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    Bobyrov, Victor M..
    Bases of Bioethics and Biosafety : Study guide for students of institutions of higher education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine / V. M. Bobyrov, O. M. Vazhnicha, T. O. Devyatkina = Основи біоетики та біобезпеки : навчальний посібник для студентів закладів вищої освіти МОЗ України / В. М. Бобирьов, О. М. Важнича, Т. О. Дев'яткіна. - 2nd stereotyp. ed=Вид. 2-ге, стереотип. - Vinnytsia=Вінниця : Nova Knyha=Нова Книга, 2019. - 246 p. : il ; 21 cm. - На англ. мові. - Select. referenc.: с. 244-246. - ISBN 978-966-382-728-5 : 070.00 грн, 195.00 грн, 210.00 грн

Рубрики: БІОЕТИКА(англ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники
Анотація: The study guide for students of institutions of higher education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine has been written according to Bioethics syllabus and addressed to English-speaking students. The study guide contains main concepts of Biomedical Ethics and tests for self-control CONTENTS Abbreviations......................7 Preface ........................9 Chapter 1. Biomedical ethics (bioethics) as a philosophic branch of medicine .................11 Chapter 2. Human rights as a source of bioethical principles and the behavior criteria. Human life and health as a supreme value. International documents on the bioethics and human rights ...........23 Chapter 3. Social justice. Problems of cross-cultural ethics and ethical duties. Bioethical and legal problems of co-existing of conventional and alternative medicine .37 Chapter 4. Formation of estimation to healthy lifestyle. Health. Lifestyle as a precondition of lasting life, physical and spiritual development. Disease. Person’s reaction on disease ...........51 Chapter 5. Relationships doctor-doctor and doctor-patient....61 Chapter 6. Biosafety. Bioethical aspects and biosafety of environment influence on the human. Bioethical aspects of agricultural technologies....77 Chapter 7. Bioethics of experimental and clinical investigations. Evidence based medicine. Ethical committees ......91 Chapter 8. Bioethical evaluation of fetus’ status, beginning of life, and maternal-fetal conflicts ....115 Chapter 9. Bioethical evaluation and control of genetic technologies ................133 6 Chapter 10. Bioethical aspects of pain, suffering, resuscitation, and euthanasia ...............151 Chapter 11. Bioethical aspects of organ transplantation ......169 Chapter 12. Bioethical problems of HIV-infection and other socially significant infections...........183 Chapter 13. Bioethical problems of psychology and psychiatry..197 Chapter 14. Bioethical aspects of drugs’ side-effects. Ethical problems of pharmaceutical industry.....209 Chapter 15. Bioethics of substance abuse and alcoholism. Psychotropic drugs in a public health context .....225 Selected references ..................244
Дод.точки доступу:
Vazhnicha, Olena M.
Важнича О. М.
Devyatkina, Tetyana O.
Дев'яткіна Т. О.
Бобирьов В. М.

Примірників всього: 55
Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (54)
Вільні: Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (54)

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