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   Е 45

    Childrens exanthematous infections : (training manual for students of English-language higher education studying in the speciality "Medicine'') / V. I. Ilchenko, K. V. Pikul, K. Yu. Prylutskiy. A. M. Dudnikova ; Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Poltava State Medical University = Екзантематозні інфекції у дітей : (навчальний посібник для здобувачів вищої освіти англомовної форми навчання, які навч. за спец. 222 ''Медицина'') / В. І. Ільченко, К. В. Пікуль, К. Ю. Прилуцький, А. М. Дуднікова ; МОЗ України, Полтавський державний медичний університет. - Poltava : РВВ ПДМУ, 2022. - 88 p. ; 21 cm. - На англ. мові. - Lit.: p. 87-88. - 300 прим.. - 020.00 грн.

Рубрики: ЕКЗАНТЕМА(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)

   ДІТИ(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)

   ДИТЯЧІ ІНФЕКЦІЇ(АНГЛ)--Навчальний посібник(англ)

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
інфекційні хвороби -- педіатрія -- навчальні посібники
Анотація: CONTENT 1. CHICKENPOX........................... 5 2. ENTEROVIRUS INFECTIONS .................... 14 3. HERPES SIMPLEX........................ 24 4. INFECTIOUS ERYTHEMA.................... 31 5. SUDDEN ERYTHEMA (EXANTEME)................. 36 6. INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS................. 38 7. MEASLES ............................. 47 8. RUBELLA............................. 53 9. MENINGOCOCCAL INFECTION .................. 60 11. SCARLET FEVER ....................... 74 12. LITERATURE........................... 87
Перейти к внешнему ресурсу http://repository.pdmu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/18623/1/Childrens_exanthematous_infections.pdf

Дод.точки доступу:
Ilchenko, V. I.
Ільченко В. І.
Pikul, K. V.
Пікуль К. В.
Prylutskiy, K. Yu.
Прилуцький К. Ю.
Dudnikova, A. M.
Дуднікова К. М.
Poltava State Medical University / Полтавський державний медичний університет. [Кафедра ендокринології з дитячими інфекційними хворобами]

Примірників всього: 10
Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (6)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (6)

Найти похожие


    Pediatric Infectious Diseases : textbook [for students of higher medical educational establishments] / ed. S. O. Kramarov, O. B. Nadraga ; S. O. Kramarov, O. B. Nadraga, L. V. Pypa et al. - 4th ed. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2020. - 238 p. : табл. - На англ. мові. - References: p. 238. - ISBN 978-617-505-807-7 : 160.00 грн
Переклад назви: Інфекційні хвороби у дітей: підручник для студентів вищих мед. навч. закладів / за ред. С. Крамарьова, О. Надраги



Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Педіатрія -- national textbook -- національний підручник -- підручники
Анотація: The textbook presents classical and new data on pediatric infectious diseases, contemporary information on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and methods of diagnosis; treatments for the most widely spread infectious diseases of children in Ukraine. Every topic is followed by a list of questions and tests for self-control of acquired knowledge. For students and interns of higher medical educational establishments. Foreword Measles Rubella Varicella Mumps Infection Pertussis Diphtheria Streptococcal Infection Acute Respiratory Viral Infections Poliomyelitis Herpetic infection Cytomegaloviral Infection Infectious Mononucleosis Meningococcal Infection Purulent Meningitis Acute Intestinal Infections Yersinial Infection Viral Hepatitis HIV Infection Fundamentals of Vaccinal Prevention References
Дод.точки доступу:
Kramarov, Serhiy Oleksandrovych
Крамарьов Сергій Олександрович
Nadraga, Oleksandr Bohdanovych
Надрага Олександр Богданович
Pypa, Larysa Volodymyrivna
Пипа Лариса Володимирівна
Kharchenko, Y. P.
Харченко Юрій Петрович
Lytvynenko, N. G.
Литвиненко Наталія Григорівна
Palatna, L. O.
Палатна Людмила Олександрівна
Shpak, I. V.
Шпак Ірина Володимирівна
Doroshenko, V. O.
Дорошенко Віталій Олександрович
Voronov, О.О.
Воронов Олександр Олександрович
Lysheniuk, S. A.
Лишенюк Світлана Адамівна
Shostakovych-Koretska, L. R.
Шостакович-Корецька Людмила Романівна
Chernyshova, L. I.
Kramarov, Serhiy Oleksandrovych \ed.\
Nadraga, Oleksandr Bohdanovych \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
Наук.Аб. (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1)

Найти похожие

   К 49

    Pediatric physical examination : textbook for students of higher educational institutions : пер. з укр. мов. / O. V. Katilov, D. V. Dmytriev, K. Yu. Dmytrieva, S. Yu. Makarov. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. - 498 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography: p. 496-498. - ISBN 978-966-382-685-1 : 460.00 грн
Переклад назви: Клінічне обстеження дитини: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навч. закладів / О. В. Катілов, Д. В. Дмитрієв, К. Ю. Дмитрієва, С. Ю. Макаров

Рубрики: ПЕДІАТРІЯ(англ)--Навчальний посібник

   ДІАГНОСТИЧНІ МЕТОДИ І ПРОЦЕДУРИ(англ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники
Дод.точки доступу:
Katilov, O. V.
Катілов Олександр Вікторович
Dmytriev, D. V.
Dmytrieva, K. Yu.
Дмитрієва Катерина Юріівна
Makarov, S. Yu.
Макаров Сергій Юрійович

Примірників всього: 48
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (5), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (41)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (5), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (41)

Найти похожие

   К 49

    Pediatric physical examination : textbook for students of higher educational institutions : пер. з укр. мов. / O. V. Katilov, D. V. Dmytriev, K. Yu. Dmytrieva, S. Yu. Makarov. - Up. 3rd ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2021. - 497 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Bibliography: p. 495-497. - ISBN 978-966-382-866-4 : 480.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Клінічне обстеження дитини: навчальний посібник для інозем. студентів вищих навч. закладів МОЗ України/ О. В. Катілов, Д. В. Дмитрієв, К. Ю. Дмитрієва, С. Ю. Макаров

Рубрики: ПЕДІАТРІЯ(англ)--Навчальний посібник

   ДІАГНОСТИЧНІ МЕТОДИ І ПРОЦЕДУРИ(англ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники
Анотація: Taking into account the analysis of the concepts of domestic and foreign scientific schools, the textbook contain the fundamentals and principles of pediatric clinical examination. The book is intended for students of medical universities, interns and pediatric residents, as well as general practitioners. У представленому навчальному посібнику, з урахуванням аналізу концепцій вітчизняних і зарубіжних наукових шкіл, викладено основи і принципи клінічного обстеження дитини. Книга призначена для студентів медичних університетів, лікарів інтернів та початківців лікарів-педіатрів, а також лікарів загальної практики. FOREWORD .................................7 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .........................8 CHAPTER 1. General examination of a child................. 10 Assessment of general condition..............................10 Main principles of physical development evaluation of a child older than 1 month .......12 Patterns of physical development of a child........................17 Assessment of physical development of a newborn.......................22 Rules of anthropometric indicators measuring........................24 Semiotics of disorders of physical development ......................25 CHAPTER 2. Diagnostics and semiotics of skin diseases............. 30 Clinical anatomy and physiology of the skin........................ 30 Anatomical and physiological features of the skin in children ................32 Skin characteristics in the neonatal period........................34 Clinical examination...................................36 Main (physical) methods of examination ...........................36 Survey and examination ..............................36 Palpation ......................................43 Additional methods of examination............................44 General semiotics and differential diagnosis of skin diseases..................45 Skin dysplasia and dystrophy..............................45 Infectious diseases of the skin..............................46 Allergic and toxicoallergic diseases...........................57 Skin changes in non-infectious diseases..........................58 Principles of differential diagnosis of infectious and allergic rashes...............64 Hemorrhagic rash syndrome...............................65 Skin vascular formations...............................67 Skin pigmentation disorders.............................68 CHAPTER 3. Diagnostics and semiotics of peripheral lymph nodes lesions ...... 72 Clinical anatomy and physiology of lymph nodes......................72 Clinical examination of lymph nodes ...........................76 Main (physical) methods of examination..........................76 Examination ...................................76 Palpation ......................................76 General semiotics of lymph nodes lesions..........................78 4 CHAPTER 4. Diagnostics and semiotics of skeletal system diseases......... 81 Anatomical and physiological features of the skeletal system..................81 Clinical examination of the skeletal system........................87 Main (physical) methods of examination..........................87 Palpation of the skeletal system ...........................96 General semiotics of skeletal system disorders ........................97 Dental pathology ..................................98 Microcephaly...................................98 Craniosynostosis (craniostenosis) ............................99 Macrocephaly...................................100 Rickets.....................................101 Hip dysplasia....................................102 CHAPTER 5. Diagnostics and semiotics of muscular system diseases....... 105 Anatomical and physiological features of the muscular system................105 Clinical examination and semiotics of the muscular system disorders............107 CHAPTER 6. Diagnostics and semiotics of respiratory system diseases....... 113 Clinical anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system...................113 Clinical examination of the respiratory system......................120 Main (physical) methods of examination........................120 Survey......................................120 Examination ....................................123 Palpation ....................................135 Percussion.....................................137 Auscultation ....................................141 Additional methods of investigation..........................154 X-ray diagnostics..................................154 Spirometry ....................................159 Peak flow metry .................................163 General semiotics of respiratory diseases in children ....................165 ARVI .......................................165 Acute laryngotracheitis................................169 Acute tonsillitis. Tonsillopharyngitis..........................170 Acute bronchitis..................................172 Bronchial asthma...................................173 Pneumonia....................................176 Pleurisy ......................................179 Respiratory failure .................................181 Chapter 7. Diagnostics and semiotics of cardiovascular system diseases .... 183 Clinical physiology of cardiac work.............................183 Anatomical and physiological features of the cardiovascular system in children ..........188 Antenatal fetal circulation..............................189 Clinical examination of the cardiovascular system .....................191 Main (physical) methods of examination........................191 Survey......................................191 Examination ....................................194 5 Palpation ....................................196 Heart auscultation ................................206 Additional methods of examination..........................219 Electrocardiography ................................219 Heart X-ray...................................239 General semiotics of the cardiovascular system diseases in children ...............240 CHAPTER 8. Diagnostics and semiotics of the urinary system diseases ....... 249 Clinical physiology of the renal function..........................249 Anatomical and physiological features of the urinary system in children .............255 Clinical examination of the urinary system.........................256 Main (physical) methods of examination........................256 Survey......................................256 Examination ....................................257 Palpation and percussion..............................259 Additional methods of examination..........................261 Laboratory methods................................261 Instrumental methods ...............................275 General semiotics of the urinary system diseases.....................279 CHAPTER 9. Diagnostics and semiotics of gastrointestinal diseases ...... 286 Clinical physiology of the gastrointestinal tract........................286 Anatomical and physiological features of the gastrointestinal tract in children..........291 Clinical examination of the gastrointestinal tract.....................293 Main (physical) methods of examination........................294 Survey......................................294 Examination ....................................302 Auscultation of the abdominal area ...........................310 Percussion.....................................312 Palpation ....................................315 Additional methods of examination..........................320 Laboratory methods................................320 Instrumental methods................................324 General semiotics of GIT organs diseases in children ...................327 CHAPTER 10. Diagnostics and semiotics of ENT-organs diseases........ 336 Clinical anatomy of ENT-organs and hearing physiology...................336 Main methods of ENT-organs examination........................344 Additional methods of ENT-organs examination.....................355 CHAPTER 11. Diagnostics and semiotics of the nervous system diseases.... 358 Clinical physiology of the nervous system........................358 Clinical assessment of the neurological status and semiotics of disorders in newborns and infants.................................360 Approximate dynamics of the psychomotor development of a child during the first years of life ...372 Clinical assessment of the neurological status and semiotics of disorders in older children and adolescents...............................373 Stigmas of dysembryogenesis..............................379 6 Semiotics of the nervous system diseases in children ....................380 Meningitis.....................................380 Encephalitis...................................383 Hydrocephaly ...................................383 Cerebral palsy ..................................385 CHAPTER 12. Diagnostics and semiotics of the endocrine system diseases ... 387 Clinical physiology of the endocrine system.......................387 Clinical examination of the endocrine system.......................404 Semiotics of main endocrine glands diseases.........................407 Growth disorders in children ............................407 Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system .....................414 Thyroid diseases..................................416 Adrenal gland diseases ................................418 Pancreatic diseases ................................421 Diseases of gonads.................................423 CHAPTER 13. Diagnostics and semiotics of the blood system diseases..... 425 Clinical physiology of the blood system.........................425 Clinical examination of the blood system.........................429 Additional methods of examination..........................431 Laboratory methods................................431 Semiotics of blood diseases...............................447 Syndrome of anemia.................................447 Iron-deficiency anemia ..............................448 В12- and folate-deficiency anemia............................450 Hemolytic anemias..................................450 Iron overload syndrome ..............................451 Hemorrhagic syndrome...............................451 Myelodysplastic syndrome..............................456 CHAPTER 14. Possibilities of ultrasound investigation in clinical examination... 458 Main principles of ultrasound investigation........................458 Ultrasound investigation of the skin ..........................460 Ultrasound investigation of lymph nodes........................464 Ultrasound investigation of the musculoskeletal system...................466 Ultrasound diagnostics of respiratory system diseases...................472 Ultrasound diagnostics of heart diseases (echocardiography)................475 Ultrasound diagnostics of urinary system diseases.....................476 Ultrasound diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases ....................479 Ultrasound diagnostics of brain diseases (neurosonography) ................480 Ultrasound diagnostics of endocrine system diseases ....................483 CHAPTER 15. Clinical examination of a child in the critical condition ...... 489 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................. 496
Дод.точки доступу:
Katilov, O. V.
Катілов Олександр Вікторович
Dmytriev, D. V.
Дмитрієв Дмитро Валерійович
Dmytrieva, K. Yu.
Дмитрієва Катерина Юріівна
Makarov, S. Yu.
Макаров Сергій Юрійович

Примірників всього: 50
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (45)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (45)

Найти похожие

   П 24

    Pediatrics : textbook : [підручник для англомовних студентів вищих мед. навч. закладів IV рівня акредитації] / ed. O. Tiazhka ; O. V. Tіazhka, T. V. Pochinok, A. M. Antoshkina et al. ; Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University. - 2nd ed., reprint. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2016. - 542 p. : il, вкл.л. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-966-382-600-4 : 280.00 грн
Переклад назви: Педіатрія : підручник / за ред. О. Тяжкої

Рубрики: ПЕДІАТРІЯ(англ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Дод.точки доступу:
Tsazhka, O. V.
Тяжка Олександра Василівна
Pochinok, T. V.
Починок Тетяна Вікторівна
Antoshkina, A. M.
Антошкіна Алла Миколаївна
Yashchenko, Yu. B.
Bobrova, V. I.
Gorobets, A. O.
Lutay, T. I.
Mellina, T. V.
Vinnytska, O. P.
Minchenko, D. O. та ін.
Tiazhka, O. V. \ed.\
O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University

Примірників всього: 45
Наук.Аб. (3), Уч.Аб. (42)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (3), Уч.Аб. (42)

Найти похожие

   П 24

    Pediatrics : [textbook for English-speaking students of higher medical institutions of IV level of accreditation] / ed. O. V. Tiazhka ; O. V. Tіazhka, T. V. Pochinok, A. M. Antoshkina et al. ; Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, National O.O. Bogomolets Medical University. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha Publishers, 2011. - 575 p. : il, вкл.л. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-966-382-355-3 : 186.00 грн, 180.00 грн
Переклад назви: Педіатрія : підручник / за ред. О. Тяжкої

Рубрики: ПЕДИАТРИЯ(англ)

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Дод.точки доступу:
Tsazhka, O.V.
Тяжка Олександра Василівна
Pochinok, T.V.
Починок Тетяна Вікторівна
Antoshkina, A.M.
Антошкіна Алла Миколаївна
Yashchenko, Yu.B.
Bobrova, V. I.
Gorobets, A. O.
Lutay, T. i.
Mellina, T.V.
Vinnytska, O.P.
Minchenko, D.O. та ін.
Tiazhka, O.V. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 47
Наук.Аб. (5), ЧЗ (1), Уч.Аб. (41)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (5), ЧЗ (1), Уч.Аб. (41)

Найти похожие

   П 24

    Pediatrics : textbook : [підручник для англомовних студентів вищих мед. навч. закладів IV рівня акредитації] / ed. O. Tiazhka ; O. V. Tіazhka, T. V. Pochinok, A. M. Antoshkina et al. ; Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University. - 3rd ed., reprint. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. - 542 p. : il, вкл.л. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-966-382-690-5 : 386.00 грн
Переклад назви: Педіатрія : підручник / за ред. О. Тяжкої

Рубрики: ПЕДІАТРІЯ(англ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: The textbook contains materials on pediatrics within the curriculum for the students of medical faculty, who master pediatrics during IV, V, VI years of study. Each unit contains its current relevance, the aim of the lesson, a list of questions a student is to know after self-training, a list of practical skills a student must acquire having covered the topic. Besides, there are additional materials and educational tests. For the students of medical faculties of higher medical educational establishments of the III–IV levels of accreditation and teachers Content I. Children’s Prophilactic Medicine.........................5 The contents of the pediatrician’s work at the children’s polyclinic. Vaccinations (Mellina T. V., Gorobetz A. O.).......................5 Diathesis (Tiazhka O. V., Mellina T. V.)....................... 16 II. Deficit Diseases of Early Childhood ..................... 24 Rickets (Tiazhka O. V., Mellina T. V.)........................ 24 Chronic disorders of nutrition (Tiazhka O. V., Vasiukova M. M.)............ 36 III. Neonatology................................. 50 Newborn period, premature infant’s adaptation, medical care (Yashchenko Yu. B., Koliubakina L. V.)......................... 50 Asphyxia (Gorobetz A. O.) ............................. 65 Birth trauma (Gorobetz A. O.) .......................... 75 Respiratory disorders of newborn (Yashchenko Yu. B., Koliubakina L. V.)........ 84 Hemorrhagic disease of newborns (Mellina T. V.)................101 Neonatal jaundices (Gorobetz A. O.).........................109 Infections of the fetus and newborn infant (Yashchenko Yu. B., Koliubakina L. V.)..132 Purulent-septic diseases in infants (Vasiukova M. M.)..............151 IV. Blood Diseases ................................163 Anemias (Pochinok T. V., Vinnytska O. P.)......................163 Hematoblastoses (Vinnytska O. P., Gorobetz A. O.)...................201 The bleeding (haemostatic) disorders (Vinnytska O. P., Mellina T. V.).......219 V. The Respiratory System’s Diseases.....................230 Pneumonia (Pochinok T. V.)...........................230 The acute respiratory viral infections and acute bronchitis in children (Pochinok T. V.)...........................245 P ediatrics 4 VI. The Cardiovascular System’s Diseases.....................266 Acute rheumatic fever in children (Pochinok T. V.).................266 Non-rheumatic carditis in the children (Pochinok T. V.).............281 The disorders of heart rhythm in the children (Vasiukova M. M.).........292 Congenital heart diseases (Pochinok T. V.) .....................321 Diffuse diseases of the connective tissue (Pochinok T. V.) ............354 VII. The Digestive System’s Diseases.......................364 Functional disorders (Gorobetz A. O., Bobrova V. I., Minchenko D. O.)........364 Chronic gastritis and gastroduodenitis in children (Gorobetz A. O., Bobrova V. I.)..374 Gallbladder dysfunctions (Gorobetz A. O., Bobrova V. I.)...............386 Celiac disease (Gorobetz A. O., Bobrova V. I.)....................403 VIII. Nephrology.................................435 Glomerulonephritis (Lutay T. I., Mellina T. V.)....................435 Pyelonephritis (Lutay T. I., Gorobetz A. O.) ....................450 IX. The Endocrine System’s Diseases ......................467 Diabetes mellitus (Antoshkina A. M., Gorobetz A. O.).................467 Thyroid gland diseases (Antoshkina A. M.).....................489 X. Allergic Diseases ................................502 The most common allergic diseases (Pyatnytskyi Yu. S., Mellina T. V).......502 Bronchial asthma (Pyatnytskyi Yu. S., Mellina T. V).................511 Appendices (Barzilovich A. D.)...........................529 Appendix 1...................................529 Appendix 2 ..................................534 Appendix 3 ..................................537 Appendix 4 ..................................541 LIST of AUTORS...................................542
Дод.точки доступу:
Tiazhka, O. V.
Тяжка Олександра Василівна
Pochinok, T. V.
Починок Тетяна Вікторівна
Antoshkina, A. M.
Антошкіна Алла Миколаївна
Yashchenko, Yu. B.
Bobrova, V. I.
Gorobets, A. O.
Lutay, T. I.
Mellina, T. V.
Vinnytska, O. P.
Minchenko, D. O. та ін.
Tiazhka, O. V. \ed.\
O. O. Bogomolets National Medical University

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

Найти похожие


    Pediatrics : [textbook for students of stomatological faculties of higher medical education establishments of the 4th level of accreditation] / ed. T.O. Kryuchko, O.Y. Abaturov ; T.O. Kryuchko, O.Y. Abaturov, T.V. Kushnereva et al. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2016. - 207 p. : вкл. л. - На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 206-207. - ISBN 978-617-505-485-7 : 110.00 грн, 140.00 грн
Переклад назви: Педіатрія : підручник для студентів стомат. фак. вищих мед. навч. закладів ІV р.а./ за ред. Т.О. Крючко, О.Є. Абатурова

Рубрики: ПЕДИАТРИЯ(англ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Анотація: The national textbook was prepared in accordance with the academic program in pediatrics 2012 for pre-graduate training of specialists who major in dentistry. The given materials cover modern aspects of etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment, and prophylaxis of the most common somatic and infectious childhood diseases as well as physiology and pathology of young children.It is recommended for students of dentistry faculties with the English-language form of training of higher medical education institutions of the 4th level of accredita­tion.AbbreviationsPrefaceChapter 1. PHYSICAL AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN (T.O. Kryuchko)Newborn ChildrenPhysical Development of ChildrenPsychomotor Development of ChildrenMethods of Clinical Examination of ChildrenPeculiarities of Examination of Children of Different Age GroupsGeneral Examination of Newborn ChildrenEthics and Deontology in PediatricsQuestions for Self-AssessmentTestsCasesChapter 2. FEEDING AND NUTRITION OF HEALTHY CHILDREN (T.O. Kryuchko, T.V. Kushnereva)Feeding of Children of the First 6 Months of LifeFeeding and Nutrition of 6—12-Month-Old ChildrenNutrition of 1—3-Year-Old ChildrenChronic Digestive Disorders in Young ChildrenHypotrophyRicketsRachitic TetanyQuestions for Self-AssessmentTestsCasesChapter 3. RESPIRATORY TRACT, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND URINARY SYSTEM DISEASES IN CHILDREN (T.O. Kryuchko, V.P. Ostapenko)Respiratory tract diseases in ChildrenAnatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System in ChildrenAcute Respiratory InfectionsBronchitisPneumoniaDigestive System Diseases in ChildrenAnatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System in ChildrenFunctional Gastrointestinal DisordersGastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseChronic Gastritis/GastroduodenitisUlcer Disease of the Stomach and DuodenumChronic HepatitisUrinary System Diseases in Children (T.O. Kryuchko, V.P. Ostapenko)Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary System in ChildrenPyelonephritisGlomerulonephritisQuestions for Self-AssessmentTestsCasesChapter 4. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM DISEASES IN CHILDREN. HEMORRHAGIC DISEASES IN CHILDREN (O.Y. Abaturov)Cardiovascular System Diseases in ChildrenAnatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System in ChildrenNon-rheumatic CarditisAcute Rheumatic Fever.Congenital Heart DefectsAcute Heart FailureCirculatory CollapseHemorrhagic Diseases in Children (O.Y. Abaturov, O.O. Agafonova)Hematopoietic System and Hemocoagulation in ChildrenHemophiliaIdiopathic Thrombocytopenic PurpuraHemorrhagic VasculitisQuestions for Self-AssessmentTestsCasesChapter 5. CHILDHOOD INFECTIOUS DISEASES. IMMUNOPROPHYLAXIS OF CHILDHOOD INFECTIOUS DISEASES (T.O. Kryuchko, T.V. Kushnereva)Childhood Infectious Diseases with Exanthema SyndromeMeaslesRubellaChickenpoxScarlet FeverMumpsPertussisDiphtheriaHIV InfectionVaccine Prophylaxis of Infectious DiseasesQuestions for Self-AssessmentTestsCasesChapter 6. PEDIATRIC DEHYDRATION. VITAMINS (O.Y. Abaturov, O.O. Agafonova)Pediatric DehydrationVitamins and Their Importance for Child Development. Semiotics of Hypo-/Hypervitaminosis in Children (O.Y. Abaturov)Questions for Self-AssessmentTestsCasesAnswer KeysReferences
Дод.точки доступу:
Kryuchko, Tetyana Oleksandrivna
Крючко Тетяна Олександрівна
Abaturov, Oleksandr Yevhenovych
Абатуров Олександр Євгенович
Kushnereva, Tetyuana Viktorivna
Кушнерева Тетяна Вікторівна
Agafonova, O.O.
Агафонова Ольга Олександрівна
Ostapenko, V.P.
Остапенко В.П.
Kryuchko, Tetyana Oleksandrivna \ed.\
Abaturov, Oleksandr Yevhenovych \ed.\

Примірників всього: 187
Наук.Аб. (5), ЧЗ (1), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (180)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (5), ЧЗ (1), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (180)

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   П 24

    Pediatry : Guidance Aid [for the students of higher medical educational establishments of the IV level] / ed. by O. Tiazhka ; O. V. Tiazhka, O. V. Vinnytska, T. I. Lutay et al. - K. : Medicine, 2007. - 158 p. - На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 158. - ISBN 966-8144-49-Х : 043.75 грн, 045.00 грн, 109.00 грн
Переклад назви: Педіатрія / за ред. О. В. Тяжкої

Рубрики: Педиатрия(англ)--Навчальний посібник

Анотація: The guidance aid contains materials in propedeutic pediatry within the curriculum for the students of medical faculty, who master pediatry during the III—V years of studying. Each unit is given its current relevance, the aim of the lesson, a list of questions and a list of practical skills. Besides, there are additional materials and educational tests. For the students of medical faculties of higher medical educational establishments of the III—IV levels of accreditation and teachers
Дод.точки доступу:
Tiazhka, Olexandra Vasylivna
Тяжка Олександра Василівна
Vinnytska, Olena Pavlivna
Вінницька О. П.
Lutay, Tetiana Illarionivna
Лутай Т. І.
Antoshkina, A.
Антошкіна А. М.
Dzhurynska, O.
Джуринська О. М.
Kazakova, L.
Казакова Л. М.
Koshova, H.
Кошова Г. О.
Pyatnytskyi, Yu.
П'ятницький Ю. С.
Vasiukova, M.
Васюкова М. М.
Horobets, N.
Горобець Н. І. та ін.
Tiazhka, Olexandra Vasylivna \ed.\
Тяжка О.В.

Примірників всього: 100
Наук.Аб. (14), ЧЗ (1), Уч.Аб. (84), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (14), ЧЗ (1), Уч.Аб. (84), Гурт.4 (1)

Найти похожие


    Principles of Pediatric Nursing. Techniques for Medical Procedures and Manipulations : study guide [for students of higher medical education establishments of the 3rd-4th levels of accreditation] / ed. О. V. Tiazhka ; O. V. Tiazhka, A. M. Antoshkina, M. M. Vasiukova et al. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2016. - 143 p. - На англ. мові. - References: p. 143. - ISBN 978-617-505-468-0 : 120.00 грн
Переклад назви: Основи догляду за дітьми. Техніка лікувальних процедур і маніпуляцій: навчальний посібник для мед. ВНЗ ІІІ—ІV р.а. / за ред. О. В. Тяжкої

Рубрики: ПЕДІАТРІЯ(англ)--Навчальний посібник

   ДІТИ, ДОГЛЯД(англ)--Навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники
Анотація: The study guide provides material for second-/third-year students of higher medical education establishments of the 3rd—4th levels of accreditation that will help students master the knowledge and skills of medium-level medical personnel. The subject matter of the guide corresponds to the curriculum of the medical faculties that train general practitioners, pediatricians, and family physicians. The material on practical skills is given in the form of detailed step-by-step description of manipulation and procedure techniques. At the end of every chapter you will find questions, tests, and cases intended to help students master the theoretical material and practical skills, and also check the level of the acquired knowledge. For students of higher medical education establishments, who study the curriculum modules Child Care (2nd year) and nursing (3rd year). Part І. THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF CHILD NURSING AND CARE. ORGANIZATION OF CHILDREN’S HEALTH CARE INSTITUTIONS Chapter 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF PEDIATRIC NURSING. THE MAIN ESTABLISHMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL CHILD CARE 1.1. The Main Principles of Nursing. Medical Care of Sick Children 1.2. The Structure and Functions of Children’s Polyclinic and Hospital 1.3. Health Care System Reformation in Ukraine at the Modern Stage 1.4. Deontology Principles in the Work of Nurses of Children’s Medical Establishments 1.5. The Principle of Professional Subordination in the System Doctor—Nurse—Assistant Nurse Chapter 2. THE MAIN DUTIES AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF MEDIUM­LEVEL AND JUNIOR MEDICAL STAFF AT THE PEDIATRIC DEPARTMENT 2.1. Functions of the Duty Nurse at the Pediatric Department 2.2. Organization of Duty Nurse Work 2.3. Documents Filled in by the Station Nurse and the Main Rules of Their Application 2.4. Organization of Procedure Room Nurse Work 2.5. Functional Duties of the Assistant Nurse at the Pediatric Department Chapter 3. THE MAIN PROFESSIONAL DUTIES OF MEDIUM­LEVEL AND JUNIOR MEDICAL STAFF AT PEDIATRIC POLYCLINICS 3.1. Visiting Nurse Duties 3.2. Visiting Nurse Documents 3.3. Functional Duties of the Junior Nurse of Pediatric Polyclinic Chapter 4. ADMISSION DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 4.1. Admission Department Structure 4.2. Admission Department Functions 4.3. Organization of Work and Documentation of the Admission Department 4.4. Patient Sanitization 4.5. Transportation of Sick Children Chapter 5. TREATMENT­PROTECTIVE, SANITARY, AND ANTI­EPIDEMIC REGIMENS AT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 5.1. Treatment­Protective Regimen 5.2. Sanitary and Anti­Epidemic Regimens 5.3. Personal Hygiene of Sick Children 5.4. The Rules of Medical Staff Employment (Mandatory Prophylactic Medical Examinations) 5.5. Personal Hygiene of Medical Staff 5.6. Disinfection: Types, Methods, and Measures 5.7. Disinfection of Care Items in the Pediatric Department 5.8. Organization of Preventive Disinfection and Epidemic Focus Disinfection Chapter 6. PROVISION OF INFECTIOUS AND CHEMICAL SAFETY IN MEDICAL STAFF WORK Chapter 7. RULES FOR DRUG STORAGE AND INVENTORY Chapter 8. ORGANIZATION OF RATIONAL NUTRITION OF CHILDREN 8.1. Organization of Feeding of Infants and Young Children 8.2. Feeding of Underweight Newborns Chapter 9. PRIMARY CARE OF NEWBORNS AND CARE OF INFANTS OF THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE 9.1. Primary Care of Newborns in the Delivery Room 9.2. Umbilical Cord and Umbilical Wound Care 9.3. Morning Care of Newborns and Infants 9.4. Washing Rules 9.5. Hygienic Bathing of Infants of the First Year of Life 9.6. Nail Care Part II. PROCEDURES AND MANIPULATIONS TECHNIQUES Chapter 10. ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE IN CHILDREN OF DIFFERENT AGES. METHODS OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION 10.1. Regularities of Children’s Anthropometric Indices Increase 10.2. Methods of Children’s Physical Development Evaluation Chapter 11. BATHS AND COMPRESSES (TYPES, EFFECTS, TECHNIQUES) Chapter 12. CARE OF FEVERISH CHILDREN. BODY TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT 12.1. Types of Fever 12.2. Peculiarities of Care of Children with Fever Chapter 13. EVALUATION OF THE MAIN INDICES OF HEMODYNAMICS AND RESPIRATION Chapter 14. MEDICAL MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES 14.1. Gastric Lavage 14.2. Intestinal Gas Removal 14.3. Types of Enemas. Enema Administration Rules 14.4. Urinary Bladder Catheterization 14.5. Umbilical Vein Catheterization 14.6. ECG Registration Chapter 15. METHODS OF DRUG ADMINISTRATION 15.1. Enteral Drug Administration 15.2. Parenteral Drug Administration 15.3. Transdermal Drug Administration 15.4. Transmucosal Drug Administration 15.5. Moist Oxygen Use in Children Chapter 16. BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL SAMPLING TESTS AND TASKS FOR SELF­CONTROL References
Дод.точки доступу:
Tiazhka, Olexandra Vasylivna
Тяжка Олександра Василівна
Antoshkina, Alla Mykolaivna
Антошкіна Алла Миколаївна
Vasiukova, Maryna Markivna
Васюкова Марина Марківна
Kazakova, Larysa Mykolaivna
Казакова Лариса Миколаївна
Lutay, T. I.
Slipachuk, L. V.
Stroy, O. A.
Horobets, A. O.
Minchenko, D. O.
Proshchenko, Y. I.
Vankhanova, T. O.
Tiazhka, Olexandra Vasylivna \ed.\

Примірників всього: 31
ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (26)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1), Наук.Аб. (3), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (26)

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