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   Ц 58

    Tsyhykalo, O. V.
    Topographical anatomy and operative surgery : textbook for english-speaking foreign students / O. V. Tsyhykalo. - 3rd ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. - 528 p. : il. ; 30 sм. - На англ. мові. - Lit.: p. 528. - ISBN 978-966-382-699-8 : 220.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Топографічна анатомія та оперативна хірургія: підручник для інозем. англомов. студентів / О. В. Цигикало

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник(англ)


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: The textbook compiled in accordance with the Program of the educational subject “Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery” for higher medical educational institutions of the III–IV levels of accreditation of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The textbook presents up-to-date data in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery of the regions of head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine and limbs. The topographic specific characteristics of organs and anatomical structures have been ascertained and they should be taken into account in the process of performing diagnostic and treatment procedures. A technique of principal surgical operations with due regard for the history and the modern state of the medical science is adduced in detail. For medical students, internship doctors, residents. Підручник підготовлений відповідно до Програми навчальної дисципліни “Топографічна анатомія та оперативна хірургія” для вищих медичних закладів освіти ІІІ–ІV рівнів акредитації МОЗ України. У підручнику викладено сучасні дані з топографічної анатомії та оперативної хірургії ділянок та органів голови, шиї, грудей, живота, поперекової ділянки, таза, хребта та кінцівок. Визначено топографічні особливості органів та анатомічні структури, які слід враховувати при виконанні діагностичних та лікувальних процедур. Детально подано техніки основних хірургічних операцій з урахуванням історичних даних та сучасного стану медичної науки. Для студентів, лікарів-інтернів, клінічних ординаторів Contents Chapter I. GENERAL PROBLEMS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ANATOMY AND OPERATIVE SURGERY .................................. 8 Medical and Anatomical Terminology ...................... 9 Directional Terms ............................. 10 Classification of Operations......................... 12 Stages of Surgical Operation.......................... 13 Surgical Instruments and Rules of Their Use .................. 16 General Principles of Pediatric Anatomy:.................... 24 Types of Suture Material ........................... 24 Suturing Apparatus ............................. 25 Anesthesia ................................ 25 The use of Laser, Ultrasound and Adhesive Agents in Applied Medicine ....... 28 Methods of Temporal and Definitive Haemostasis ................. 29 The Principles of Primary Surgical Treatment of Wound (Initial dbridement, Initial Handling) 29 Questions for Self-Control ......................... 30 Chapter 2 HEAD .................................. 31 Cerebral Part of the Head (the Skull) ....................... 31 Temporal Region ............................. 36 Mastoid Region ............................... 36 Meninges of the Brain ............................ 37 The Brain ................................ 40 Base of the Skull .............................. 43 Operations on the Head............................ 47 Primary Surgical Treatment of cranial wounds .................. 47 Trepanation of the Skull (Craniotomy) ...................... 47 Antrotomy (Mastoid Process Trepanation)..................... 49 Suboccipital Puncture ............................ 49 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery ........................ 49 Facial Part of the Head .......................... 49 Buccal Region .............................. 49 Parotidomasseter Region......................... 52 The Parotid Gland............................ 53 Profound Facial Region ............................ 54 Operative Surgery of the Facial Region ...................... 55 The Features of Facial Wounds ......................... 55 Soft Tissue Injuries .............................. 56 Questions for Self-Control ......................... 56 Chapter 3 NECK.................................. 57 Areas of the Neck ............................ 57 Fascias of the Neck ............................ 58 Spaces of the Neck ............................ 59 Sternocleidomastoid Region .......................... 60 Triangles of the Neck ............................. 61 Lymphatics and the Right and Left Thoracic Lymphatic Ducts ............. 63 Lymphatic Structures of the Neck ....................... 65 4 Tonsils.................................. 65 Pharynx ................................ 66 Larynx .................................. 70 Trachea .................................. 75 Thyroid Gland ............................... 75 Parathyroid Glands ............................. 78 Cervical Esophagus ........................... 78 Operative Surgery of the Neck ........................ 79 Incisions in the Neck ........................... 79 Cricothyroidotomy............................ 81 Tracheostomy ............................... 82 Subtotal Subcapsular Resection of theThyroid Gland (Strumectomy) according to Nikolayev 86 Primary Surgical Treatment of the Short Wounds of the Neck ............ 86 Opening of Phlegmons of the Neck....................... 87 The Vago-Sympathetic Block by Vishnevskyi ................... 87 Cervical Plexus Block ............................ 87 Brachial Plexus Block ............................ 87 Ligation of the Common and External Carotid Arteries .............. 87 Ligation of the Lingual Artery........................ 88 Questions for Self-Control ......................... 88 Chapter 4 THORAX................................ 89 Structure of the Thoracic Wall.......................... 89 The Regions of the Thorax ........................... 93 Layers of the Thoracic Wall .......................... 93 Superficial Layer of the Thoracic Wall ..................... 93 Mammary Gland .............................. 93 Medium Layer of the Thoracic Wall ....................... 96 Deep Layer of the Thorax ......................... 96 Diaphragm .............................. 101 The Thoracic Cavity ............................. 103 Mediastinum ............................... 103 Pleurae ................................. 103 Trachea ................................ 104 Principal Bronchi .............................. 105 Lungs ................................. 105 Pericardium ................................ 108 Heart.................................. 109 Esophagus .............................. 117 Thymus ................................. 118 Large Arteries of the Thorax.......................... 118 Lymph Nodes and Vessels of the Thorax ..................... 120 Nerves of the Thorax ............................ 121 Operative Surgery of Thorax ......................... 124 Operations on the Thoracic Wall ...................... 124 Chest Wound .............................. 124 Types of Pneumothorax and Techniques of their Treatment ............ 124 Primary Surgical Treatment of the Penetrating Wound of the Thoracic Wall ........ 124 Thoracostomy ............................. 125 Thoracotomy ............................... 125 Posterolateral Thoracotomy Incision ...................... 125 Rib excision ................................ 129 5 Orerations on the Mammary Gland ..................... 129 Operations on the Lungs ......................... 130 Operations on the Heart.......................... 131 Suturing of the Heart Wounds ....................... 131 Intercostal Nerve block ............................ 131 Sternum and Marrow Biopsy......................... 132 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 132 Chapter 5 ABDOMEN ................................ 133 Abdominal Wall ............................. 133 Surface Anatomy and Anatomical Landmark of the Abdominal Wall........... 134 Regions of the Abdomen ........................... 134 Layer-by-layer Structure of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall ............ 135 Inguinal Region .............................. 142 Inguinal Canal ............................. 142 Surgical Anatomy of Abdominal Hernia ..................... 146 Femoral Hernia.............................. 149 Abdominal Viscera ........................... 150 Esophagus (Abdominal Portion)...................... 150 Stomach ............................... 150 Small Intestine ............................... 153 Large Intestine ............................... 157 Liver .................................. 161 Bile Ducts ................................ 165 Gallbladder .............................. 166 Pancreas ................................. 166 Spleen .................................. 169 Retroperitoneal Space............................ 169 Blood supply of the Gastrointestinal Tract .................... 169 Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity ...................... 173 Operative Surgery of the Abdomen ..................... 176 Surgical Incisions in the Anterior Abdominal Wall .................. 176 Pathogenesis of Groin Hernias and Principles of Their Repair ............ 184 Operative treatment of Indirect Inguinal hernia................. 186 Operative treatment of direct inguinal hernia ................... 198 Repair of Umbilical Hernia ......................... 203 Ventral Hernia ............................. 207 Operative Surgery of the Stomach ...................... 211 Operative surgery of the Bowel ........................ 234 Operative surgery of the Large Intestine.................... 241 Appendectomy .............................. 245 Operative Surgery of the Liver ......................... 249 Surgery of the Biliary Tract ......................... 253 Surgery of the Pancreas ......................... 261 Splenectomy ............................... 261 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 266 Chapter 6 LUMBAR REGION ............................. 267 Triangles of the Lumbar region ........................ 268 Retroperitoneal space ............................ 270 6 Kidneys ................................ 271 Ureter ................................ 273 Suprarenal Glands ............................ 274 The Abdominal Aorta ........................... 275 The Inferior Vena Cava ........................... 276 Retroperitoneal Lymphatics .......................... 277 Retroperitoneal Innervation ........................ 278 Operative surgery of the Lumbar region .................... 280 Incisions of the Posterior (Lumbar) Abdominal Wall ................. 280 Operations on the Kidney and Ureter ..................... 281 Paranephral Vagosympathetic Block by Vishnevsky ................ 284 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 284 Chapter 7 PELVIC AND PERINEUM ........................ 285 True (Lesser or Minor) Pelvis ........................ 285 False Pelvis ................................ 285 Pelvic Viscera ............................... 297 Gastrointestinal System .......................... 297 The Urinary Organs ........................... 303 Male Internal Genital Organs ......................... 310 The Female Internal Genital Organs ....................... 313 Perineum ................................. 321 Operative Surgery of the pelvis and Perineum ................... 329 Emergency (“Blind”) Suprapubic Cystostomy, Suprapubic Puncture (“SPP”) ...... 330 Emergency Suprapubic Puncture (“SPP”) ................... 330 Open Suprapubic Cystostomy (Sectio Alta) .................... 330 Permanent Open Cystostomy ....................... 331 Surgical Approaches to the Prostate Gland .................... 331 Drainage of Ischiorectal Abscess ....................... 331 Excision of Fistula in Ano ........................... 332 Cesarean Section............................. 335 Salpingectomy ............................... 337 Orchidopexy ............................... 337 Surgical Treatment of Phimosis (Circumcision) ................. 340 Paraphimosis ............................. 341 Surgical treatment of Hydrocele ....................... 341 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 342 Chapter 8 VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND SPINAL CORD................ 343 Vertebral Column .............................. 343 The Spinal Cord and Meninges ....................... 353 Structure of Spinal Nerves ......................... 354 Topography of Structures in the Vertebral Canal ................ 357 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 360 Chapter 9 UPPER EXTREMITIES......................... 361 Shoulder ............................... 361 Arm................................. 376 Forearm................................ 386 7 Hand .................................. 397 Region of the Wrist ........................... 400 Palm of the Hand .............................. 402 The Dorsum of the Hand ......................... 411 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 412 Chapter 10 LOWER EXTREMITIES ........................... 413 The Gluteal Region ........................... 413 Thigh.................................. 421 Leg ................................. 437 Region of the Ankle ........................... 443 Foot ................................... 444 Sole of the Foot ............................. 447 Dorsum of the Foot ........................... 452 Operative Surgery of the Upper and Lower Extremities .............. 458 Tying the Arteries .............................. 458 Tying the External Carotid Artery ...................... 458 Tying the Third part of the Subclavian Artery .................... 458 Tying the Internal Iliac Artery .......................... 458 Tying the External Iliac Artery in the Groin ..................... 459 Tying the Femoral Artery ......................... 459 Tying the Popliteal Artery......................... 459 Incisions for Draining Pus .......................... 460 Principles of Amputation ......................... 461 Suture of Tendon ............................ 463 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 466 Operative Surgery and Topographycal Anatomy Tests HEAD AND NECK........................... 467 Questions ................................ 467 Answers and Explanations......................... 476 THORAX................................. 480 Questions ................................ 480 Answers and Explanations......................... 485 ABDOMEN ................................ 487 Questions ................................ 487 Answers and Explanations......................... 493 PELVIS AND PERINEUM ........................ 496 Questions ................................ 496 Answers and Explanations......................... 502 VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND SPINAL CORD................ 505 Questions ................................ 505 Answers and Explanations......................... 508 UPPER LIMB ............................... 509 Questions ................................ 509 Answers and Explanations......................... 514 LOWER LIMB ............................... 518 Questions ................................ 518 Answers and Explanations......................... 524 References ............................... 527
Дод.точки доступу:
Цигикало Олександр Віталійович

Примірників всього: 5
Наук.Аб. (5)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (5)

Найти похожие

   Ц 58

    Tsyhykalo, O. V.
    Topographical anatomy and operative surgery : textbook for english-speaking foreign students / O. V. Tsyhykalo. - 2nd ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2017. - 528 p. : il. ; 30 sм. - На англ. мові. - Lit.: p. 528. - ISBN 978-966-382-658-5 : 220.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Топографічна анатомія та оперативна хірургія: підручник для інозем. англомов. студентів / О. В. Цигикало

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Підручник(англ)


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: The textbook compiled in accordance with the Program of the educational subject “Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery” for higher medical educational institutions of the III–IV levels of accreditation of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The textbook presents up-to-date data in Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery of the regions of head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine and limbs. The topographic specific characteristics of organs and anatomical structures have been ascertained and they should be taken into account in the process of performing diagnostic and treatment procedures. A technique of principal surgical operations with due regard for the history and the modern state of the medical science is adduced in detail. For medical students, internship doctors, residents. Підручник підготовлений відповідно до Програми навчальної дисципліни “Топографічна анатомія та оперативна хірургія” для вищих медичних закладів освіти ІІІ–ІV рівнів акредитації МОЗ України. У підручнику викладено сучасні дані з топографічної анатомії та оперативної хірургії ділянок та органів голови, шиї, грудей, живота, поперекової ділянки, таза, хребта та кінцівок. Визначено топографічні особливості органів та анатомічні структури, які слід враховувати при виконанні діагностичних та лікувальних процедур. Детально подано техніки основних хірургічних операцій з урахуванням історичних даних та сучасного стану медичної науки. Для студентів, лікарів-інтернів, клінічних ординаторів Contents Chapter I. GENERAL PROBLEMS OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ANATOMY AND OPERATIVE SURGERY .................................. 8 Medical and Anatomical Terminology ...................... 9 Directional Terms ............................. 10 Classification of Operations......................... 12 Stages of Surgical Operation.......................... 13 Surgical Instruments and Rules of Their Use .................. 16 General Principles of Pediatric Anatomy:.................... 24 Types of Suture Material ........................... 24 Suturing Apparatus ............................. 25 Anesthesia ................................ 25 The use of Laser, Ultrasound and Adhesive Agents in Applied Medicine ....... 28 Methods of Temporal and Definitive Haemostasis ................. 29 The Principles of Primary Surgical Treatment of Wound (Initial dbridement, Initial Handling) 29 Questions for Self-Control ......................... 30 Chapter 2 HEAD .................................. 31 Cerebral Part of the Head (the Skull) ....................... 31 Temporal Region ............................. 36 Mastoid Region ............................... 36 Meninges of the Brain ............................ 37 The Brain ................................ 40 Base of the Skull .............................. 43 Operations on the Head............................ 47 Primary Surgical Treatment of cranial wounds .................. 47 Trepanation of the Skull (Craniotomy) ...................... 47 Antrotomy (Mastoid Process Trepanation)..................... 49 Suboccipital Puncture ............................ 49 Gamma Knife Radiosurgery ........................ 49 Facial Part of the Head .......................... 49 Buccal Region .............................. 49 Parotidomasseter Region......................... 52 The Parotid Gland............................ 53 Profound Facial Region ............................ 54 Operative Surgery of the Facial Region ...................... 55 The Features of Facial Wounds ......................... 55 Soft Tissue Injuries .............................. 56 Questions for Self-Control ......................... 56 Chapter 3 NECK.................................. 57 Areas of the Neck ............................ 57 Fascias of the Neck ............................ 58 Spaces of the Neck ............................ 59 Sternocleidomastoid Region .......................... 60 Triangles of the Neck ............................. 61 Lymphatics and the Right and Left Thoracic Lymphatic Ducts ............. 63 Lymphatic Structures of the Neck ....................... 65 4 Tonsils.................................. 65 Pharynx ................................ 66 Larynx .................................. 70 Trachea .................................. 75 Thyroid Gland ............................... 75 Parathyroid Glands ............................. 78 Cervical Esophagus ........................... 78 Operative Surgery of the Neck ........................ 79 Incisions in the Neck ........................... 79 Cricothyroidotomy............................ 81 Tracheostomy ............................... 82 Subtotal Subcapsular Resection of theThyroid Gland (Strumectomy) according to Nikolayev 86 Primary Surgical Treatment of the Short Wounds of the Neck ............ 86 Opening of Phlegmons of the Neck....................... 87 The Vago-Sympathetic Block by Vishnevskyi ................... 87 Cervical Plexus Block ............................ 87 Brachial Plexus Block ............................ 87 Ligation of the Common and External Carotid Arteries .............. 87 Ligation of the Lingual Artery........................ 88 Questions for Self-Control ......................... 88 Chapter 4 THORAX................................ 89 Structure of the Thoracic Wall.......................... 89 The Regions of the Thorax ........................... 93 Layers of the Thoracic Wall .......................... 93 Superficial Layer of the Thoracic Wall ..................... 93 Mammary Gland .............................. 93 Medium Layer of the Thoracic Wall ....................... 96 Deep Layer of the Thorax ......................... 96 Diaphragm .............................. 101 The Thoracic Cavity ............................. 103 Mediastinum ............................... 103 Pleurae ................................. 103 Trachea ................................ 104 Principal Bronchi .............................. 105 Lungs ................................. 105 Pericardium ................................ 108 Heart.................................. 109 Esophagus .............................. 117 Thymus ................................. 118 Large Arteries of the Thorax.......................... 118 Lymph Nodes and Vessels of the Thorax ..................... 120 Nerves of the Thorax ............................ 121 Operative Surgery of Thorax ......................... 124 Operations on the Thoracic Wall ...................... 124 Chest Wound .............................. 124 Types of Pneumothorax and Techniques of their Treatment ............ 124 Primary Surgical Treatment of the Penetrating Wound of the Thoracic Wall ........ 124 Thoracostomy ............................. 125 Thoracotomy ............................... 125 Posterolateral Thoracotomy Incision ...................... 125 Rib excision ................................ 129 5 Orerations on the Mammary Gland ..................... 129 Operations on the Lungs ......................... 130 Operations on the Heart.......................... 131 Suturing of the Heart Wounds ....................... 131 Intercostal Nerve block ............................ 131 Sternum and Marrow Biopsy......................... 132 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 132 Chapter 5 ABDOMEN ................................ 133 Abdominal Wall ............................. 133 Surface Anatomy and Anatomical Landmark of the Abdominal Wall........... 134 Regions of the Abdomen ........................... 134 Layer-by-layer Structure of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall ............ 135 Inguinal Region .............................. 142 Inguinal Canal ............................. 142 Surgical Anatomy of Abdominal Hernia ..................... 146 Femoral Hernia.............................. 149 Abdominal Viscera ........................... 150 Esophagus (Abdominal Portion)...................... 150 Stomach ............................... 150 Small Intestine ............................... 153 Large Intestine ............................... 157 Liver .................................. 161 Bile Ducts ................................ 165 Gallbladder .............................. 166 Pancreas ................................. 166 Spleen .................................. 169 Retroperitoneal Space............................ 169 Blood supply of the Gastrointestinal Tract .................... 169 Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity ...................... 173 Operative Surgery of the Abdomen ..................... 176 Surgical Incisions in the Anterior Abdominal Wall .................. 176 Pathogenesis of Groin Hernias and Principles of Their Repair ............ 184 Operative treatment of Indirect Inguinal hernia................. 186 Operative treatment of direct inguinal hernia ................... 198 Repair of Umbilical Hernia ......................... 203 Ventral Hernia ............................. 207 Operative Surgery of the Stomach ...................... 211 Operative surgery of the Bowel ........................ 234 Operative surgery of the Large Intestine.................... 241 Appendectomy .............................. 245 Operative Surgery of the Liver ......................... 249 Surgery of the Biliary Tract ......................... 253 Surgery of the Pancreas ......................... 261 Splenectomy ............................... 261 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 266 Chapter 6 LUMBAR REGION ............................. 267 Triangles of the Lumbar region ........................ 268 Retroperitoneal space ............................ 270 6 Kidneys ................................ 271 Ureter ................................ 273 Suprarenal Glands ............................ 274 The Abdominal Aorta ........................... 275 The Inferior Vena Cava ........................... 276 Retroperitoneal Lymphatics .......................... 277 Retroperitoneal Innervation ........................ 278 Operative surgery of the Lumbar region .................... 280 Incisions of the Posterior (Lumbar) Abdominal Wall ................. 280 Operations on the Kidney and Ureter ..................... 281 Paranephral Vagosympathetic Block by Vishnevsky ................ 284 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 284 Chapter 7 PELVIC AND PERINEUM ........................ 285 True (Lesser or Minor) Pelvis ........................ 285 False Pelvis ................................ 285 Pelvic Viscera ............................... 297 Gastrointestinal System .......................... 297 The Urinary Organs ........................... 303 Male Internal Genital Organs ......................... 310 The Female Internal Genital Organs ....................... 313 Perineum ................................. 321 Operative Surgery of the pelvis and Perineum ................... 329 Emergency (“Blind”) Suprapubic Cystostomy, Suprapubic Puncture (“SPP”) ...... 330 Emergency Suprapubic Puncture (“SPP”) ................... 330 Open Suprapubic Cystostomy (Sectio Alta) .................... 330 Permanent Open Cystostomy ....................... 331 Surgical Approaches to the Prostate Gland .................... 331 Drainage of Ischiorectal Abscess ....................... 331 Excision of Fistula in Ano ........................... 332 Cesarean Section............................. 335 Salpingectomy ............................... 337 Orchidopexy ............................... 337 Surgical Treatment of Phimosis (Circumcision) ................. 340 Paraphimosis ............................. 341 Surgical treatment of Hydrocele ....................... 341 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 342 Chapter 8 VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND SPINAL CORD................ 343 Vertebral Column .............................. 343 The Spinal Cord and Meninges ....................... 353 Structure of Spinal Nerves ......................... 354 Topography of Structures in the Vertebral Canal ................ 357 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 360 Chapter 9 UPPER EXTREMITIES......................... 361 Shoulder ............................... 361 Arm................................. 376 Forearm................................ 386 7 Hand .................................. 397 Region of the Wrist ........................... 400 Palm of the Hand .............................. 402 The Dorsum of the Hand ......................... 411 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 412 Chapter 10 LOWER EXTREMITIES ........................... 413 The Gluteal Region ........................... 413 Thigh.................................. 421 Leg ................................. 437 Region of the Ankle ........................... 443 Foot ................................... 444 Sole of the Foot ............................. 447 Dorsum of the Foot ........................... 452 Operative Surgery of the Upper and Lower Extremities .............. 458 Tying the Arteries .............................. 458 Tying the External Carotid Artery ...................... 458 Tying the Third part of the Subclavian Artery .................... 458 Tying the Internal Iliac Artery .......................... 458 Tying the External Iliac Artery in the Groin ..................... 459 Tying the Femoral Artery ......................... 459 Tying the Popliteal Artery......................... 459 Incisions for Draining Pus .......................... 460 Principles of Amputation ......................... 461 Suture of Tendon ............................ 463 Questions for Self-Control .......................... 466 Operative Surgery and Topographycal Anatomy Tests HEAD AND NECK........................... 467 Questions ................................ 467 Answers and Explanations......................... 476 THORAX................................. 480 Questions ................................ 480 Answers and Explanations......................... 485 ABDOMEN ................................ 487 Questions ................................ 487 Answers and Explanations......................... 493 PELVIS AND PERINEUM ........................ 496 Questions ................................ 496 Answers and Explanations......................... 502 VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND SPINAL CORD................ 505 Questions ................................ 505 Answers and Explanations......................... 508 UPPER LIMB ............................... 509 Questions ................................ 509 Answers and Explanations......................... 514 LOWER LIMB ............................... 518 Questions ................................ 518 Answers and Explanations......................... 524 References ............................... 527
Дод.точки доступу:
Цигикало, Олександр Віталійович

Примірників всього: 2
Наук.Аб. (2)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (2)

Найти похожие

   Ц 58

    Tsyhykalo, O. V.
    Topographical anatomy and operative surgery : textbook for english-speaking foreign students / O. V. Tsyhykalo = Топографічна анатомія та оперативна хірургія : підручник для іноземних англомовних студентів / О. В. Цигикало. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha Publishers, 2011. - 528 p. : il. - Загл. обл. : Тільки англ. - На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 528. - ISBN 978-966-382-332-4 : 180.00 грн

Рубрики: Анатомия(англ)--Підручник(англ)

   Хирургические операции(англ)--Підручник(англ)

Дод.точки доступу:
Цигикало Олександр Віталійович

Примірників всього: 37
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (5), Уч.Аб. (30), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (5), Уч.Аб. (30), Гурт.4 (1)

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