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    Obstetrics & Gynecology : in 2 volumes : [textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the III-IV levels of accreditation]. Vol. 2. Gynecology / еd. V.I. Gryshchenko, M.O. Shcherbina ; V.I. Gryshchenko, M.O. Shcherbina, V.V. Kaminskyi et al. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2014. - 351 p. : il, вкл.л. - На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 349. - ISBN 978-617-505-288-4 : 250.00 грн
Переклад назви: Акушерство i гінекологія: у 2-х кн. Кн. 2. Гінекологія: підручник для мед. ВНЗ ІІІ-ІV р.а./ за ред. В.І. Грищенка, М.О. Щербини

Рубрики: ГИНЕКОЛОГИЯ(англ)--Підручник

Анотація: Obstetrics and Gynecology: In two volumes. — Volume 2: Гінекологія-Gyne­co­logy: textbook / Group of authors, Edited by V.I. Grishchenko, M.O. Shcherbina. — K.: AUS Medicine Publishing, 2014. — 352 p. and 8 color insets.Improvement of the quality of training the students of higher medical institutions is connected with the improvement of forms and methods of teaching subjects, as well as the introduction of the latest achievements of modern forms, learning the high standard and control of the level of knowledge.The materials presented in this textbook are based on the program of studying the subject “Obstetrics and Gynecology” on the position of evidence-based medicine and the transition to the Bologna process.Orders of Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine “On the Organization of Inpatient Obstetric and Neonatal Care in Ukraine”, as well as mo­dern methods of diagnosis and treatment of gynecological patients are used in the textbook. Chapter 1. Foundations of Gynecological Care, Female Department and Gynecological Hospital.... 3Organization of Outpatient Gynecological Care ....... 3Organization of Gynecological Care in the Hospital...... 8Chapter 2. Anatomy and Physiology of Female Genital Organs........ 10External genital organs ............. 10Internal Genital Organs ............. 12Ligaments of the Internal Genital Organs......... 17Blood Supply of the Genital Organs............ 19Innervation of the Genital Organs.......... 20Lymphatic Supply of Genital Organs............ 20Age Features of Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Genital Organs.. 20Regulation of the Ovarian-Menstrual Cycle........ 22Test tasks.................. 23Chapter 3. General Symptomatology and Diagnostics of Gynecological Diseases..... 25Main Symptoms of Gynecological Diseases.......... 25Medical History (Anamnesis)............. 29Basic and Special Methods of Examination of the Gynecological Patients... 31Test tasks.................. 46Chapter 4. Inflammatory Diseases of the Female Genital Organs......... 49Etiology and the Ways of Spreading............ 49Physiological Barriers, Which Prevent Spreading of the Inflammatory Diseases in Women 49Classification of the Inflammatory Diseases of the Genitals..... 50Inflammatory Diseases of the Lower Genitals with Nonspecific Etiology. 51Inflammatory Diseases of the Upper Genitals......... 54Inflammatory Diseases of Genitals with Specific Etiology..... 60Test tasks.................. 67Chapter 5. Menstrual Dysfunction and Neuroendocrine Syndromes......... 69Etiology of the Menstrual Dysfunction......... 69Classification of the Menstrual Dysfunction......... 70Amenorrhea and Hypomenstrual Syndrome......... 71Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding............. 78Algodismenorrhea............... 81Neuroendocrine Syndromes............. 83Test tasks.................. 93Chapter 6. Genital Endometriosis.............. 96Epidemiology................ 96Еtiology and Pathogenesis............ 96Classification of the Endometriosis........... 98Clinical Presentation of other Forms of Endometriosis..... 99Treatment of the endometriosis............ 106Test tasks................. 108Chapter 7. Benign Tumors and Tumular Lesions of Genital Organs....... 111Benign Tumors of the External Genital Organs....... 111Benign Tumors of the Uterine Body............ 112Benign Lesions of the Ovaries............. 116Benign Tumors of the Fallopian Tubes......... 124Test Tasks................. 124Chapter 8. Premalignant and Background Lesions of Genital Organs......... 128Premalignant Lesions of the External Genital Organs...... 128Premalignant Lesions of the Vagina........... 130Premalignant Lesions of the Cervix........... 130Hyperplastic Processes of Endometrium........... 133Test Tasks................. 140Chapter 9. Malignant Neoplasms of Female Reproductive Organs......... 143Vulval Cancer................. 143Vaginal Cancer................ 144Cervical Cancer............... 146Endometrial Cancer............... 148Uterine Sarcoma............... 150Trophoblastic Disease............... 152Malignant Tumors of Ovaries............ 154Tumors of Fallopian Tubes.............. 157Test Tasks................. 159Chapter 10. Maldevelopments of Female Genitalia and Pubescence Disorders...... 164Etiology and Pathogenesis.............. 164Hymen and Vulval Maldevelopments.......... 165External Genitals Maldevelopments............ 166Vaginal Maldevelopments............. 166Uterine Maldevelopment.............. 169Maldevelopment of Uterine Tubes........... 172Maldevelopment of Ovaries.............. 172Infantilism................ 172Violation of Sexual Development........... 175Test Tasks................. 183Chapter 11. Malposition and Traumatic Injuries of Female Genitalia....... 186Normal (Typical) Position of the Sexual Organs........ 186Age Peculiarities of the Position of the Female Genital Organs.... 186Malpositions of the Female Genitalia......... 187Genital Injuries.............. 200Test Tasks................. 206Chapter 12. Infertile Marriages and Modern Reproductive Technologies. Contraception.... 209Female Infertility............... 209Male Infertility.............. 219Morden Reproductive Technologies.......... 220Contraception................. 230Test Tasks................. 244Chapter 13. Gynecological Diseases in Children and Young Girls....... 248Anatomical and Physiological Features of the Girls’ Genitals in the Processof Formation of the Reproductive System......... 248Features of Girls’ Examination............ 249Inflammatory Genital Diseases............. 253Menstrual Dysfunction............... 256Tumors of the Genitals.............. 260Injuries of the Genitals............ 263Test Tasks................. 264Chapter 14. Urgent States in Gynecology............ 266Ectopic Pregnancy................ 267Ovarian Apoplexy ................ 277Torsion of Ovarian Tumor Crus............. 278Urgent States in the Leiomyoma of the Uterus....... 279Pyosalpinx and Pyovar............... 280Test Tasks................. 281Chapter 15. Typical Surgical Interventions and Endoscopic Surgery in Gynecology.... 285Preoperative Preparation............ 285The Postoperative Period Treatment........... 286Operations on the Vaginal Portion of the Cervix....... 288Operations in the Case of the Ptosis and Prolapse of the Genitals.... 290Transabdominal Gynecological Operations on the Appendages and the Uterus 291Small Gynecological Operations............ 294Endoscopic Surgery (Laparoscopy, Hysteroresectoscopy)....... 295Test Tasks................. 299Chapter 16. Diseases of Urogenital System, Genital Fistulae......... 302Urinary Incontinence............. 303Maldevelopments of the Urinary System........... 307Traumatic Injuries of the Urinary Organs........ 310Cystalgia (Cystic Neurosis, Genital-Vesical Disfunction, Unstable Bladder, Urethral Syndrome) 314Cystitis................ 315Ligature calculi of the urinary bladder......... 316Genital Fistulae.............. 316Test Tasks................. 320Chapter 17. The Issue of Women’s Sexopathology.......... 322Test Tasks................. 328Applications.................. 331Reference List................. 349Each unit contains test tasks and clinical cases with answers to check up the students’ know­ledge.At the end of each subunit there is the list of practical skills that the students should master.For students of higher medical education institutions of the 3rd–4th levels of accreditation.Поліпшення якості підготовки студентів у вищих медичних навчальних закладах пов’язане з удосконаленням форм і методів викладання предметів, а також з упровадженням новітніх до­сягнень, засвоєнням сучасних форм навчання та контролю за рівнем знань.Матеріал викладено з урахуванням програми вивчення предмету “Акушерство і гіне­ко­логія” із позицій доказової медицини та переходу до Болонського процесу.У підручнику використано накази МОЗ України “Про організацію надання стаціонарної акушерсько-гінекологічної та неонатологічної допомоги в Україні”, висвітлено сучасні методи діагностики та лікування гі­не­кологічних хворих.Кожний підрозділ містить тестові завдання та ситуаційні задачі. Наприкінці кожного підрозділу наведено перелік практичних навичок, якими повинен володіти студент.Для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації
Дод.точки доступу:
Gryshchenko, Valentyn Ivanovych
Грищенко Валентин Іванович
Shcherbina, Mykola Olexandrovych
Щербина Микола Олександрович
Kaminskyi, Vyacheslav Volodymyrovych
Камінський В'ячеслав Володимирович
Markin, L.B.
Маркін Леонід Борисович
Lazurenko, V.V.
Лазуренко В.В.
Shcherbina, I.M.
Щербина І.М.
Gryshchenko, Valentyn Ivanovych \ed.\
Shcherbina, Mykola Olexandrovych \ed.\

Примірників всього: 2
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (1)

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   Г 49

    Gynecology : [textbook for students of institutions of higher medical education of the IV level of accreditation] / еd. I. B. Ventskivska ; І. Б. Венцківська, Г. Д. Гордєєва, О. А. Бурка et al. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2010. - 160 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-617-505-013-2 : 065.00 грн
Переклад назви: Гінекологія : підручник / за ред. І.В. Венцківської

Рубрики: ГИНЕКОЛОГИЯ(англ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: CONTENTSChapter 1. INVESTIGATION METHODS IN GYNECOLOGY......51.1. Gynecological Anamnesis .................51.2. The Basic Methods of Gynecological Examination........61.3. The Auxiliary Methods of Gynecological Examination ..... 11Chapter 2. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 172.1. The Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System... 172.2. Normal Menstrual Cycle .................212.3. Assessment of the Functional State of the Female Reproductive System 22Chapter 3. MALDEVELOPMENTS AND DYSFUNCTIONSOF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ............293.1. Classification of Maldevelopments and Dysfunctionsof the Female Reproductive System...............29« 3.2. Amenorrhea ......................303.3. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleedings ................383.4. Neuroendocrine Syndromes ..................47Chapter 4. ENDOMETRIOSIS .................62Chapter 5. INFLAMMATORY DISEASESOF THE FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS ................755.1. Nonspecific Inflammations of the Lower Female GenitalOrgans.........................755.2. Nonspecific Inflammations of the Upper FemaleGenital Organs.....................805.3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.................86Chapter 6. MALDEVELOPMENTS AND MALPOSITIONS OF THE FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS ...........946.1. Maldevelopment of the Female Genital Organs and Pubescence Disorder 946.2. Malpesitions of the Female Genital Organs.......101Chapter 7. STERILITY ..................112Chapter 8. BIRTH CONTROL METHODS..........120Chapter 9. BENIGN NEOPLASMS OF THE FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS 1309.1. Benign Uterine Tumors..............1309.2. Ovarian Tumors and Tumor-Like Neoplasms.......134Chapter 10. MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS OF THE FEMALE GENITAL ORGANS 14210.1. Cervical Carcinoma...............14210.2. Endometrial Carcinoma...............14710.3. Uterine Sarcoma.................15110.4. Trophoblastic Disease...............15110.5. Malignant Ovarian Tumors.............156
Дод.точки доступу:
Венцківська, І. Б.
Гордєєва, Г. Д.
Бурка, О. А.
Жабицька, Л. А.
Кущ, В. М.
Семенюк, Л. М.
Щуревська, О. Д.
Ventskivska, I. B. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 56
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Уч.Аб. (51), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Уч.Аб. (51), Гурт.4 (1)

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