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    Grant, J. C. Boileau (1886, Loanhead (south of Edinburgh, England) – August 14, 1973, Toronto).
    An atlas of Anatomy. By Regions: Upper limb, Abdomen, Perineum, Pelvis, Lower Limb, Vertebrae, Vertebral Column, Thorax, Head and Neck, Cranial Nerves and Dermatomes / J. C. B. Grant. - 5th ed. - Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1962. - [xiv, 665 мал., 24] p. : il. - Загл. обл. : Grant's atlas of Anatomy. - На англ. мові. - References: 4 p. - Index: 20 p. - 080.00 р.
Переклад назви: Атлас по анатомії. По областях: верхня кінцівка, живіт, промежина, таз, нижня кінцівка, хребці, хребетний стовп, грудна клітка, голова та шия, черепні нерви та дерматоми / Дж. С. Буало Грант

Рубрики: АНАТОМІЯ(АНГЛ)--Атлас

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
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Анотація: This collection of illustrations depicts the structures of the human body, region by region, in much the same order as the student displays them by dissection. Little liberty has been taken with the anatomy; the illustrations profess a considerable accuracy of detail. In order that the student may be able to turn the pages and study figure after figure without requiring to re-orient himself, all illustrations of bilaterally symmetrical structures are from the right half of the body, unless otherwise stated. The observations and comments that accompany the illustrations are designed to attract attention to salient points and to points of significance that might otherwise escape notice. Their purpose is to interpret the illustrations. They are not, nor are they intended to be, exhaustive descriptions Illustrations UPPER LIMB ABDOMEN Figures General: bones, arteries, superficial veins, cutaneous nerves, and motor nerves. 1-10 Pectoral Region and Axilla: attachment of muscles, mamma, serial dissections, brachial plexus, veins of axilla, cross-section, and Serratus Anterior. 11-23 Back: cutaneous nerves, superficial muscles, supra-scipiilar & supraspinous regions, and variations. 24—28 Bnuhium and Subdeltoid Region: attachment of muscles, medial (20), lateral & posterior views, cross-section, and subacromial bursa. 29-35 Shoulder and Acromioclavicular Joints: coraco- acromial arch, synovial capsule, ligaments, and variations. 36-43 Elbow Region:.front view, cubital fossa, variations, elbow & proximal radio-ulnar joints, ligaments, bones, synovial capsule, cross-section, and posterior views. 44—57 Front of Forearm and Wrist: attachment of muscles, serial dissections, bones of hand, cross-sections (forearm, wrist, 8c hand) and front of wrist. 58-66 Palm of Hand: serial dissections, cross-section (finger), and radial side of wrist. 67—76 Back of Forearm and Dorsum of Hand: attachment of muscles, serial dissections, ulnar side of wrist, cutaneous nerves, bones of hand, synovial sheaths, extensor retinaculum, extensor tendons, and extensor expansions. 77-89 Joints: distal radio-ulnar, radiocarpal, intercarpal, and digital. 90-96 Figures Variations, Bones. Epiphyses, and Cross-Sections of 97-104.1 Anterior Abdominal Wall: serial dissections, cutaneous nerves; inguinal canal &: region; testis 8c spermatic cord; and female inguinal canal— all in series. 105-123 Digestive System: diagram, and abdominal contents in situ. 124-125 Stomach: in situ; parts, interior 8c musculature; omcnta 8c omental bursa; peritoneal ligaments of spleen & liver; arteries of stomach, celiac trunk, vagus nerves in abdomen, posterior wall of omental bursa, and tributaries of portal vein. 126-135 Liver: visceral surface, corrosion preparations, veins of liver, porta hepatis, cystic artery, variations, vessels of gall bladder & ducts (also 160), and exposure of bile duct in series. 136-148 Spleen: in situ, visceral surface, reflected from kidney, and accessory spleen. 149-152 Duodenum and Pancreas: in situ, posterior aspect, bile passages & pancreatic ducts, blood supply, and variations. 153-161 Intestines: mesenteric arteries, duodenal recesses, large intestines, structure of small intestine, ileocecal region, and variations. 162-172 Posterior Abdominal Wall: from behind, exposing kidney. 173-175 Kidneys, Ureters, Suprarenal Glands, Celiac Ganglion and Plexus: in situ, relations, cross-section of abdomen, structure of kidney, segmental arteries, blood supply of ureter, and variations. 176-187 Great Arteries & Veins and their Branches and Tributaries. 188 Posterior Abdominal Wall and Diaphragm: muscles, lumbar lymph nodes 8c vessels, sympathetic trunk & splanchnic nerves, and lumbar plexus. 189-191 PERINEUM AND PELVIS Male Perineum: muscles, vessels &: nerves; Sphincter Ani, Levator Ani &: anal canal (structure 8c blood supply), exposure of prostate, urinary tract, penis, interior of spongy urethra, and perineal membrane. 192-201 Male Pelvis: from above, median section, Levator & Sphincter Ani, bladder, seminal vesicles, prostate & bulbo-urethral glands, interior of bladder & prostatic urethra, and Levator Ani from above. 202-209 Side Wall of Pelvis: deferent duct &: ureter; iliac vessels, sacral plexus &: other nerves, muscles, and ligaments. 210-217 Bony Pelvis: male 8c female, and sacro-iliac joint. 218-223 Female Perineum: serial dissections. 224-230.1 Female Pelvis: Levator Ani from above; ovaries, tubes, uterus &: broad ligaments; viscera from above, in series; median section; side wall in series, and suspensory mechanism. 231-241 LOWER LIMB General: bones, arteries, superficial veins, cutaneous nerves, and motor nerves. 242-250 Inguinal Region: superficial inguinal lymph nodes, veins & arteries; saphenous opening, femoral sheath, and valves in veins. 251-255 Femoral Triangle: femoral sheath; femoral vein & tributaries; boundaries, contents, and floor of triangle. 256-259 Front of Thigh and Adductor Region: muscles, vessels 8c nerves, cross-section of thigh, and attachment of muscles. 260-266 Gluteal Region and Back of Thigh: muscles, vessels 8c nerves, and short rotator muscles. 267-275 Hip Joint: ligaments, bony parts, blood supply, sections (cross & coronal), acetabular fossa and its vessels. 274-284 Popliteal Fossa: serial dissections, attachments of muscles, and anastomoses around knee. 285-291 Knee Joint: ligaments and their attachments, and synovial capsule. 292-302 Lateral and Anterior Crural Regions and Dorsum of Foot: attachments of muscles, muscles, vessels Sc nerves; retinacula, synovial sheaths, and cross-section of leg. 3103-310 Bones of Foot: attachment of muscles (lateral, medial, dorsal & plantar views). 311-314 Posterior Crural Region: bones, attachment of muscles, serial dissections, medial side of ankle, and variations. 315-324 Sole of Foot: serial dissections. 325-331 Ankle Joint and Joints of Foot. 332-342 Bones of Foot. Epiphyses. Anomalous Tarsal Bones. 343-356 VERTEBRAE AND VERTEBRAL COLUMN Vertebra: functions, parts, and ossification. 357-362 Vertebral Column: subdivisions, homologous parts, distinguishing features, and movements. Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral &: coccygeal segments. Anomalies. 363-383 Articulations: intervertebral disc, ligaments, and vertebral venous plexus. 384-390 THORAX Bones: bony thorax, sternum (features, in youth, anomalies), ribs (features, anomalies), lateral costal artery, and sternocostal joints. 391-404 Thoracic Wall: diagram of intercostal space, anterior wall, intercostal spaces (front &: back), and costovertebral joints. 405-411 Diagrams of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems: subdivisions of mediastinum and of pleura. 412-413 Lungs: in situ, costal & mediastinal surfaces, bronchial tree, pulmonary arteries &: veins, and bronchopulmonary segments. 414-427 Mediastinum: right 8c left sides, pleural cupola, and diaphragm (from above). 428-431 Pericardium and Heart: in situ, excised, cardiac vessels, pericardial sac (interior of &: posterior relations), chambers of heart, explanatory diagrams, and anomalies of aortic arch. 432-447.2 Superior Mediastinum: serial dissections—thymus; great vessels, phrenic &: vagus nerves; pulmonary arteries; and esophagus fe thoracic duct, trachea 8c left recurrent nerve. 448-451 Posterior Mediastinum: bronchi & lymph nodes, esophagus &: aorta; thoracic duct; blood supply of esophagus; azygos system of veins &; venous anomalies; and branches of thoracic aorta. 452-457.1 HEAD AND NECK Figures 458-464 Head and Neck: on median section. Skull: front & side views, buttresses of face and of nose. Face: muscles, vessels, parotid gland fc facial nerve; cartilages of nose & ear; sensory nerves of face; and diagrams (eyelid, orbital contents, superficial veins, and carotid & subclavian arteries). 465-471.4 Posterior Triangle of Neck: serial dissections, and brachial plexus. 472-416 Back: serial dissections & cross-section, spinal cord & membranes, and lower end of dural sac. 477-484.1 Nuchal Region: skull from behind & anomalies, serial dissections & cross-section, cranial nerves in posterior cranial fossa, and posterior fossa. 485—497 Head from Above: diagrams of scalp & its vessels & nerves, surface anatomy, diploic veins, cranial dura mater, folds of dura, and dural venous sinuses. 498-504 Contents of Cranium: cross-section of midbrain, origin of cranial nerves, interior of base of skull, nerves in middle cranial fossa, and coronal sections (cavernous sinus & orbital cavity). 505-517 Eye: orbital cavity, dissections from front &: from above serially, ocular muscles, ophthalmic artery, and motor nerves of orbit. 518-525 Front and Root of Neck: platysma, front of neck in series, root of neck in series, cross-section, cervico-thoracic ganglion, cervical nerve in situ, and thyroid gland & its variations. 526-539 Anterior Triangle of Neck: diagrams of the triangles, bony landmarks 8c digastric muscle; carotid & submandibular triangles; and diagrams of veins, arteries & branches of vagus nerve. 540-543.3 Suprahyoid Region: in series—Mylohyoid; Genio-hyoid; medial wall of submandibular triangle; salivary glands; Hyoglossus & its relations; and lingual artery & its branches. 544-549 Parotid Region: Parotid gland & facial nerve; parotid bed, vessels & nerves of auricle; and structures deep to bed. 550-552 Figures Mandible and Temporomandibular Joint: sections (coronal &; sagittal). 553-555 Infratemporal Fossa: maxillary artery; bony walls; and contents. 556-560 Prevertebral Region: muscles, cervical plexus, and sympathetic ganglia. 561 Atlanto-Occipital and Atlanto-Axial Joints: cranial nerves piercing dura, and variations. 562-568 Exterior of Base of Skull and 3 Keys to that Base. 569-571.2 Exterior of Pharynx: from behind, & side view with relations, otic ganglion, and auditory tube (lateral views). 572-577 Interior of Pharynx: from behind, and cross-section through nasal cavities. 578-579 Palate: in series; and cross-section through mouth, tonsil & parotid gland. 580-584 Interior of Pharynx: side view, in series—tonsil, its blood supply & bed, and pharyngeal muscles. 585-590 Mouth and Tongue: coronal sections of head; tongue, hyoid bone, side of mouth, otic ganglion (medial view), Mylohyoid & Geniohyoid from above, and cross-section through larynx. 591-600 Teeth: their sockets, permanent teeth; skulls at birth, primary teeth, and teeth erupting. 601-604 Nasal Cavities: septum, nerve supply, arterial supply, and lateral wall. 605-610 Paranasal Sinuses and their Variations: sphenoid bone of child & adult. 611-620.1 Larynx: serial dissections; nerve supply, arterial supply, and interior. 621-632 Ear: schemes; coronal section; tympanic membrane; medial wall of cavity & facial gc semicircular canals; ossicles; auditory tube & tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum & cells, temporal bones of child, geniculate ganglion, and inner ear. 633-650 Distribution of Cranial Nerves. 651-662 Dermatomes. 663-665
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