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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.31/О-75
Автор(и) : Malanchuk V. O., Borysenko A. V., Kchomenko L. O., Nespriadko V. P., Ostapko O. I., Kulbashna Ya. A., Kolenko Yu. G., Zhegulovich Z. E.
Назва : Basics of Dentistry : textbook for students of higher medical education establishments with III-IVth levels of accreditation
Вихідні дані : Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha, 2012
Кільк.характеристики :609 p.: il
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Literature: p. 608-609
ISBN, Ціна 978-966-382-419-2: 119.00, 154.00, грн
ДРНТІ : 76.29.55
УДК : 616.31(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: СТОМАТОЛОГИЯ(англ)
Примірники : всього 1: Наук.Аб.(5), ЧЗ(1), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(72)
Вільні : Наук.Аб.(5), ЧЗ(1), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(72)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.31/С 42
Автор(и) : Skikevych M. G., Avetikov D. S.
Назва : The basics of stomatology : text-book for the students of the medical faculty of the III-IV level of accredation. English form of education
Паралельн. назви :Основи стоматології: посібник для студентів медичного факультету III-IV рівнів акредитації/ М. Г. Скікевич, Д. С. Аветіков; МОЗ України, УМСА, Кафедра хірургічної стоматології та щелепно-лицевої хірургії з пластичною та реконструктивною хірургією голови та шиї
Вихідні дані : Poltava: ASMI, 2012
Кільк.характеристики :176 p.: il, вкл.л; 21 cm.
Колективи : Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy. The department of surgical stomatology and maxillofacial surgery with plastic and reconstructive surgery of the heard and neck
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 176
ISBN, Ціна 978-966-182-180-3: 040.00 грн
ДРНТІ : 76.29.55
УДК : 616.31(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: Стоматологія(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): навчальні посібники(англ)
Примірники : всього : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(2)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(2)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 4А/Л 27
Автор(и) : Bieliaieva, Olena Mykolaivna, Synytsia, Valentyna Hryhorivna, Smolska, Larysa Yuriivna, Sodomora, Pavlo Andriiovych, Rozhenko I. V., Nikolaieva N. M., Chervinska L. O., Kuchumova N. V., Hutsol M. I.
Назва : Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties : textbook [for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies]
Паралельн. назви :Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium
Вихідні дані : K.: Medicine Publishing, 2018
Кільк.характеристики :487 с.: il.; 25 см.
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Latin-english glossary: p. 358-424. - Engliіh-latin glossary: p. 425-478. - References: p. 485-487
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-629-5: 490.00 грн
УДК : 616.31(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ЛАТИНСЬКА МОВА(англ)
Анотація: The textbook contains programme material on education discipline “The Latin language and Medical Terminology” for the students of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies that provides training of master degree 22 “Health Care” in specialty 221 “Dentistry”. The textbook is designed according to the structural-terminological principle and consists of 3 sections in proper correlation with the main terminological subsystems of medical terminology — anatomical and histological, clinical, pharmaceutical. The grammar material of the first section is based on the terms of morphology, physiology and dental pathology including maxillofacial area as well as anatomical structure of the head and neck. The second section of the textbook represents the lexical material embracing all essential dentistry branches: therapeutic dentistry, surgical and maxillofacial dentistry, orthopedics and orthodontics, pediatric dentistry with dental diseases prevention. The third section is aimed at encouraging students to obtain theoretical knowledge on general rules of prescription writing fundamentals: notion of prescription, the rules of prescribing medicines, proper presentation of the Latin part of prescription, classification of dosage forms, the most important abbreviations commonly used in prescription and gaining skills in writing prescriptions on this basis, prescribing remedies that are aimed to treat and prevent the main dental diseases (dental problems with hard tooth tissues, pulp, periodontium, tongue, gums, mucous membrane of the oral cavity), surgical infection in dentistry, as well as emergency in dental practice. PREFACE..........................................................7 Part І PHONETICS. MORPHOLOGY. SYNTAX. ANATOMICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURES UNIT 1 Theme: The Latin alphabet. The pronunciation of vowels, consonants and combinations of letters. The use of the capital letter.......................................10 UNIT 2 Theme: Syllable numeration. Syllable division. The length and brevity of vowels. The accent rules......................................................26 UNIT 3 Theme: The notion “scientific term”. The Noun: general information and grammatical categories. The dictionary form of Latin nouns. The role of Nominative and Genitive cases in terminological unit formation. Non prepositional direction........34 UNIT 4 Theme: General information about adjectives. The 1st group of adjectives. The Past Participle Passive in Anatomical Nomenclature (NA). Syntactical construction “agreed attribute”...................................45 UNIT 5 Theme: The 2nd group of adjectives. The Present Participle Active in Anatomical Nomenclature (NA). Adjectives with partial degrees of comparison that indicate the location of organs and directions of body parts. The peculiarities of adjectives major and minor in terminological usage. Adjectives of Greek origin in Anatomical Nomenclature................................................54 UNIT 6 Theme: The structure of the terminological units. Word order in multi-component terminological word combinations............................................63 UNIT 7 Theme: The I declension. General information about the preposition. Prepositions that direct Аcc. and Abl. Abbreviations of the anatomical names the I declension nouns.....................................................70 UNIT 8 Theme: The II declension. Exceptions pertaining the gender. The rule of the neuter gender. Substantivisation in the Anatomical Nomenclature. General terms, abbreviations and set expressions commonly used by medical practicing specialists...78 UNIT 9 Theme: General characteristic of the III declension. Types of declining and peculiarities of the vowel and mixed types case endings......................................88 UNIT 10 Theme: The adjectives of the III declension and Present Participle Active (Revision). Formation of the comparative and superlative degrees. Suppletive forms and adjectives with incomplete degrees of comparison in medical terminology. General information on adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adverbs...................97 UNIT 11 Theme: The endings of the III declension masculine nouns in Nom. sing. and their variants in Gen. sing. Exceptions concerning gender. Grammatical structure of the Latin names for muscles according to their function. Formation models and ways of translation........................................112 UNIT 12 Theme: The endings of the III declension feminine nouns in Nom. sing. and their variants in Gen. sing. Exceptions concerning gender. The dental formula and Latin abbreviations of teeth names accepted for recording ......................120 UNIT 13 Theme: The endings of the III declension feminine nouns in Nom. sing. and their variants in Gen. sing. Exceptions concerning gender. Professional medical phrases................127 UNIT 14 Theme: Peculiarities of declining of some III declension Greek nouns. Noun vas, vasis, n. The I Greek declension........................................................133 UNIT 15 Theme: The IV and V declensions of nouns. Exceptions concerning gender. General terms and professional phrases commonly used by medical practicing specialists ..................................................................142 UNIT 16 Theme: Prefixation. The most commonly used Latin and Greek prefixes. Prefixes of the numeral origin..................................................151 Part ІІ GENERAL RULES FOR PRESCRIPTION WRITING. CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. PHARMACEUTICAL TERMINOLOGY UNIT 1 Theme: The Verb. The Verb characteristics. The Imperative Mood. Formation and usage of Present Conjunctive Active and Passive. Prescription cliches containing verbs...........161 UNIT 2 Theme: General notions about prescription. Prescription structure. Rules for compiling Latin part of prescription. Simple and compound prescriptions. Writing out prescriptions in full and abridged forms. Notions on magistral and officinal medicines.........................................................175 UNIT 3 Theme: The Notions “chemical nomenclature” and “ State Pharmacopoea”. Latin names of chemical elements. Rules on forming Latin names of acids, oxides and bases, salts, compound ethers ........................................................189 UNIT 4 Theme: Main rules for writing prescriptions with abbreviations. Common precription abbreviations...............................................................202 UNIT 5 Theme: General notions about medical nomenclature. Word-forming elements in names of medicines indicating their chemical structure, plant ingredients, belonging to different groups of antibiotics.........................................214 UNIT 6 Theme: Word-forming elements containing anatomic or physiologic information. Word-forming elements denoting pharmacologic action of medicines. Common names of preparations according to their pharmacological action................225 UNIT 7 Theme: Characteristics of solid dosage forms. Writing prescriptions for solid dosage forms...............................................................234 UNIT 8 Theme: Characteristics of semi-solid dosage forms. Writing prescriptions for semi-solid dosage forms....................................................251 UNIT 9 Theme: Characteristics of liquid dosage forms. Writing prescriptions for liquid dosage forms...............................................................264 Part ІІI CLINICAL TERMINOLOGY UNIT 1 Theme: General information about clinical terminology. Structure of one-word terms. Multi-word clinical terms. The notion “Diagnosis” ....................................283 UNIT 2 Theme: Greek doublets of Latin I declension nouns. Final terminological elements of the I declension. Translation of the terms and diagnoses............................ 297 UNIT 3 Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns (masculine and neuter gender of the II declension). Final terminological elements of the I declension. Final terminological elements of the II declension. Translation of the terms and diagnoses...........................306 UNIT 4 Theme: Greek doublets of Latin adjectives. Translation of the terms and diagnoses.......315 UNIT 5 Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns (III declension, masculine gender). Final terminological elements of the III declension in -sis. Translation of the terms and diagnoses .........................................323 UNIT 6 Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns (III declension feminine and neuter gender). Translation of the terms and diagnoses...330 UNIT 7 Theme: Formation of the terms-names of inflammatory, non-inflammatory and tumor diseases. Translation of the terms and diagnoses...................................337 UNIT 8 Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns of the IV and V declensions. Translation of the terms and diagnoses...........................................351 Latin-English glossary.......................................................358 English-Latin glossary.......................................................425 Appendix 1. Table of the I―V declensions endings.................................. 479 Appendix 2. Latin adjectives of positive degree....................................480 Appendix 3. The Greek alphabet...............................................481 References............................................................... 485
Примірники : всього 3: ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(5), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(143)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(5), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(143)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.31/М 14
Автор(и) : Coulthard, Paul, Sloan, Philip, Theaker, Elizabeth D, Sengupta, Anita
Назва : Master Dentistry . Vol. 1 : Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine . -4th ed.
Вихідні дані : St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2022 (India)
Кільк.характеристики :xv, 283 с.: photo color., il.; 28 cm.
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Index: p. 273-283. - Enhanced Digital Version IncludedElsevier eBooks for Practicing Clinicians
ISBN, Ціна 978-0-7020-8141-5
УДК : 616.31(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: СТОМАТОЛОГІЯ(АНГЛ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники
Анотація: Now in its fourth edition, this popular text provides a comprehensive overview of the oral and maxillofacial subjects in dentistry that students will need in order to pass their final exams. This invaluable adjunct to exam preparation provides a practical synthesis of core information, reflecting real-life case scenarios. Information is structured to enhance understanding and clinical decision making, and a variety of self-assessment methods prepare students for success. Comprehensively updated, the book covers a range of essential topics in the field of contemporary oral and maxillofacial subjects, including surgical flap design, state-of-the-art surgical techniques, zygomatic implants, molecular pathology, current imaging applications and pain management. The text is integrated and evidence based throughout. Covers oral and maxillofacial surgery, radiology, pathology and oral medicine subjects Brand new chapter on facial skin broadens diagnostic ability Range of self-assessment tasks to support learning Aligns to dental school curricula globally Concise and easy to follow Designed to support recall for examination purposes Practical guidance on examination preparation and skills Perfect for BDS exam preparation and candidates taking the MFDS, MJDF, ORE or other post-graduate exams Cover image Title page Table of Contents Copyright Preface Using this book Dedication Acknowledgement List of Tables List of Illustrations 1. Evidence-based practice Overview 1.1 Decision-making Evidence-based medicine 1.2 Randomised controlled trials 1.3 Other research methods 1.4 Systematic reviews 1.5 How to read a paper 1.6 Clinical practice guidelines 2. Assessing patients Overview 2.1 History 2.2 Extra-oral examination 2.3 Intra-oral examination 2.4 Special investigations 2.5 Writing a referral letter 3. Human disease and patient care Overview 3.1 Medical assessment 3.2 Dental relevance of the medical condition 3.3 Medical emergencies 3.4 Drug delivery Self-assessment questions Self-assessment answers 4. Control of pain and anxiety Overview 4.1 Systemic analgesia 4.2 Local anaesthesia 4.3 Conscious sedation 4.4 General anaesthesia Self assessment questions Single best questions Case histories questions Self assessment answers Single best answers Case histories answers 5. Infection and inflammation of the teeth and jaws Overview 5.1 Pulpitis 5.2 Periapical inflammation 5.3 Pericoronal inflammation 5.4 Soft tissue infections of the face 5.5 Other infections and inflammations Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 6. Removal of teeth and surgical implantology Overview 6.1 Dental extractions 6.2 Impacted and ectopic teeth 6.3 Preprosthetic surgery 6.4 Dental implant surgery Self-assessment questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Case history answers Viva answers 7. Diseases of bone and the maxillary sinus Overview 7.1 Diseases of bone 7.2 Diseases of the maxillary sinus Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 8. Oral and maxillofacial injuries Overview 8.1 Assessment of the injured patient 8.2 Dental injuries 8.3 Facial soft tissue injuries 8.4 Facial fractures 8.5 Gunshot wounds 8.6 Dislocation of the mandible 8.7 Complications of facial injury Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 9. Dentofacial and craniofacial anomalies Overview 9.1 Congenital anomalies 9.2 Orthognathic surgery 9.3 Cleft lip and palate surgery 9.4 Craniofacial surgery and osteodistraction 9.5 Cosmetic facial surgery Self-assessment questions Single best questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Viva answers 10. Cysts and odontogenic tumours Overview 10.1 General features 10.2 Examination 10.3 Specific cysts 10.4 Surgical management of cysts 10.5 Odontogenic tumours: Origin, behaviour, classification and investigations 10.6 Specific odontogenic tumours Mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 10.7 Surgical management of odontogenic tumours Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Short note questions Essay questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Short note answers Essay question answers Viva answers 11. Mucosal diseases Overview 11.1 Normal oral mucosa 11.2 Conditions related to friction or trauma 11.3 Ulceration 11.4 Infections 11.5 Lichen planus 11.6 Pigmented lesions 11.7 Vesiculo-bullous lesions 11.8 Granulomatous disorders 11.9 Other mucosal conditions Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 12. Oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer Overview 12.1 Oral potentially malignant disorders 12.2 Pathology, dysplasia grading and management 12.3 Management of opmds 12.4 Oral cancers 12.5 Role of the dentist in prevention, detection and treatment Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 13. Facial skin and neck Overview 13.1 Facial skin lesions 13.2 Neck swellings Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers 14. Salivary gland disease Overview 14.1 Anatomy 14.2 Investigations 14.3 Salivary gland disorders 14.4 Surgery Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 15. Facial pain Overview 15.1 Assessment of a patient suffering from orofacial pain 15.2 Painful lesions/diseases of the cranial nerves 15.3 Primary and secondary headaches 15.4 Idiopathic orofacial pain Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Essay question Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Essay answer 16. Disorders of the temporomandibular joint Overview 16.1 Anatomy and examination 16.2 Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) 16.3 Other conditions affecting the joint Self-assessment questions Single best questions Case history questions Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Case history answers Viva answers 17. Radiation protection Overview 17.1 Ionising radiation and its effects 17.2 Radiation protection Self-assessment questions Single best questions Essays Viva questions Self-assessment answers Single best answers Essay plans Viva answers Index
Примірники : всього : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(2)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(2)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.31/О-75
Автор(и) : Malanchuk V. O., Borysenko A. V., Khomenko L. O., Nespriadko V. P., Ostapko O. I., Kulbashna Ya. A., Kolenko Yu. G., Zhegulovich Z. E.
Назва : Bases of Dentistry : textbook for students of higher medical education establishments with III-IVth levels of accreditation
Вихідні дані : Vinnytsia: Nova Knyha, 2018
Кільк.характеристики :609 p.: il
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Literature: p. 608-609
ISBN, Ціна 978-966-382-419-2: 119.00 грн
ДРНТІ : 76.29.55
УДК : 616.31(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: СТОМАТОЛОГИЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники
Анотація: У роботі лікаря загальної практики / сімейної медицини трапляються ситуації, коли він не може скористатися консультацією спеціаліста-стоматолога і змушений самостійно встановлювати діагноз та надавати екстрену стоматологічну допомогу, зокрема при таких захворюваннях, як гострий пульпіт, періодонтіт, абсцеси, флегмона щелепно-лицьової ділянки, а також у разі травматологічного ушкодження обличчя і щелеп. Матеріал, викладений у посібнику, відповідає новій програмі “Основи стоматології” та “Освітньо-кваліфікаційній характеристиці спеціаліста”. Захворювання та їх лікування описано в обсязі, достатньому для того, щоб цим посібником міг скористуватися не лише студент, а й лікар-початківець загальної практики / сімейної медицини. Для студентів медичних, медико-профілактичних, педіатричних та фармацевтичних факультетів вищих медичних навчальних закладів ІІІ—IV рівнів акредитації. CONTENT PARTI Pediatric dentistry and prevention of dental diseases........... 8 CHAPTER 1 Morphological and functional features of the dental system in children ..9 Development of deciduous and permanent teeth. Factors that influence on formation and mineralization of teeth......................... .......... 9 CHAPTER 2 Prevention of dental diseases......................................... 16 CHAPTER 3 Basic dental disease in children.......................................25 Caries of the deciduous and permanent teeth in children.......... . 25 Pulpitis of the deciduous and permanent teeth in children .... .29 Periodontitis of deciduous and permanent teeth in children.................... 32 Periodontal diseases in children............................. .35 Oral mucosal disease in children............... ....40 PART II Odontopatology. Diseases of periodontium and oral mucosa. CHAPTER 4 Conservative dentistry, its divisions, purposes and tasks................47 CHAPTERS Noncarious lesions, which appear after the eruption of teeth CHAPTERS Dental caries .......................................................57 Complication of the caries: pulpitis and periodontitis. ........................77 CHAPTER 7 Diseases of periodontal tissues ..................................91 Inflammatory and inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of periodontium. ...........91 Traumatic lesions of oral mucosa. Reasons. Clinic. Diagnostics. First aid........ 107 Infectious diseases of oral mucosa: ulcerous stomatitis, candidiasis of oral mucosa, viral lesions......................................................... 110 Manifestations of specific infection (syphilis, tuberculosis) on oral mucosa........ 123 Precancerous diseases of oral mucosa and lips. Risk factors of development of oncologic diseases................................................... 131 Allergic lesions of oral mucosa........................................... 135 Changes in the oral mucosa at diseases of internal organs and systems ............ 145 PART III .. Oral and maxillofacial surgery............... ...................... 154 CHAPTER 8 Anatomical and functional peculiarities of the maxillofacial area and neck. ......................................................... ..155 Neuroanatomy of the maxillofacial area .................................... 155 Anatomy and function of the salivary glands................................ 161 Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint.... .............................. .165 Jaw movements ..................................................... ..168 CHAPTER 9 Examination and methods of diagnostics in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Anaesthesia in oral surgery ...................................169 History.............................................................. 169 Examination. Extra-oral examination..................................... 169 Intra-oral examination .................................................. 172 Special investigations................................................. 175 CHAPTER 10 Anaesthesia in oral surgery.......................................... 185 The general anaesthesia................................................. 185 Premedication.......................................................l86 Local anaesthesia...................................................... 192 Local and general complications.......................................... 196 CHAPTER 11 Exodontia...........................................................208 Indications and contraindications for teeth extraction .........................208 Instruments for teeth extraction, preparation of patient patient| and surgeon preparation ...............................................210 Tooth extraction technique.............................. ............. 211 Complications of tooth extraction........................ .... 219 Summary ......................................... .... 231 CHAPTER 12 Inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area and neck...............232 Periodontitis.......................................................... 235 Hypodermic granuloma of the face........................................ 239 Periostitis of the jaw.................................................. 241 Pericoronitis.......................................................... 244 Osteomyelitis of the jaws.............................................. 247 Abscesses and phlegmons of the maxillofacial region......................... 262 Furuncle and carbuncle .................................................266 Erysipelas..........................................................268 The maxillary sinusitis ................................................269 Sialadenitis.........................................................273 Arthtritis...........................................................278 Lymphadenites of maxillofacial area and a neck ............................282 Specific inflammatory processes..........................................287 CHAPTER 13 Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of the maxillofacial area and neck............................................................305 Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of the soft tissues....................... 305 Cysts of the soft tissues................................................. 324 Tumors and tumor-like lesions of salivary giands...............329 Cysts of the jaws..................................................... 348 Benign odontogenic tumors and tumor-like lesions of the jaws ................364 Tumours and dysplasias of cementum ...................................377 Benign non-odontogenic tumours of the jaws........................380 Tumor-like lessions of the jaws....................... 388 CHAPTER 14 Malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area and neck..................398 Malignant tumors of the jaws........................................... 411 Malignant odontogenic tumors..........................................419 Surgical management of the jaw cancer................................... 421 CHAPTER 15 Maxillofacial trauma...............................................431 General characteristics, clinical peculiarities, diagnostics and treatment of soft tissue injuries.................................................. 431 Principles of management............................................... 433 Mandibular fractures. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment. Complications of the mandibular fractures ..................................436 Midfacial fractures. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment. Complications of midfacial fractures. Management of complex craniofacial injuries and poly trauma............................................... 452 Fractures of the zygomatic complex. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment. Complications of the zygomatic fractures............471 Regeneration of the bone tissue bone tissue................................479 CHAPTER 16 Basics of craniomaxillofacial and plastic surgery.......................486 Surgical treatment of deformations of maxilla and mandibule .................486 Facial reconstructive surgery. Skin grafts and flaps. Principles and techniques for local plastics.......................................................530 Esthetic surgery of the face ..............................................547 Microsurgery of the maxilla-facial area...................................550 PART IV prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics .......................... CHAPTER 17 The aims and tasks of prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics ......... Morphology of the masticatory apparatus, concept of its components functional unity......................................................569 Bite. Physiological and pathological kinds of bites ..........................574 Orthodontic appliances which are used for treatment of dental rows abnormalities — peculiarities of design, biomechanics, age indications, terms of treatment ........579 CHAPTER 18 Etiology of tooth surface loss and tooth loss. Comlications after tooth loss. Characteristics of kinds of defects of dental rows.......580 General characteristics of fixed and removable dentures. Materials and technology of fabrication................................... 583 Indications for treatment of defects of crown part of the tooth with inlays, crowns, post-crowns..................................................585 Indications for treatment of defects of dental rows with bridge dentures........... 588 Indications for treatment of dental row defects with removable partial dentures. Methods of retention........... 591 CHAPTER 19 Complete dentures. Factors which provide retention................597 Replacement of defects of dental rows in children. Peculiarities of pediatric dentures design.....598 CHAPTER 20 Dental implantology .....................600 CHAPTER 21 Literature 608
Примірники :Наук.Аб.(1)
Вільні : Наук.Аб.(1)
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