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    Dolphin, Warren David.
    Biological Investigations: Form, function, diversity and process / W.D. Dolphin. - 7th ed. - New York etc. : Mc Graw Hill Higher Education, 2005. - xiv, 482 p. : цв.ил, il ; 27,5 cm. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 0-07-255285-9 : 009.00 р.
Переклад назви: Біологічні дослідження: форма, функція, різноманітність і процес / У.Д. Долфін


Анотація: This lab manual is for a one or two-semester majors level general biology lab and can be used with any majors-level general biology textbook. The labs are investigative and ask students to use more critical thinking and hands-on learning. The author emphasizes investigative, quantitative, and comparative approaches to studying the life sciences. 1 Science: A Way of Gathering Knowledge 2 Techniques in Microscopy 3 Cellular Structure Reflects Function 4 Determining How Materials Enter Cells 5 Using Quantitative Techniques and Statistics6 Modeling Biological Molecules 7 Determining the Properties of an Enzyme 8 Measuring Cellular Respiration 9 Determining Chromosome Number in Mitotic Cells 10 Observing Meiosis and Determining Cross-Over Frequency 11 Determining Genotypes of Fruit Flies12 Isolating DNA and Working with Plasmids 13 Testing Assumptions in Microevolution and Inducing Mutations 14 Working with Diverse Bacteria15 Diversity Among Protists16 Investigating Plant Phylogeny: Seedless Plants 17 Investigating Plant Phylogeny: Seed Plants 18 Observing Fungal Diversity and Symbiotic Relationships 19 Investigating Early Events in Animal Development 20 Animal Phylogeny: Investigating Animal Body Plans 21 Protostomes I: Lophotrochozoans and Development of Complexity 22 Protostomes II: Ecdysozoa and Great Diversity23 Deuterostomes and the Origins of Vertebrates24 Investigating Plant Tissues and Primary Root Structure 25 Investigating Primary Roots, Stems and Secondary Growth26 Investigating Leaf Structure and Photosynthesis 27 Angiosperm Reproduction, Germination, and DevelopmentInterchapter Investigating Animal Form and Function28 Investigating Digestive and Gas Exchange Systems 29 Investigating Circulatory Systems 30 Investigating the Mammalian Urogenital System31 Investigating the Properties of Muscle and Skeletal Systems 32 Investigating Nervous and Sensory Systems 33 Statistically Analyzing Simple Behaviors 34 Estimating Population Size and Growth Appendix A Significant Figures and Rounding Appendix B Making Graphs Appendix C Simple Statistics Appendix D Writing Lab Reports and Scientific Papers
Перейти к внешнему ресурсу http://www.worldcat.org/title/biological-investigations-form-function-diversity-and-process/oclc/56592850?ht=edition&referer=di
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