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Книги іноземною мовою - результати пошуку 777

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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 4И(Англ)/Д72
Автор(и) : Dreiser, Theodore
Назва : The Financier : художественная лит-ра
Вихідні дані : Moscow: Foreign languages publishing house, 1954
Кільк.характеристики :XVI, 566 p.
Примітки : На англ. яз. - Предисл. (с. III-XV)- на рус. яз
Ціна : 013.00 р.
ДРНТІ : 16.41 + 17.82.31
Предметні рубрики: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК
Примірники :КС2 НА(1)
Вільні : КС2 НА(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 4И(Англ)/Ф26
Автор(и) : Fast, Howard Melvin (1914-2003)
Назва : The Last Frontier
Вихідні дані : Moscow: Foreign languages publishing house, 1949
Кільк.характеристики :234 p.
Серія: Библиотека иностранной литературы
Примітки : На англ. яз.
Ціна : 006.85 р.
ДРНТІ : 16.41 + 17.82.31
Предметні рубрики: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК
Анотація: Тhe story of the Cheyenne Indians in the 1870s, and their bitter struggle to flee from the Indian Territory in Oklahoma back to their home in Wyoming and Montana."Mr. Fast's novel will stand or fall upon its value as a dramatic, finely presented story. It is all of that: a model, which may easily become a classic example, of what to put in and what to leave out in the writing of a historical novel. ... I do not believe it is saying too much to suggest that in the person of Mr. Fast we may have the next really important American historical novelist". -- Joseph Henry Jackson, New York Herald Tribune Books"Fast's writing, austerely polished and austerely poetic, is admirably suited to this epic tale of a desperate effort for dignified survival. ... Fast has gotten to the core of this incident and made it into a rich American novel". -- New York Times Book Review"An amazing restoration and reconstruction. Thecharacters breathe, the landscape is solid ground and sky, and the story runs flexibly along the zigzag trail of a people driven by a deep instinct to their ancient home. I do not know any other episode in Western history that has been so truly and subtly perpetuated as this one. A great story lost has been found again, and as here told promises to live for generations"
Примірники :КС2 НА(1)
Вільні : КС2 НА(1)
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