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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.1/9/С 37
Автор(и) : Babinets L. S., Bezditko P. A., Bodnar S. A., Velychko, Valentyna Ivanivna, Venger Ya. I., Vorontsov O. O., Harahatyi I. A., Zhelezniakova N. M., Zazdravnov A. A., Karpenko V. H., Barna, Olha Mykolayivna, Zhdan V. M., Babanina M. Yu., Danylchuk H. O. та ін.
Назва : Family Medicine. In 3 books : textbook [for students of higher medical educational establishments]. Book 3 : Special Part. Multidisciplinary General Medical Practice
Вихідні дані : K.: Medicine Publishing, 2020
Кільк.характеристики :615 с.: il.; 25 cm.
Примітки : На англ. мові
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-493-2(edition in 3 books): 695.00 грн.
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-799-5 (Вооk 3): Б.ц.
УДК : 616.1/9:614.254.3(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ТЕРАПІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники--national textbook--національний підручник
Анотація: The textbook is committed to provide current information regarding family physician practice, considering the multidisciplinary aspect of general medical practice. The textbook contains practical recommendations for family physicians in the management of patients with nosologies at the stage of primary medical care, focuses on the clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria, treatment and prevention algorithms within the occupational competence framework of family physician, as well as the guidelines for interaction with healthcare professionals who provide specialized care. The textbook corresponds to the curriculum on the specialty «General Practice/Family Medicine» and is intended for use by students of higher medical educational establishments, internship doctors, family physicians/GPs and pediatricians List of abbreviations......................................... 8 Chapter 1. Obstetrics........................................ 9 1.1. Anatomy and physiology of female body (V.H. Karpenko)......... 9 1.1.1. Anatomy of female reproductive system..................... 9 1.1.2. Main female sex hormones............................... 9 1.1.3. Diagnosis of early pregnancy........................... 10 1.2. Check up and prenatal care of pregnant (O.O. Vorontsov)...... 13 1.3. Prenatal psychoprophylactic training of responsible paternity......22 1.4. Drug therapy in pregnancy................................ 25 1.5. Early gestosis (V.H. Karpenko)............................. 30 1.5.1. Rare forms of early gestosis............................ 33 1.5.2. Treatment of early gestosis............................. 34 1.6. Late gestosis (V.H. Karpenko)............................ 36 1.7. Postpartum period (L.S. Babinets).........................41 Chapter 2. Gynecology.......................................42 2.1. Tumors of genital organs (V.H. Karpenko)...................42 2.1.1. Tumors of external genitalia.............................42 2.1.2. Tumors of vagina...................................... 43 2.1.3. Tumors of the cervix.................................. 44 2.2. Dysfunctional (abnormal) uterine bleeding.................... 46 2.3. Disorders of sex development in children and adolescents...... 51 2.3.1. Delayed puberty..................................... 53 2.4. Inflammatory genital diseases in girls and adolescent girls........55 2.5. Female genital inflammatory diseases......................57 2.6. Perimenopause....................................... 59 2.7. Family planning (N.M. Pasiyeshvili)........................ 68 2.7.1. Types of contraception................................ 68 2.7.2. Family planning issues.................................. 81 2.7.3. Topical issues of infertile couple........................... 84 Chapter 3. Allergology...................................... 87 3.1. Allergic rhinitis (N.M. Zhelezniakova)....................... 89 3.2. Urticaria............................................... 92 3.3. Food allergy.......................................... 93 3.4. Pollinosis (T.M. Pasiyeshvili)............................... 99 3.4.1. Pollinosis in children.................................. 100 3.5. Pharmacotherapy of allergic diseases (N.M. Zhelezniakova)...... 103 Chapter 4. Systemic allergic vasculitis (V.M. Zhdan, M.Yu. Babanina)... 110 Chapter 5. Dermatology (S.A. Bondar)........................ 126 5.1. Pyodermatites......................................... 126 5.1.1. Features of clinical forms............................. 127 5.1.2. Treatment and prevention of pyodermia.................. 130 5.2. Mycoses............................................. 131 5.2.1. Keratomycosis....................................... 132 5.2.2. Pseudomycosis...................................... 132 5.2.3. Dermatophytosis..................................... 133 5.2.4. Candidosis........................................ 136 5.3. Parasitic skin diseases (dermatozoonoses)................. 137 5.3.1. Pediculosis........................................ 137 5.3.2. Scabies............................................ 138 5.4. Viral dermatoses..................................... 139 5.4.1. Catarrhal fever (Herpes simplex)....................... 139 5.4.2. Shingles (Herpes zoster)............................. 140 5.4.3. Warts (verrucae)..................................... 141 5.5. Allergic skin diseases................................. 141 5.5.1. Dermatites........................................ 141 5.5.2. Eczema............................................ 145 5.5.3. Atopic dermatitis..................................... 147 5.5.4. Psoriasis........................................... 150 5.6. Sexually transmitted infections (A.A. Nalizhytyi)............. 152 5.6.1. Syphilis............................................ 152 Chapter 6. Neurology (O.L. Tovazhnianska)................... 159 6.1. Headache.......................................... 159 6.1.1. Primary headache.................................. 159 6.1.2. Secondary headache................................. 160 6.1.3. Headache diagnosis and patient’s route................... 161 6.1.4. Headache treatment.................................. 161 6.2. Acute disorder of cerebral circulation..................... 162 6.3. Encephalopathic syndrome.............................. 167 6.4. Paroxysmal neurological conditions...................... 169 6.4.1. Epileptic seizure..................................... 169 6.4.2. Paroxysmal states of non­epileptic origin................. 170 6.5. Syndromes of the peripheral nervous system disorders........ 172 6.6. Neurological syndromes caused by somatic pathology......... 175 Chapter 7. Basics of geriatrics and gerontopharmacology (A.A. Zazdravnov)...184 Chapter 8. Otorhinolaryngology (S.M. Pukhlyk)................... 193 8.1. Ear pain.............................................193 8.1.1. Diseases accompanied by otalgia........................193 8.1.2. Inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear...........195 8.1.3. Neoplasms of the external auditory canal and middle ear........198 8.2. Pain in the pharynx.....................................199 8.2.1. Diseases accompanied by sore throat...................... 199 8.2.2. Inflammatory diseases of the pharynx..................... 201 8.2.3. Malignant pharyngeal tumors............................208 8.2.4. Malignant neoplasms of the larynx........................208 8.3. Disorders of nasal breathing..............................209 8.3.1. Inflammatory diseases of the nose........................209 8.3.2. Inflammatory diseases of the sinuses (sinusitis)..............213 8.3.3. Foreign bodies in the nasal cavity..........................215 8.3.4. Nasal and nasopharyngeal neoplasms.................... 216 8.3.5. Nasal septal injuries...................................217 8.3.6. Adenoid hypertrophy....................................218 8.3.7. Nasal injuries..........................................218 8.3.8. Difficulty laryngeal breathing..............................219 8.4. Nasal bleeding.........................................223 8.5. Hearing loss............................................224 8.5.1. Diseases accompanied by hearing loss....................225 8.6. Purulent discharge from the ear.............................229 8.6.1. Diseases associated with purulent discharge from the ear......230 8.6.2. Malignant tumors of nasal cavity and sinuses.................231 8.7. Voice disorders........................................232 8.8. Rhinolalia..............................................234 Chapter 9. Ophthalmology (P.A. Bezditko).......................236 9.1. Refractive errors in children and adults.......................236 9.2. Diseases of conjunctiva...................................238 9.2.1. Inflammatory conjunctival diseases of exogenous etiology......238 9.2.2. Allergic conjunctivitis....................................243 9.2.3. Degenerative dystrophic conjunctival changes................245 9.2.4. Tumors of conjunctiva...................................246 9.3. Eyelid diseases........................................246 9.3.1. Congenital anomalies of the eyelids.......................247 9.3.2. Acquired diseases of the eyelids.........................248 9.3.3. Tumors of the eyelids..................................250 9.4. Diseases of the lacrimal organs........................... 251 9.4.1. Congenital diseases of the lacrimal organs...................251 9.4.2. Neoplasms of the lacrimal passages........................252 9.5. Corneal diseases........................................253 9.5.1. Subjective and objective symptoms.........................253 9.5.2. Characteristic clinical forms...............................254 9.6. Uveal diseases..........................................258 9.6.1. Choroidal inflammatory diseases.........................258 9.6.2. Choroidal neoplasms..................................260 9.7. Lens diseases.........................................261 9.7.1. Congenital cataract.....................................261 9.7.2. Acquired lens opacity....................................262 9.7.3. Lens dislocation........................................263 9.7.4. Present­day methods of lens diseases treatment...............264 9.8. Glaucoma..............................................264 9.8.1. Primary glaucoma.....................................264 9.8.2. Secondary glaucoma....................................270 9.8.3. Congenital glaucoma....................................271 9.9. Retinal diseases.........................................273 9.9.1. Retinal vascular disease.................................273 9.9.2. Acute circulatory disorders of the retinal vessels...............275 9.9.3. Diabetic retinopathy.....................................277 9.9.4. Retinal and chorioretinal degeneration.....................278 9.9.5. Hereditary retinal degeneration............................279 9.9.6. Retinal inflammatory diseases........................... 281 9.9.7. Retinal detachment.....................................282 9.9.8. Tumors of the retina.....................................283 9.9.9. Retinal damage in patients with AIDS........................284 9.10. Optic nerve diseases...................................285 9.10.1. Inflammatory diseases of the optic nerve....................285 9.10.2. Toxic (dystrophic) lesions of the optic nerve................286 9.10.3. Vascular diseases of the visual analyzer...................287 9.10.4. Choked disc..........................................288 9.10.5. Atrophy of the optic nerve..............................288 9.10.6. Optic nerve tumors...................................289 9.10.7. Developmental abnormalities of the optic nerve...............290 9.11. Orbit diseases.........................................290 9.12. Visual organ injuries....................................292 9.12.1. Mechanical injuries.....................................292 9.12.2. Eye burns............................................295 9.12.3. Ultraviolet damage to the eyes............................297 Chapter 10. Pediatrics.......................................299 10.1. Anatomy and physiology of newborn and neonatal care (Ya. I. Venher)...299 10.1.1. Anatomy and physiology of child in the neonatal period.........299 10.1.2. Physiological (transient) states in the neonatal period.........300 10.1.3. Newborn sleep.........................................307 10.1.4. Primary examination of child after discharge from the maternity unit.308 10.1.5. Newborn care......................................... 309 10.1.6. Hygiene rules to follow with children of the first year of life........310 10.2. Breastfeeding a newborn (V.I. Velychko)........................313 10.2.1. Qualitative and quantitative composition of breast milk............314 10.2.2. Regimen and diet of nursing woman..........................315 10.3. Feeding children of the first year of life (H.O. Danylchuk, N.S. Shnayder)..320 10.3.1. Feeding on demand.....................................320 10.3.2. Introduction of complementary foods in breastfeeding period.......323 10.3.3. Premature baby feeding..................................327 10.3.4. Formula feeding........................................331 10.3.5. Mixed feeding..........................................339 10.4. Nutrition for children aged 1—3 years (V.I. Velychko).............340 10.5. Preventive vaccination (T.V. Frolova)...........................345 10.5.1. Basics of vaccination......................................345 10.5.2. Classification of vaccines.................................345 10.5.3. Present­day vaccine components.............................347 10.5.4. Vaccines provided by family physician. Modern vaccination schedule..348 10.5.5. Key issues while providing vaccination........................350 Chapter 11. Psychiatry (V.I. Korostiy)............................... 352 11.1. Anxiety disorders............................................352 11.1.1. Phobic anxiety disorders...................................354 11.1.2. Other anxiety disorders....................................356 11.1.3. Obsessive­compulsive disorder................................357 11.1.4. Treatment program for anxiety disorders.......................360 11.2. Depression...............................................366 Chapter 12. Phthisiology (O.S. Shevchenko).........................377 12.1. Strategies for TB control....................................377 12.2. TB prevention..............................................378 12.2.1. Vaccination.............................................378 12.2.2. Chemoprophylaxis.........................................381 12.2.3. Infection control...........................................382 12.3. Tuberculosis detection......................................383 12.3.1. Active detection..........................................385 12.3.2. Passive detection..........................................389 12.3.3. Diagnosis of tuberculosis at different levels of medical care........391 12.3.4. Formulation of diagnosis...................................395 12.4. TB treatment...............................................398 Chapter 13. Surgery..............................................405 13.1. Pediatric surgery (V.S. Konoplitskyi)............................405 13.1.1. Traumatic disease..........................................405 13.1.2. Inflammatory and purulent­septic diseases in children...............412 13.1.3. Acute and chronic digestive tract diseases.......................423 13.2. General surgery (L.S. Babinets, B.O. Mihenko)...................436 13.2.1. Wounds and wound infection................................436 13.2.2. Breast diseases..........................................443 13.2.3. Diseases of the thoracic and abdominal cavities................. 448 13.2.4. Emergency surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity...............481 13.2.5. Purulent outpatient surgery...................................501 13.2.6. Benign tumors............................................515 13.3. Diseases of the great vessels (L.S. Babinets, B.O. Mihenko)...........518 13.3.1. Lower limb varicose vein disease...............................518 13.3.2. Acute superficial vein thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs...........520 13.3.3. Acute deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs.....................521 13.3.4. Occlusive diseases of the lower limb great arteries................523 13.3.5. Post­thrombophlebic lower limb syndrome.........................526 13.3.6. Thrombosis and embolism of the upper and lower peripheral arteries (acute arterial insufficiency).....................................................528 13.3.7. Acute embolism and thrombosis of mesenteric vessels (acute mesenteric ischemia)......................................................530 13.4. Proctology (T.I. Tamm).......................................531 13.4.1. Acute and chronic proctological diseases.........................531 13.4.2. Diarrheal­inflammatory syndrome..............................542 13.4.3. Rectal prolapse syndrome...................................548 13.5. Thermal and chemical damage (B.O. Mihenko, L.S. Babinets).........549 13.5.1. Thermal burns..............................................550 13.5.2. Chemical burns.............................................554 13.5.3. Electrical injury............................................555 13.5.4. Cold injury.................................................555 13.6. Traumatology and orthopedics (B.O. Mihenko, L.S. Babinets).........559 13.6.1. Acute damage to bones and joints.............................559 13.6.2. Congenital and chronic lesions of bones and joints................572 13.7. Urology (V.M. Lisovyi, I.A. Harahatyi)..............................586 13.7.1. Dysuric disorders, urinary incontinence.........................586 13.7.2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.....588 13.7.3. Prostate gland enlargement..................................596 13.7.4. Emergency care in urological diseases...........................601 Annexes.......................................................610
Примірники : всього : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(3), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(45)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(3), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(45)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.1/9/С 37
Автор(и) : Babinets L. S., Barna, Olha Mykolayivna, Biletskyi S. V., Bobro, Liliia Mykolaivna, Borovyk, Iryna Olehivna, Velychko, Valentyna Ivanivna, Danylchuk H. O., Zhdan V. M., Zhelezniakova N. M., Kazakov Yu. M., Pasiyeshvili, Liudmyla Mykhailivna, Skliarov Ye. Ya., Chernobrovyi V. M., Chukhgriienko N. D., Shylkina L. M.
Назва : Family Medicine. In 3 books : textbook [for students of higher education establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies]. Book 2 : Symptoms and syndromes in clinical course of internal diseases
Вихідні дані : K.: Medicine Publishing, 2018
Кільк.характеристики :375 p.: il
Примітки : На англ. мові
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-493-2: 410.00 грн
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-652-3 (Вооk 2): Б.ц.
ДРНТІ : 76
УДК : 616.1/9:614.254.3(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ТЕРАПІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники--national textbook
Анотація: The textbook is composed in accordance with curriculum in the specialty “General Practice — Family Medicine”. The textbook presents the current approach to common problems in family physician practice, highlights the main symptoms and syndromes in cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, nephrology, hematology, endocrinology as well as other syndromes that general practitioner­family physician most often manages in medical practical activity. Information on the causes, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostic search algorithms in the presence of these syndromes, differential diagnosis of various diseases manifested by these symptoms and syndromes is provided in the textbook. Assessment and treatment algorithms, first aid managing and practical recommendations are proposed in detail. For students of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies, internship doctors in the specialty “General Practice — Family Medicine”. Chapter 1. Syndromes in Cardiology....................... 5 Chest Pain Syndrome (S.V. Biletskyi)....................... 5 Edematous Syndrome (S.V. Biletskyi)...................... 29 Syndrome of Arterial Hypotonia (A.A. Zazdravnov)........... 32 Sick Sinus Syndrome (A.A. Zazdravnov)................... 37 Syndrome of Premature Ventricular Excitation (S.V. Biletskyi).... 40 Long Q—T Interval Syndrome (S.V. Biletskyi)............... 44 Syndrome of Chronic Heart Failure (O.V. Syniachenko)......... 47 Chapter 2. Syndromes in Gastroenterology (V.M. Chernobrovyi). 59 Abdominal Pain Syndrome.............................. 59 Dyspepsia............................................ 64 Heartburn........................................... 67 Dysphagia............................................ 70 Nausea and Vomiting.................................... 72 Constipation........................................... 75 Chronic Diarrhea...................................... 77 Jaundice.............................................. 80 Portal Hypertension.................................... 83 Chapter 3. Syndromes in Pulmonology (L.S. Babinets, I.O. Borovyk)...87 Syndrome of Pulmonary Tissue Consolidation................. 87 Syndrome of Bronchial Obstruction........................ 101 Syndrome of Pulmonary Insufficiency........................ 108 Syndrome of Fluid Accumulation in the Pleural Space.......... 116 Syndrome of Air in the Pleural Space....................... 126 Syndrome of Cavity in the Lung Tissue....................... 131 Syndrome of Increased Airiness of the Lungs (Emphysema)..... 135 Syndrome of Obstructive Atelectasis......................... 139 Syndrome of Compressive Atelectasis........................ 141 Syndrome of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.................. 141 Syndrome of Cough...................................... 145 Chapter 4. Syndromes in Nephrology....................... 158 Urinary Syndrome (V.M. Lisovyi)............................ 158 Nephrotic Syndrome (N.M. Zhelezniakova).................. 175 Chapter 5. Syndromes in Hematology...................... 185 Anemia Syndrome (T.M. Pasiyeshvili)........................ 185 Lymphadenopathy Syndrome (L.M. Pasiyeshvili).............. 192 Chapter 6. Syndromes in Rheumatology (L.M. Pasiyeshvili, O.M. Barna)...204 Articular Syndrome...................................... 204 Osteoporotic Syndrome................................. 213 Chapter 7. Syndromes in Endocrinology...................... 231 Hyperglycemic Syndrome (T.M. Pasiyeshvili)................. 231 Metabolic Syndrome (S.V. Biletskyi)......................... 236 Chapter 8. Syndromes in Pediatry......................... 241 Anemia Syndrome (T.V. Frolova).......................... 241 Lymphadenopathy Syndrome (I.I. Tereshchenkova)........... 250 Apnea Syndrome (V.I. Velychko, H.O. Danylchuk).............. 254 Foreign Bodies in the Airway, Ear and Esophagus (V.I. Velychko, H.O. Danylchuk)...263 Syndrome of Neck and Back Pain in Children (V.I. Velychko, H.O. Danylchuk).......273 Syndrome of Sex Development Disorders (V.I. Velychko, H.O. Danylchuk)..........281 Traumas. Traumatic External and Internal Hemorrhages (V.I. Velychko, H.O. Danylchuk)...297 Gastrointestinal Hemorrhages (V.I. Velychko, H.O. Danylchuk)... 310 Chapter 9. Other Syndromes in Medical Practice.............. 319 Hepatomegaly Syndrome (L.M. Pasiyeshvili, L.M. Bobro)......... 319 Splenomegaly Syndrome (L.M. Bobro, L.M. Pasiyeshvili)........ 328 Hepatolienal Syndrome (L.M. Pasiyeshvili, L.M. Bobro)........... 336 Subfebrile Condition in Adults (N.M. Zhelezniakova)............. 340 Skin Itch (N.D. Chukhriienko)............................... 350 Dyspnea Syndrome (Ye.Ya. Skliarov)......................... 360 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (V.M. Zhdan, L.M. Shylkina, Yu.M. Kazakov)...364 Myeloproliferative syndrome......................................... 169 Syndrome of blood coagulation disorders ............................... 169 Iron deficiency anemia.............................................. 172 Megaloblastic anemia............................................. 174 Hemolytic anemias.................................................177 Hereditary spherocytic anemia.................................. 180 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency anemia...... 181 Thalassemias .............................................. 183 Sickle cell anemia............................................ 186 Hemoblastosis................................................... 188 Acute myeloblastic leukemia.................................. 188 Chronic myelocytic leukemia.................................. 191 Polycythemia vera.......................................... 193 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia................................. 194 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia .................................. 196 Hemophilia....................................................... 198 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (Werlhof's disease).................200 Henoch-Schonlein syndrome.........................................202 CHAPTERS. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM.................................203 Patology of the thyroid gland......................................... 203 Hypothyroidism..............................................203 Hyperthyroidism.............................................207 Diabetes mellitus.................................................210 APPENDIX. PATIENT INQUIRY................................... 222
Примірники : всього 2: ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(3), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(23)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(3), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(23)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.1/9/С 37
Автор(и) : Hyrina, Olha Mykolayivna, Pasiyeshvili, Liudmyla Mykhailivna, Barna, Olha Mykolayivna, Svintsitskyi, Anatoliy Stanislavovych, Skliarov Ye. Ya., Biletskyi S. V., Chornobrovyi V. M., Chukhgriyenko N. D., Babinets L. S., Bazulevych A. Ya. et al.
Назва : Family Medicine. In 3 books : [textbook for students of higher medical education establishments of the 4th level of accreditation]. Book 1 : General Issues of Family Medicine
Вихідні дані : K.: Medicine Publishing, 2016
Кільк.характеристики :558 p.: il
Примітки : На англ. мові
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-493-2: 410.00 грн
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-494-9 (Вооk 1): Б.ц.
ДРНТІ : 76
УДК : 616.1/9:614.254.3(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ТЕРАПІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники--national textbook
Анотація: The book explores the theoretical basis of family medicine. It also seeks to ana-lyze the social preconditions of the need for family medicine, the main aspects of the family doctor's practice, the working process problems as well as the means to solve them. The book summarizes years of experience in teaching family medicine at lead-ing medical universities of Ukraine.The authors outline modern views in general practice and the concept of its devel-opment; describes the or¬ganization of outpatient care in the most widespread diseases of the therapeutic profile; study the methods of providing emergency assistance in life-threatening conditions. The textbook provides information on the diagno¬sis, treatment, prevention, prophylactic medical observation, examination of incapacity for work, which will allow the doctor to properly assess symptoms, determine a list of diseases for differential diagnosis, and in future — to formulate a diagnosis and plan treatment and rehabilitation activities. MAIN ABBREVIATIONSCHAPTER 1. The Place of Family Medicine in the General Structure of Public Health and the Principles of Family Public Service on the Basis of Family Medi-cine. The Organization of Family Doctor's Work. The Peculiarities of Out-of-Hospital Therapeutic Care1.1. The Key Aspects of Training and the Functions of a Family Doctor1.2. A Systemic Theoretical Basis of the Family1.3. The Psychogenic Aspects of Family Doctor's Work. Solving Social and Medical Problems of the FamilyCHAPTER 2. Insurance Medicine and Quality Standards for Family Medicine2.1. Family Medicine and Health Insurance in Ukraine2.2. Mandatory and Voluntary Health Insurance. Health Care Funding Options in Terms of Health InsuranceReferences2.3. Family Medicine Models. International ExperienceReferences2.4. The Role of Professional Organizations in Family Doctor's Practice. International ExperienceReferencesCHAPTER 3. Fundamentals of Informatics, Evidence Medicine, Screening Diagno-sis, Clinical Observation, Telemedicine3.1. Fundamentals of Informatics3.2. TelemedicineAdvanced and Experimental ServiceTelemedicine in Ukraine3.3. Evidence-Based Medicine3.4. Screening Diagnosis3.5. Clinical observationReferencesCHAPTER 4. Medical and Social Aspects of Public Health4.1. The Family Physician's Role in Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle, Prevention Examsand Preventive Care4.2. Health Promotion and Primary PreventionReferences4.3. Screening of Oncological DiseasesReferencesCHAPTER 5. Evaluation of Risk Factor Prevalence in the Development of Major Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Elaboration of Preventive Measures with Account for Syndrome-Based ApproachCHAPTER 6. Prevention of the Most Common Therapeutic Diseases6.1. Circulatory System Diseases AtherosclerosisIschemic Heart Disease (IHD)HypertensionCongestive heart failure6.2. Respiratory System DiseasesChronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseBronchial Asthma6.3. Diseases of the EsophagusFunctional Diseases of the EsophagusGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Functional DyspepsiaChronic Gastritis, DuodenitisPeptic Ulcer of the Stomach and DuodenumDisorders of the Liver and Biliary TractChronic CholecystitisGallstone Disease (Cholelithiasis)Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseAlcoholic Liver DiseaseLiver CirrhosisChronic PancreatitisReferencesIrritable Bowel SyndromeIntestinal DysbiosisReferences6.4. Urinary System DiseasesUrolithiasisChronic PyelonephritisChronic Kidney DiseaseCystitisReferences6.5. AnemiaIron Deficiency AnemiaB12 (Folic-) Deficiency Anemia6.6. Endocrine System DiseasesDiffuse Toxic GoiterChronic Autoimmune ThyroiditisHypothyroidismDiabetes Mellitus6.7. Rheumatic DiseasesAcute Rheumatic FeverRheumatoid ArthritisSystemic Lupus ErythematosusSystemic Sclerosis Systemic Vasculitis Dermatomyositis and PolymyositisOsteoarthritis Seronegative Spondyloarthritis6.8. Oncological DiseasesCervical CancerReferencesBreast CancerColorectal CancerProstate CancerCHAPTER 7. Organization of Work of the Out-Patient Department and Home Care7.1. Organization of the Out-Patient Department WorkThe Procedure for Admission to the Out-Patient Department General Indications and Contraindications for Treatment in Out-Patient FacilitiesRegulations on the Medical Staff of the Out-Patient Department 7.2. Organization of Home CareCHAPTER 8. Medicosocial Assessment in Internal Diseases8.1. The General Issues of Medical and Social Assessment 8.2. Medical and Social Assessment of Patients with Common Internal Diseases Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Bronchial Asthma Hypertension Myocardial Infarction Peptic Ulcer Chronic Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis Chronic Renal Insufficiency CHAPTER 9. Urgent Medical Aid by a General Practitioner at the Pre-Admission Stagein Case of Sudden Death 9.1. Sudden Cardiac Death 9.2. Resuscitation Measures The first stage of CPCR — Elementary Sustaining of Life The Second Stage of CPCR — Further Sustaining of Life 9.3. Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death CHAPTER 10. Emergency Care for Pain in Family Practice 10.1. Headache 10.2. Pain in Muscular-Skeletal Conditions Lumbar Syndromes Thoracic Syndromes 10.3. Abdominal Pain 10.4. Acute Thrombosis of the Major Lower Limb Arteries 10.5. Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Extremities and Pelvis 10.6. Oncogenic Pain References CHAPTER 11. Diagnostics and First Aid for Syncopes, Cramps and Convulsive Syndrome11.1. Diagnostics and First Aid for Syncopes General Aspects of the Syncope Problem Non-Syncopic Conditions, which Can be Mistakenly Regarded as Fainting Cardiogenic-Mediated Syncope Syncopes in Pediatric Practice Syncopes in the Elderly Treatment of Patients with Orthostatic Hypotension Chronic Adrenal Cortex Insufficiency Neurologic and Psychiatric Variants of Loss of Consciousness Particular Situations that Can Cause a Syncope 11.2. Convulsive Syndrome, Diagnostics and Urgent Aid at the Pre-Hospital Stage Convulsive Syndrome in Children Epileptic seizures (General Information)Epileptic Seizures in Children Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome (CFS) Hyperkinesis Spasms Caused by Hysteria CHAPTER 12. Urgent Medical Aid in the Family Physician's Practical Work in Caseof Stings, Bites, Electrical Injury, Drowning, Affect of Low and High Tempera-ture 12.1. Clinical Manifestations and First Aid in Case of Stings by Hymenoptera 12.2. Snake Bites and Urgent Aid in These Cases 12.3. Clinical Manifestation and First Aid in Case of Animal Bites 12.4. Clinical Manifestation and First Aid in Case of Arthropoda Bites Black Widow (Karakurt) Bites Tarantula Bites Scorpion Stings 12.5. Clinical Manifestations and First Aid in Case of Electric Current Shock, Drown-ing,Critical Temperature Influence Electric Current Shock Drowning The Influence of Critical Temperatures
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