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   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher educational establishments - medical universities, institutes and academies] / V. A. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. A. Kalibabchuk. - 5th. ed. corrected. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2017. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 217-223. - ISBN 978-617-505-571-7 : 130.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична хімія : підручник / В. О. Калібабчук та ін.

Рубрики: ХИМИЯ(англ)--підручник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники(англ) -- національний підручник
Анотація: The textbook outlines the fundamentals of bioenergetics and cybernetics of bioche­mical reactions; describes the properties of solutions and their role in biochemical pro­cesses; presents modern concepts of electrode processes; explains peculiarities of surface phenomena and their value for the vital activity of the body; dwells on the properties of dispersion systems and biopolymer solutions. Special emphasis is placed on biogenic ele­ments and their properties viewed through the spectacle of modern concepts of atomic and molecular structure, and chemical bonds. The authors touch upon topical problems of ecology. The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher education estab­lishments — medical universities, institutes, and academies, pharmaceutical, biological, and eco­logical specialties. У підручнику викладено основи біоенергетики і кібернетики біохімічних реакцій; описано властивості розчинів та їх роль у біохімічних процесах; наведено сучасні уявлення про електродні процеси; висвітлено особливості поверхневих явищ та їх значення в життєдіяльності організму, властивості дисперсних систем і розчинів біополімерів. Особливу увагу приділено біогенним елементам та їх властивостям, розглянутим із позиції сучасних уявлень про будову атомів, молекул і хімічні зв’язки. Автори торкнулись актуальних аспектів проблем екології. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів - медичних університетів, інститутів та академій, фармацевтичних, біологічних та екологічних спеціальностей, що навчаються англійською мовою. Preface.......................................... 5 Chapter 1. Chemical bonding and complexing....................... 7 1.1. Chemical bond and its experimental characteristics..................... 7 1.2. Covalent bond.................................. 8 1.3. Ionic bond................................... 14 1.4. Metallic bond.................................. 15 1.5. Hydrogen bond.................................. 15 1.6. Complexing.................................... 16 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 23 Chapter 2. Theoretical principles of bioenergetics..................... 24 2.1. Subject of thermodynamics............................... 24 2.2. Thermodynamic systems. Thermodynamic functions..................... 25 2.3. First law of thermodynamics............................. 26 2.4. Heat of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations.................. 28 2.5. Thermochemistry laws............................... 29 2.6. Application of thermochemical calculations for describing the energy of biochemical processes................................. 31 2.7. Second law of thermodynamics............................ 33 2.8. Gibbs equation.................................... 34 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 36 Chapter 3. Physical and chemical fundamentals of biochemical reaction kinetics......... 37 3.1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactant concentration. Mass action law............ 39 3.2. Molecularity and order of reaction.......................... 40 3.3. Simple and complex reactions.............................. 42 3.4. Effect of temperature on reaction rate......................... 44 3.5. Catalysis...................................... 46 3.6. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant......................... 49 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 53 Chapter 4. Solutions and their role in biochemical processes................. 55 4.1. Modern ideas about solutions............................ 56 4.2. Solution concentration............................... 58 4.3. Solubility of gases in liquids............................... 60 4.4. Solubility of liquids and solid substances in liquids...................... 61 4.5. Colligative properties of diluted solutions........................ 62 4.6. Solutions of electrolytes................................ 70 4.7. Dissociation of water............................... 73 4.8. Acid-base theories................................. 76 4.9. Buffer solutions................................. 80 4.10. Formation and dissolution of precipitates......................... 86 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 89 Chapter 5. Electrode processes and their significance for physiology and medicine....... 92 5.1. Electrode potentials................................. 92 5.2. Classification of electrodes............................... 95 5.3. Diffusion and membrane potentials............................ 99 5.4. Potentials in biological systems............................ 100 5.5. Oxidation-reduction reactions............................ 103 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 107 Chapter 6. Physical chemistry of surface phenomena and their role in the processes taking place in the human body..................... 108 6.1. Surface tension of liquids. Surface activity......................... 109 6.2. Adsorption at the liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces.................. 111 6.3. Orientation of molecules of surface-active substances in the surface layer............. 112 6.4. Langmuir isotherm equation.............................. 114 6.5. Structure of biological membranes............................ 115 6.6. Solute adsorption at solid interface.......................... 116 6.7. Laws of solute adsorption at solid interface....................... 117 6.8. Adsorption therapy fundamentals............................ 120 6.9. Adsorption of electrolytes.............................. 124 6.9.1. Selective adsorption............................. 124 6.9.2. Ion exchange adsorption............................ 125 6.10. Chromatographic methods of analysis......................... 128 6.10.1. Principles of chromatographic methods classification............... 129 6.10.2. Application of chromatography in biology and medicine................ 131 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 132 Chapter 7 . Physical chemistry of disperse systems.................... 134 7.1. Classification of disperse systems.......................... 135 7.2. Methods of colloid system preparation.......................... 137 7.2.1. Methods of dispergation............................. 138 7.2.1. Methods of condensation........................... 138 7.3. Methods of colloid system purification.......................... 139 7.4. Molecular-kinetic properties of disperse systems ...................... 140 7.5. Optical properties of colloid systems.......................... 141 7.6. Double electrical layer. Structure of colloid particles. Electrokinetic phenomena........ 143 7.6.1. Electrokinetic phenomena............................ 146 7.7. Stability and coagulation of disperse systems........................ 151 7.7.1. Stability factors of disperse systems ...................... 151 7.7.2. Theory of coagulation and stability of disperse systems................. 152 7.7.3. Kinetics of coagulation........................... 154 7.7.4. Special cases of coagulation........................... 155 7.7.5. Peptization as inverse process of coagulation..................... 158 7.7.6. Coagulation in biological systems........................ 159 7.8. Aerosols. Powders. Suspensions. Pastes. Foams....................... 160 7.9. Emulsions..................................... 162 7.10. Colloid surface-active substances............................ 163 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 165 Chapter 8. Physical chemistry of biopolymers and their solutions................ 168 8.1. Biological macromolecules.............................. 169 8.2. Biopolymer structure................................ 170 8.3. Isoelectric state of proteins............................ 171 8.4. HMC solutions and their properties......................... 173 8.5. Thermodynamic stability of HMC solutions. Methods of protein precipitation ......... 175 8.6. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure in HMC solutions....................... 177 8.7. Viscosity of HMC solutions............................ 180 8.8. Jellies: formation and properties .......................... 180 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 183 Chapter 9. Chemistry of biogenic elements........................ 184 9.1 General information about biogenic elements........................ 184 9.2. s-Elements: biological role, application in medicine................... 192 9.3. p-Elements: biological role, application in medicine..................... 196 9.4. General characteristic of d-elements........................... 209 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 215 Index................. 217
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, Valentyna Oleksandrivna
Калібабчук, Валентина Олександрівна
Halynska, Valentyna Ivanivna
Галинська, Валентина Іванівна
Hryshchenko, Larysa Ivanivna
Грищенко, Лариса Іванівна
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Гождзинський С. М.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Овсяннікова Т. О.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Самарський В. А.
Kalibabchuk, V. A. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 1
ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

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   Ш 48

    Chapman, Carolyn.
    Basic Chemistry for Biology / С. Chapman. - 2nd ed. - Boston etc. : WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999. - viii, 303 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 0-697-36087-3 : 006.00 грн
Переклад назви: Основи хімії для біології

Рубрики: ХИМИЯ(АНГЛ)


Анотація: This textbook aims to help science students with the basic chemistry needed for a general biology course. A self-testing question and answer format allows students to customize the level of difficulty to meet their needs. Explanations are provided with many of the answers. This guide now covers organic chemistry. There is a new design and new art throughout the book. This refresher book, allows students to work on subject matter they should already know. This book has a self-testing question and answer format with intermediate and advanced topics marked by an asterisk. Explanations are provided for key concepts and many of the answers are included. Table of Contents 1 The Atom 2 Ionic Bonding 3 Covalent Bonding 4 Aqueous Chemistry 5 Organic Chemistry 6 Biomolecules
Примірників всього: 1
КС2 НА (1)
Вільні: КС2 НА (1)

Найти похожие

   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher medical educational establishments of the IVth level of accreditation] / V. A. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. A. Kalibabchuk. - 4th. ed. corrected. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2016. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 217-223. - ISBN 978-617-505-500-7 : 180.00 грн
Переклад назви: Медична хімія : підручник / В.О. Калібабчук та ін.

Рубрики: ХИМИЯ(англ)--підручник


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники(англ) -- національний підручник
Анотація: The textbook outlines the fundamentals of bioenergetics and cybernetics of bioche­mical reactions; describes the properties of solutions and their role in biochemical pro­cesses; presents modern concepts of electrode processes; explains peculiarities of surface phenomena and their value for the vital activity of the body; dwells on the properties of dispersion systems and biopolymer solutions. Special emphasis is placed on biogenic ele­ments and their properties viewed through the spectacle of modern concepts of atomic and molecular structure, and chemical bonds. The authors touch upon topical problems of ecology. The textbook is intended for English-speaking students of higher education estab­lishments — medical universities, institutes, and academies, pharmaceutical, biological, and eco­logical specialties. У підручнику викладено основи біоенергетики і кібернетики біохімічних реакцій; описано властивості розчинів та їх роль у біохімічних процесах; наведено сучасні уявлення про електродні процеси; висвітлено особливості поверхневих явищ та їх значення в життєдіяльності організму, властивості дисперсних систем і розчинів біополімерів. Особливу увагу приділено біогенним елементам та їх властивостям, розглянутим із позиції сучасних уявлень про будову атомів, молекул і хімічні зв’язки. Автори торкнулись актуальних аспектів проблем екології. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів - медичних університетів, інститутів та академій, фармацевтичних, біологічних та екологічних спеціальностей, що навчаються англійською мовою. Preface.......................................... 5 Chapter 1. Chemical bonding and complexing....................... 7 1.1. Chemical bond and its experimental characteristics..................... 7 1.2. Covalent bond.................................. 8 1.3. Ionic bond................................... 14 1.4. Metallic bond.................................. 15 1.5. Hydrogen bond.................................. 15 1.6. Complexing.................................... 16 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 23 Chapter 2. Theoretical principles of bioenergetics..................... 24 2.1. Subject of thermodynamics............................... 24 2.2. Thermodynamic systems. Thermodynamic functions..................... 25 2.3. First law of thermodynamics............................. 26 2.4. Heat of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations.................. 28 2.5. Thermochemistry laws............................... 29 2.6. Application of thermochemical calculations for describing the energy of biochemical processes................................. 31 2.7. Second law of thermodynamics............................ 33 2.8. Gibbs equation.................................... 34 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 36 Chapter 3. Physical and chemical fundamentals of biochemical reaction kinetics......... 37 3.1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactant concentration. Mass action law............ 39 3.2. Molecularity and order of reaction.......................... 40 3.3. Simple and complex reactions.............................. 42 3.4. Effect of temperature on reaction rate......................... 44 3.5. Catalysis...................................... 46 3.6. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant......................... 49 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 53 Chapter 4. Solutions and their role in biochemical processes................. 55 4.1. Modern ideas about solutions............................ 56 4.2. Solution concentration............................... 58 4.3. Solubility of gases in liquids............................... 60 4.4. Solubility of liquids and solid substances in liquids...................... 61 4.5. Colligative properties of diluted solutions........................ 62 4.6. Solutions of electrolytes................................ 70 4.7. Dissociation of water............................... 73 4.8. Acid-base theories................................. 76 4.9. Buffer solutions................................. 80 4.10. Formation and dissolution of precipitates......................... 86 Self-test questions and tasks............................... 89 Chapter 5. Electrode processes and their significance for physiology and medicine....... 92 5.1. Electrode potentials................................. 92 5.2. Classification of electrodes............................... 95 5.3. Diffusion and membrane potentials............................ 99 5.4. Potentials in biological systems............................ 100 5.5. Oxidation-reduction reactions............................ 103 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 107 Chapter 6. Physical chemistry of surface phenomena and their role in the processes taking place in the human body..................... 108 6.1. Surface tension of liquids. Surface activity......................... 109 6.2. Adsorption at the liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces.................. 111 6.3. Orientation of molecules of surface-active substances in the surface layer............. 112 6.4. Langmuir isotherm equation.............................. 114 6.5. Structure of biological membranes............................ 115 6.6. Solute adsorption at solid interface.......................... 116 6.7. Laws of solute adsorption at solid interface....................... 117 6.8. Adsorption therapy fundamentals............................ 120 6.9. Adsorption of electrolytes.............................. 124 6.9.1. Selective adsorption............................. 124 6.9.2. Ion exchange adsorption............................ 125 6.10. Chromatographic methods of analysis......................... 128 6.10.1. Principles of chromatographic methods classification............... 129 6.10.2. Application of chromatography in biology and medicine................ 131 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 132 Chapter 7 . Physical chemistry of disperse systems.................... 134 7.1. Classification of disperse systems.......................... 135 7.2. Methods of colloid system preparation.......................... 137 7.2.1. Methods of dispergation............................. 138 7.2.1. Methods of condensation........................... 138 7.3. Methods of colloid system purification.......................... 139 7.4. Molecular-kinetic properties of disperse systems ...................... 140 7.5. Optical properties of colloid systems.......................... 141 7.6. Double electrical layer. Structure of colloid particles. Electrokinetic phenomena........ 143 7.6.1. Electrokinetic phenomena............................ 146 7.7. Stability and coagulation of disperse systems........................ 151 7.7.1. Stability factors of disperse systems ...................... 151 7.7.2. Theory of coagulation and stability of disperse systems................. 152 7.7.3. Kinetics of coagulation........................... 154 7.7.4. Special cases of coagulation........................... 155 7.7.5. Peptization as inverse process of coagulation..................... 158 7.7.6. Coagulation in biological systems........................ 159 7.8. Aerosols. Powders. Suspensions. Pastes. Foams....................... 160 7.9. Emulsions..................................... 162 7.10. Colloid surface-active substances............................ 163 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 165 Chapter 8. Physical chemistry of biopolymers and their solutions................ 168 8.1. Biological macromolecules.............................. 169 8.2. Biopolymer structure................................ 170 8.3. Isoelectric state of proteins............................ 171 8.4. HMC solutions and their properties......................... 173 8.5. Thermodynamic stability of HMC solutions. Methods of protein precipitation ......... 175 8.6. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure in HMC solutions....................... 177 8.7. Viscosity of HMC solutions............................ 180 8.8. Jellies: formation and properties .......................... 180 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 183 Chapter 9. Chemistry of biogenic elements........................ 184 9.1 General information about biogenic elements........................ 184 9.2. s-Elements: biological role, application in medicine................... 192 9.3. p-Elements: biological role, application in medicine..................... 196 9.4. General characteristic of d-elements........................... 209 Self-test questions and tasks................................ 215 Index................. 217
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, Valentyna Oleksandrivna
Калібабчук, Валентина Олександрівна
Halynska, Valentyna Ivanivna
Галинська, Валентина Іванівна
Hryshchenko, Larysa Ivanivna
Грищенко, Лариса Іванівна
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Гождзинський С. М.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Овсяннікова Т. О.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Самарський В. А.
Kalibabchuk, V. A. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 40
Наук.Аб. (1), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (38)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1), Гурт.4 (1), Уч.Аб. (38)

Найти похожие


    Dickson, Thomas Richard (Born. 1938).
    Introduction to Chemistry / T.R. Dickson. - 8th ed. . - New York etс. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000. - xvii, 546, [76] p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Glossery of Terms: p. [29-41]. - Index: p. [65-71]. - ISBN 0-471-18042-4 : 010.10 р.
Переклад назви: Вступ до хімії / Т.Р. Діксон

Рубрики: ХИМИЯ(англ)

Анотація: Teaches chemistry by offering a dynamic, provocative and relevant view of the topic and its importance to society and our daily lives. Three themes are stressed throughout the text: developing chemical thinking and chemical vision, and refining problem solving skills. Many chapters in this edition has been rewritten and rearranged to vitalize the topics and to include interesting examples, analogies, and images
Примірників всього: 1
КС2 НА (1)
Вільні: КС2 НА (1)

Найти похожие

   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher medical educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels] / V. A. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. A. Kalibabchuk. - 2th. ed. [стереотип.]. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2012. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Алф. покажч.: с. 217-223. - Пер.вид.: Медична хімія / за ред. В.О. Калібабчук. - К., 2006. - ISBN 978-617-505-225-9 : 130.00 грн

Рубрики: ХИМИЯ(англ)


Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, V. A.
Калібабчук В. О.
Halynska, V. I.
Галинська В. І.
Hryshchenko, V. I.
Грищенко Л. І.
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Гождзинський С. М.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Овсяннікова Т. О.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Самарський В. А.
Kalibabchuk, V. A. \ed.\

Примірників всього: 59
Наук.Аб. (6), Уч.Аб. (52), Гурт.4 (1)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (6), Уч.Аб. (52), Гурт.4 (1)

Найти похожие

   М 42

    Medical chemistry : [textbook for students of higher medical educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels] / V. A. Kalibabchuk, V. I. Halynska, V. I. Hryshchenko et al.; еd. V. A. Kalibabchuk. - K. : Medicine Publishing, 2010. - 223 p. : il. - На англ. мові. - Алф. покажч.: с. 217-223. - Пер. вид. : Медична хімія : підручник / В. О. Калібабчук, В. І. Галинська, Л. І. Грищенко та ін.; за ред. В. О. Калібабчук. - ISBN 978-617-505-079-8 : 130.00 грн

Рубрики: Химия(англ)--Підручник(англ)


Анотація: ContentsPreface 5Chapter 1. Chemical bonding and complexing 71.1. Chemical bond and its experimental characteristics 71.2. Covalent bond 81.3. Ionic bond 141.4. Metallic bond. 151.5. Hydrogen bond 151.6. Complexing 16Self-test questions and tasks .23Chapter 2. Theoretical principles of bioenergetics 242.1. Subject of thermodynamics 242.2. Thermodynamic systems. Thermodynamic functions 252.3. First law of thermodynamics .262.4. Heat of chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations. 282.5. Thermochemistry laws 292.6. Application of thermochemical calculations for describing the energyof biochemical processes 312.7. Second law of thermodynamics 332.8. Gibbs equation 34Self-test questions and tasks 36Chapter 3. Physical and chemical fundamentals of biochemical reaction kinetics 373.1. Dependence of reaction rate on reactant concentration. Mass action law 393.2. Molecularity and order of reaction 403.3. Simple and complex reactions 423.4. Effect of temperature on reaction rate 443.5. Catalysis 463.6. Chemical equilibrium. Equilibrium constant .49Self-test quest ions and tasks Chapter 4. Solutions and their role in biochemical processes 554.1. Modern ideas about solutions 564.2. Solution concentration 584.3. Solubility of gases in liquids 604.4. Solubility of liquids and solid substances in liquids 614.5. Colligative properties of diluted solutions. 624.6. Solutions of electrolytes 704.7. Dissociation of water 734.8. Acid-base theories . 764.9. Buffer solutions 804.10. Formation and dissolution of precipitates 86Self-test questions and tasks. .89Chapter 5. Electrode processes and their significance for physiology andmedicine 925.1. Electrode potentials 925.2. Classification of electrodes 955.3. Diffusion and membrane potentials 995.4. Potentials in biological systems 1005.5. Oxidation-reduction reactions 103Self-test questions and tasks 107Chapter 6. Physical chemistry of surface phenomena and their rolein the processes taking place in the human body. 1086.1. Surface tension of liquids. Surface activity 1096.2. Adsorption at the liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces Ill6.3. Orientation of molecules of surface-active substances in the surface layer. 1126.4. Langmuir isotherm equation . 1146.5. Structure of biological membranes 1156.6. Solute adsorption at solid interface 1166.7. Laws of solute adsorption at solid interface 1176.8. Adsorption therapy fundamentals . 1206.9. Adsorption of electrolytes... 1246.9.1. Selective adsorption. 1246.9.2. Ion exchange adsorption 1256.10. Chromatographic methods of analysis 1286.10.1. Principles of chromatographic methods classification 1296.10.2. Application of chromatography in biology and medicine 131Self-test questions and tasks 132Chapter?. Physical chemistry of disperse systems 134 7.1. Classification of disperse system 135 7.2. Methods of colloid system preparation . 137 7.2.1. Methods of dispergation 1387.2.1. Methods of condensation 138 7.3. Methods of colloid system purification 139 7.4. Molecular-kinetic properties of disperse systems 1407.5. Optical properties of colloid systems 141 7.6. Double electrical layer. Structure of colloid particles. Electrokinetic phenomena 1437.6.1. Electrokinetic phenomena 1467.7. Stability and coagulation of disperse systems 1517.7.1. Stability factors of disperse systems 1517.7.2. Theory of coagulation and stability of disperse systems 1527.7.3. Kinetics of coagulation 1547.7A. Special cases of coagulation 1557.7.5. Peptization as inverse process of coagulation 1587.7.6. Coagulation in biological systems 1597.8. Aerosols. Powders. Suspensions. Pastes. Foams 1607.9. Emulsions. 1627.10. Colloid surface-active substances 163 Self-test questions and tasks 165Chapters. Physical chemistry of biopolymers and their solutions 1688.1. Biological macromolecules 1698.2. Biopolymer structure 1708.3. Isoelectric state of proteins. 1718.4. HMC solutions and their properties 1738.5. Thermodynamic stability of HMC solutions. Methods of protein precipitation 1758.6. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure in HMC solutions 1778.7. Viscosity of HMC solutions 1808.8. Jellies: formation and properties 180Self-test questions and tasks 183Chapter 9. Chemistry of biogenic elements 1849.1 General information about biogenic elements 1849.2. s-Elements: biological role, application in medicine 1929.3. p-Elements: biological role, application in medicine 1969.4. General characteristic of d-elements 209Self-test questions and tasks 215Inde 217
Дод.точки доступу:
Kalibabchuk, V. A.
Калібабчук В. О.
Halynska, V. I.
Галинська В. І.
Hryshchenko, V. I.
Грищенко Л. І.
Hozhdzynskyi, S. M.
Ovsiannikova, T. A.
Samarskyi, V. A.
Kalibabchuk, V. A. \ed.\
Калібабчук, Валентина Олександрівна
Галинська, Валентина Іванівна
Грищенко, Лариса Іванівна

Примірників всього: 8
Уч.Аб. (5), Наук.Аб. (3)
Вільні: Уч.Аб. (5), Наук.Аб. (3)

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   С 30

    Semyonova, Tatyana Victorovna.
    Bioorganic chemistry : manual / T. V. Semyonova ; Crimea State Medical University . - Simferopol : IAD CSMU, 2004. - 127 p. : il ; 29 cm. - На англ. мові. - Index: p. 120-127. - 022.40 грн
For teaching foreign citicens in medical educational institutions of Ukraine. Scientia est potentia
Переклад назви: Біоорганічна хімія : навчальний посібник

Рубрики: БИОРГАНИЧЕСКАЯ ХИМИЯ (англ)--навчальний посібник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
навчальні посібники англійською
Дод.точки доступу:
Семенова Тетяна Вікторівна
Crimea State Medical University

Примірників всього: 3
Наук.Аб. (1), КС2 НА (2)
Вільні: Наук.Аб. (1), КС2 НА (2)

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