. Selective adsorption..................... 124 6.9.2. Ion exchange adsorption................. 125 6.10. Chromatographic methods of analysis............ 128 6.10.1. Principles of chromatographic methods classification....... 129 6.10.2. Application of chromatography in biology and medicine....... 131 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 132 Chapter 7 . Physical chemistry of disperse systems........ 134 7.1. Classification of disperse systems............... 135 7.2. Methods of colloid system preparation............... 137 7.2.1. Methods of dispergation.................. 138 7.2.1. Methods of condensation................... 138 7.3. Methods of colloid system purification............... 139 7.4. Molecular-kinetic properties of disperse systems .......... 140 7.5. Optical properties of colloid systems.............. 141 7.6. Double electrical layer. Structure of colloid particles. Electrokinetic phenomena.. 143 7.6.1. Electrokinetic phenomena................... 146 7.7. Stability and coagulation of disperse systems.......... 151 7.7.1. Stability factors of disperse systems .............. 151 7.7.2. Theory of coagulation and stability of disperse systems...... 152 7.7.3. Kinetics of coagulation.................... 154 7.7.4. Special cases of coagulation................. 155 7.7.5. Peptization as inverse process of coagulation......... 158 7.7.6. Coagulation in biological systems................ 159 7.8. Aerosols. Powders. Suspensions. Pastes. Foams......... 160 7.9. Emulsions......................... 162 7.10. Colloid surface-active substances................ 163 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 165 Chapter 8. Physical chemistry of biopolymers and their solutions.. 168 8.1. Biological macromolecules.................. 169 8.2. Biopolymer structure..................... 170 8.3. Isoelectric state of proteins................. 171 8.4. HMC solutions and their properties.............. 173 8.5. Thermodynamic stability of HMC solutions. Methods of protein precipitation ... 175 8.6. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure in HMC solutions............ 177 8.7. Viscosity of HMC solutions.................. 180 8.8. Jellies: formation and properties ................. 180 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 183 Chapter 9. Chemistry of biogenic elements............ 184 9.1 General information about biogenic elements.......... 184 9.2. s-Elements: biological role, application in medicine......... 192 9.3. p-Elements: biological role, application in medicine......... 196 9.4. General characteristic of d-elements............. 209 Self-test questions and tasks.................... 215 Index............................. 217
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, Valentyna Oleksandrivna
Калібабчук, Валентина Олександрівна
Halynska, Valentyna Ivanivna
Галинська, Валентина Іванівна
Hryshchenko, Larysa Ivanivna
Грищенко, Лариса Іванівна
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Гождзинський С. М.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Овсяннікова Т. О.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Самарський В. А.
Kalibabchuk, V. О. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 15
Наук.Аб. (2), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (11), ННА (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (2), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (11), ННА (1)

   П 27

    First Aid for the USMLE Step 3 / T. Le, V. Bhushan, J. S. Yen, K. C. Lee. - 4th ed. - New York ; Chicago ; San Francisco etc. : McGraw Hill Education, 2016. - [10], 526 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (First aid). - Загл. обл. : First Aid for the USMLE Step 3: A Resident-to-Resident Guide. - Autors: p.: [5-6]. About the autors [тит. л.]: p. 526. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 495-525. - ISBN 978-0-07-181455-3 : 3 325.00 грн
USMLE-United States Medical Licensing Examination
Переклад назви: Перша допомога для USMLE (Медичного ліцензійного іспиту Сполучених Штатів) Крок 3: посібник резидент-резиденту / Т. Лі та ін.

Рубрики: МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
іспити(англ) -- навчальні посібники (англ)
Анотація: Completely updated, comprehensive review for the new USMLE Step 3 • High-yield topics and CCS-style minicases emphasize the "next step" in patient management • • Vignette-style flash cards test your application of knowledge • • New basic science correlations prepare you for foundational science questions • Contents Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viiImage Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .viiFaculty Reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viiiPreface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ixAcknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiHow to Contribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiiCHAPTER 1. Guide to the USMLE Step 3 and Supplement: Guide to the CCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1CHAPTER 2. Ambulatory Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15CHAPTER 3. Cardiovascular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35CHAPTER 4. Emergency Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57CHAPTER 5. Endocrinology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85CHAPTER 6. Ethics and Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105CHAPTER 7. Gastroenterology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115CHAPTER 8. Hematology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137CHAPTER 9. Oncology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157CHAPTER 10. Infectious Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179CHAPTER 11. Musculoskeletal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213CHAPTER 12. Nephrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231CHAPTER 13. Neurology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253CHAPTER 14. Obstetrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273CHAPTER 15. Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293CHAPTER 16. Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309CHAPTER 17. Psychiatry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355CHAPTER 18. Pulmonary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381CHAPTER 19. High-Yield CCS Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495About the Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Перейти к внешнему ресурсу http://www.academia.edu/35846232/First-Aid-for-the-USMLE-Step-3.pdf

Дод.точки доступу:
Le, Tao
Bhushan, Vikas
Yen, James S.
Lee, Kachiu Cecilia

Примірників всього: 5
Наук.Аб. (5)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (5)

   П 27

    First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK / T. Le, V. Bhushan, V. L. Chen, M. R. King. - 9th ed. - New York ; Chicago ; San Francisco etc. : McGraw Hill Education, 2016. - 550 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (First aid). - Загл. обл. : First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK Clinical Knowledge: A Student-to-Student Guide. - Загл. на корешке : First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK / Lee, Bhushan, Skapic. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-0-07-184458-1 : 3 325.00 грн
USMLE-United States Medical Licensing Examination
Переклад назви: Перша допомога для USMLE (Медичного ліцензійного іспиту Сполучених Штатів). Крок 2 КЗ (Клінічні знання): посібник студент-студенту / Т. Лі та ін.

Рубрики: МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
іспити(англ) -- навчальні посібники (англ)
Анотація: • Comprehensive high-yield review for the USMLE Step 2 CK • • Embedded case vignettes test your application of knowledge • • Key facts and mnemonics reinforce essential information • • Rapid review section for last-minute cramming • • Includes hundreds of color clinical images and illustrations
Дод.точки доступу:
Le, Tao
Bhushan, Vikas
Chen, Vincent L.
King, Michael R.

Примірників всього: 10
Наук.Аб. (9), ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (9), ЧЗ (1)

   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher educational establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies] / V. A. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. A. Kalibabchuk. - 5th. ed. corrected. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2017. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 217-223. - ISBN 978-617-505-571-7 : 130.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична хімія : підручник / В. О. Калібабчук та ін.

Рубрики: ХИМИЯ(англ)--підручник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники(англ) -- національний підручник
Анотація: The textbook outlines the fundamentals of bioenergetics and cybernetics of bioche­mical reactions; describes the properties of solutions and their role in biochemical pro­cesses; presents modern concepts of electrode processes; explains peculiarities of surface phenomena and their value for the vital activity of the body; dwells on the properties of dispersion systems and biopolymer solutions. Special emphasis is placed on biogenic ele­ments and their properties viewed through the spectacle of modern concepts of atomic and molecular structure, and chemical bonds. The authors touch upon topical problems of ecology. The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher education estab­lishments — medical universities, institutes, and academies, pharmaceutical, biological, and eco­logical specialties. У підручнику викладено основи біоенергетики і кібернетики біохімічних реакцій; описано властивості розчинів та їх роль у біохімічних процесах; наведено сучасні уявлення про електродні процеси; висвітлено особливості поверхневих явищ та їх значення в життєдіяльності організму, властивості дисперсних систем і розчинів біополімерів. Особливу увагу приділено біогенним елементам та їх властивостям, розглянутим із позиції сучасних уявлень про будову атомів, молекул і хімічні зв’язки. Автори торкнулись актуальних аспектів проблем екології. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів - медичних університетів, інститутів та академій, фармацевтичних, біологічних та екологічних спеціальностей, що навчаються англійською мовою. Preface.......................................... 5 Chapter 1. Chemical bonding and complexing....................... 7 1.1. Chemical bond and its experimental characteristics..................... 7 1.2. Covalent bond.................................. 8 1.3. Ionic bond................................... 14 1.4. Metallic bond.................................. 15 1.5. Hydrogen bond.................................. 15 1.6. Complexing.................................... 16 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 23 Chapter 2. Theoretical principles of bioenergetics..................... 24 2.1. Subject of thermodynamics............................... 24 2.2. Thermodynamic systems. Thermodynamic functions..................... 25 2.3. First law of thermodynamics............................. 26 2.4. Heat of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations.................. 28 2.5. Thermochemistry laws............................... 29 2.6. Application of thermochemical calculations for describing the energy of biochemical processes................................. 31 2.7. Second law of thermodynamics............................ 33 2.8. Gibbs equation.................................... 34 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 36 Chapter 3. Physical and chemical fundamentals of biochemical reaction kinetics......... 37 3.1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactant concentration. Mass action law............ 39 3.2. Molecularity and order of reaction.......................... 40 3.3. Simple and complex reactions.............................. 42 3.4. Effect of temperature on reaction rate......................... 44 3.5. Catalysis...................................... 46 3.6. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant......................... 49 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 53 Chapter 4. Solutions and their role in biochemical processes................. 55 4.1. Modern ideas about solutions............................ 56 4.2. Solution concentration............................... 58 4.3. Solubility of gases in liquids............................... 60 4.4. Solubility of liquids and solid substances in liquids...................... 61 4.5. Colligative properties of diluted solutions........................ 62 4.6. Solutions of electrolytes................................ 70 4.7. Dissociation of water............................... 73 4.8. Acid-base theories................................. 76 4.9. Buffer solutions................................. 80 4.10. Formation and dissolution of precipitates......................... 86 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 89 Chapter 5. Electrode processes and their significance for physiology and medicine....... 92 5.1. Electrode potentials................................. 92 5.2. Classification of electrodes............................... 95 5.3. Diffusion and membrane potentials............................ 99 5.4. Potentials in biological systems............................ 100 5.5. Oxidation-reduction reactions............................ 103 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 107 Chapter 6. Physical chemistry of surface phenomena and their role in the processes taking place in the human body..................... 108 6.1. Surface tension of liquids. Surface activity......................... 109 6.2. Adsorption at the liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces.................. 111 6.3. Orientation of molecules of surface-active substances in the surface layer............. 112 6.4. Langmuir isotherm equation.............................. 114 6.5. Structure of biological membranes............................ 115 6.6. Solute adsorption at solid interface.......................... 116 6.7. Laws of solute adsorption at solid interface....................... 117 6.8. Adsorption therapy fundamentals............................ 120 6.9. Adsorption of electrolytes.............................. 124 6.9.1. Selective adsorption............................. 124 6.9.2. Ion exchange adsorption............................ 125 6.10. Chromatographic methods of analysis......................... 128 6.10.1. Principles of chromatographic methods classification............... 129 6.10.2. Application of chromatography in biology and medicine................ 131 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 132 Chapter 7 . Physical chemistry of disperse systems.................... 134 7.1. Classification of disperse systems.......................... 135 7.2. Methods of colloid system preparation.......................... 137 7.2.1. Methods of dispergation............................. 138 7.2.1. Methods of condensation........................... 138 7.3. Methods of colloid system purification.......................... 139 7.4. Molecular-kinetic properties of disperse systems ...................... 140 7.5. Optical properties of colloid systems.......................... 141 7.6. Double electrical layer. Structure of colloid particles. Electrokinetic phenomena........ 143 7.6.1. Electrokinetic phenomena............................ 146 7.7. Stability and coagulation of disperse systems........................ 151 7.7.1. Stability factors of disperse systems ...................... 151 7.7.2. Theory of coagulation and stability of disperse systems................. 152 7.7.3. Kinetics of coagulation........................... 154 7.7.4. Special cases of coagulation........................... 155 7.7.5. Peptization as inverse process of coagulation..................... 158 7.7.6. Coagulation in biological systems........................ 159 7.8. Aerosols. Powders. Suspensions. Pastes. Foams....................... 160 7.9. Emulsions..................................... 162 7.10. Colloid surface-active substances............................ 163 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 165 Chapter 8. Physical chemistry of biopolymers and their solutions................ 168 8.1. Biological macromolecules.............................. 169 8.2. Biopolymer structure................................ 170 8.3. Isoelectric state of proteins............................ 171 8.4. HMC solutions and their properties......................... 173 8.5. Thermodynamic stability of HMC solutions. Methods of protein precipitation ......... 175 8.6. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure in HMC solutions....................... 177 8.7. Viscosity of HMC solutions............................ 180 8.8. Jellies: formation and properties .......................... 180 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 183 Chapter 9. Chemistry of biogenic elements........................ 184 9.1 General information about biogenic elements........................ 184 9.2. s-Elements: biological role, application in medicine................... 192 9.3. p-Elements: biological role, application in medicine..................... 196 9.4. General characteristic of d-elements........................... 209 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 215 Index................. 217
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, Valentyna Oleksandrivna
Калібабчук, Валентина Олександрівна
Halynska, Valentyna Ivanivna
Галинська, Валентина Іванівна
Hryshchenko, Larysa Ivanivna
Грищенко, Лариса Іванівна
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Гождзинський С. М.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Овсяннікова Т. О.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Самарський В. А.
Kalibabchuk, V. A. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

   П 27

    First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2018 / [ed.:] T. Le, V. Bhushan, M. Sochat et al. - 28th ed. - New York ; Chicago ; San Francisco etc. : McGraw Hill Education, 2018. - xxii, 793 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (First aid). - Загл. обл. : First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2018: A Student-to-Student Guide. - Загл. на корешке : First Aid for the USMLE Step 1. 2018 / Le, Brushnan, Sochat, Chavda, Zureick. - Authors: p. vii-x. About the editors: p. 793. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 731-792. - ISBN 978-1-26-011613-7 : 4 950.00 грн
USMLE-United States Medical Licensing Examination. На тит. с. редакторство не вказ.
Переклад назви: Перша допомога для USMLE (Медичного ліцензійного іспиту Сполучених Штатів) Крок 1 2018: посібник студент-студенту / ред.: Т. Лі та ін.

Рубрики: МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
іспити(англ) -- навчальні посібники (англ)
Анотація: 1,300+ must-know concepts organized for maximum yield • • Updated throughout, with 35 new high-yield facts • • 1000+ color photos and illustrations, many new or revised • Student-proven exam strategies with new learning science section Section 1: Guide to efficient exam preparation -- Introduction -- USMLE Step 1: the basics -- Defining your goal -- Learning strategies -- Timeline for study -- Study materials -- Test-taking strategies -- Clinical Vignette Strategies -- If you think you failed -- Testing agencies -- References -- Section I Supplement: Special situations -- Secion II: High-yield general principles -- How to use the database -- Biochemistry -- Immunology -- Pathology -- Pharmacology -- Public health sciences -- Section III: High-yield organ systems -- Approaching the organ systems -- Cardiovascular -- Endocrine -- Gastrointestinal -- Hematology and oncology -- Musculoskeletal, skin, and connective tissue -- Neurology and special senses -- Psychiatry -- Renal -- Reproductive -- Respiratory -- Rapid review -- Section IV: Top-rated review resources -- How to use the database -- Question banks -- Question books -- Web and mobile apps -- Comprehensive -- Anatomy, embryology, and neuroscience -- Behavioral science -- Biochemistry -- Cell biology and histology -- Microbiology and immunology -- Pathology -- Pharmacology -- Physiology -- Abbreviations and symbols -- Image Acknowledgments
Перейти к внешнему ресурсу http://www.academia.edu/8017625/First_Aid_for_the_USMLE_Step_1_2018

Дод.точки доступу:
Le, Tao \ed.\
Bhushan, Vikas \ed.\
Sochat, Matthew \ed.\
Kallianos, Kimberly \ed.\
Chavda, Yash \ed.\
Zureick, Andrew \ed.\
Kalani, Mehboob \ed.\

Примірників всього: 10
Наук.Аб. (9), ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (9), ЧЗ (1)

   M 42

    Medical biology : training textbook for the students self-dependent work of the medical and stomatological departments. [1st year student_____________faculty_____group____________________(name)]. Module 3. Population-species, biogeocenotic and biosphere levels of life / S. I. Dubinin, O. V. Ovcharenko, A. V. Vatsenko at al. ; UMSA. - Poltava : [s. n.], 2017. - 112 p. : il. ; 29 cm. - На англ. мові. - 030.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична біологія. Модуль 3. Популяційно-видовий, біогеоценотичний і біосферний рівні організації життя: навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи студентів медичного та стоматологічного факультетів / С. І. Дубінін, О. В. Овчаренко, А. В. Ваценко та ін.; УМСА

Рубрики: БІОЛОГІЯ(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник

   МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник

   ПАРАЗИТОЛОГІЯ(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Дод.точки доступу:
Dubinin, S. I.
Дубінін Сергій Іванович
Ovcharenko, O. V.
Овчаренко Світлана Василівна
Vatsenko, A. V.
Ваценко Анжела Володимирівна
Pilugin, V. A.
Пілюгін Валентин Олексійович
Ulanovska, N. A.
Улановська Наталя Аркадіївна
Perederiy, N. O.
Передерій Ніна Олександрівна
Ryabushko, E. V.
Рябушко Олена Борисівна
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   M 42

    Medical biology : training textbook for students self-preparation work of medical and stomatological departments. [1st year student_____________faculty_____group____________________]. Module 2. Organismic level of life organization. Bases of human genetics / S. I. Dubinin, O. V. Ovcharenko, N. O. Perederiy at al. ; UMSA. - Poltava : [s. n.], 2017. - 76 p. : il. ; 29 cm. - На англ. мові. - 030.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична біологія. Модуль 2. Організмовий рівень організації життя. Основи генетики людини: навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи студентів медичного та стоматологічного факультетів / С. І. Дубінін, О. В. Овчаренко, Н. О. Передерій та ін.; УМСА

Рубрики: БІОЛОГІЯ(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник

   МЕДИЦИНА(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник

   ГЕНЕТИКА(АНГЛ)--навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники(англ)
Дод.точки доступу:
Dubinin, S. I.
Дубінін Сергій Іванович
Ovcharenko, O. V.
Овчаренко Світлана Василівна
Perederiy, N. O.
Передерій Ніна Олександрівна
Vatsenko, A. V.
Ваценко Анжела Володимирівна
Pilugin, V. A.
Пілюгін Валентин Олексійович
Ulanovska, N. A.
Улановська Наталя Аркадіївна
Ryabushko, E. V.
Рябушко Олена Борисівна
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

   M 42

    Medical biology : training text-book for the self-dependent work of students of medical and stomatological departments. [1st year student_____________department_____group____________________]. Module 1. Biological peculiarities of the human vital functions / S. I. Dubinin, O. V. Ovcharenko, N. O. Perederiy at al. ; UMSA. - Poltava : [s. n.], 2016. - 79 p. : il. ; 29 cm. - На англ. мові. - 030.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична біологія. Модуль 1. Біологічні особливості життєдіяльності людини: навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи студентів медичного та стоматологічного факультетів / С. І. Дубінін, О. В. Овчаренко, Н. О. Передерій та ін.; УМСА



Дод.точки доступу:
Dubinin, S. I.
Дубінін Сергій Іванович
Ovcharenko, O. V.
Овчаренко Світлана Василівна
Perederiy, N. O.
Передерій Ніна Олександрівна
Vatsenko, A. V.
Ваценко Анжела Володимирівна
Pilugin, V. A.
Пілюгін Валентин Олексійович
Ulanovskaya-Tsiba, N. A.
Улановська-Циба Наталя Аркадіївна
Ryabushko, E. V.
Рябушко Олена Борисівна
UMSA (Poltava)

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)