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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 612.3/З-33
Автор(и) : Zaporozhets, Tetyana, Tkachenko, Olena, Tryniak, Svitlana
Назва : Dental Physiology : Study manual in English . -2nd. ed.
Вихідні дані : Lviv: Magnolia 2006, 2021
Кільк.характеристики :166 с.: 6 вкл. л. іл., il.; 21 cm.
Колективи : UMSA (Potava)
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Glossary: p. 151-154. - Suggested reading: p. 155-166
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-574-143-6: 300.00 грн.
УДК : 612.31(075.8)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: CONTENT Shortenings list ........................................4 Chapter I. ORAL CAVITY ORGANS AND TISSUES STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................ 6 Bone apparatus ....................................... .6 Temporal-mandibular joint................................ .7 Maxillary-facial area muscles peculiarities...................... 12 Teeth............................................. 20 Parodont......................................... 37 Oral mucosa......................................... 41 Salivary glands and salivation................................. 56 Lips.............................................. 80 Tongue............................................ 81 Oral cavity major functions................................ 82 Blood circulation and its regulation peculiarities in maxillary-facial region.... 94 Maxillary-facial area organs innervation......................... 96 Chapter II. FUNCTIONAL METHODS USED IN DENTISTRY ........... 96 Linguodiagnostics........................................ 96 Methods characterizing mastication effectiveness (mastication coefficients)....... 98 Helman's probe......................................... 101 Gnathodynamometry...................................... 102 Masticacyography......................................... 103 Electromyography........................................ 104 Chronaxymetry........................................... 109 Methods with electrical current usage............................. 110 Electroodontodiagnostics................................ 110 Galwanization..................................... 112 Methods of blood supply assessment................................! 14 Neurophysiological assessment of trigeminal nerve reflexes............... 117 Chapter III. JAWS, ORAL MUCOSA AND SALIVARY GLANDS PECULIARITIES....................................... .121 In a childhood.................................... 121 While aging........................................ 124 Chapter IV. SOME APPLIED ASPECTS..............................................139 Changings in oral cavity at endocrine glands pathology..................139 Feeding ration and stomatological problems development................ 147 Oral cavity pathological processes development....................... 148 GLOSSARY............................................ 151 SUGGESTED READING.................................... 155
Примірники : всього : Уч.Аб.(2)
Вільні : Уч.Аб.(2)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 612/З-33
Автор(и) : Zaporozhets T. M., Rud M. V., Sukhomlyn T. A.
Назва : Physiology : educational guidelines for students of medical and dental faculties. Module 1 : General physiology and high integrated functions . -Reimpression
Паралельн. назви :Фізіологія. Модуль 1. Загальна фізіологія та вищі інтегративні функції: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих мед. навч. закладів/ Т. М. Запорожець, М. В. Рудь, Т. А. Сухомлин; МОЗ України, УМСА, Кафедра фізіології
Вихідні дані : Lviv=Львів: Magnolia 2006=Магнолія 2006, 2019
Кільк.характеристики :188 с.: il.; 29 cm.
Колективи : UMSA/УМСА. Кафедра фізіології
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Бібліогр.: с. 188
ISBN, Ціна 9798-617-574-147-4: 250.00 грн
УДК : 612(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ФІЗІОЛОГІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: Contents Lesson 1. Physiology subject and tasks. Physiological investigations methods. Excitability. Excitation. Irritation laws. ..........................5 Lesson 2. Membrane potentials. Resting and action potentials. Excitability changing during action potential....................................... 10 Lesson 3. Skeletal muscles contraction mechanisms investigation............... 19 Lesson 4. Skeletal and smooth muscles comparative characteristics............. ...32 Lesson 5. Reflex arc investigation. Receptors physiology. ..................36 Lesson 6. Excitation conduction investigation through nervous fibres............ ...45 Lesson 7. Excitation conduction investigation through synapses............... ...51 Lesson 8. Excitation processes investigation in CNS. Inhibition processes investigation in CNS............................................... ..58 Lesson 9. Reflectory activity coordination mechanisms investigation............ ...63 Lesson 10. Practical skills on the content modules 1,2,3. Situational tasks solving on the content modules 1,2,3..................................... 66 Lesson 11. Spinal cord role investigation in motor organism functions regulation.....67 Lesson 12. Spine conductive function investigation. Somatosensory system investigation. Pain and anesthesia physiological bases..................... ....76 Lesson 13. Posterior brain role investigation in motor and sensory functions regulation............................................. ....83 Lesson 14. Midbrain role investigation in motor and sensor functions regulation.... ..92 Lesson 15. Cerebellum, diencephalon, basal ganglia investigation in organism motor functions regulation................................................98 Lesson 16. Brain cortex activity investigation. Electroencephalography........ ....108 Lesson 17. Situational tasks solving on content modules 4..................... 116 Lesson 18. Autonomic nervous system structural-functional organization, its role in visceral functions regulation........................................... 116 Lesson 19.Autonomic reflexes, their practical usage in clinics.............. ....124 Lesson 20. Humoral regulation, hormones action mechanisms, hormones secretion regulation. Hypothalamic-hypophyseal system.................................. 128 Lesson 21. Hormones role in regulating the psychic, physical development, body linear growth and homeostasis (hormones of thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas).......... 138 Lesson 22. Hormones role in regulating organism adaptation. Adrenal glands hormones. Hormones role in reproductive functions regulation...................... ..145 Lesson 23. Visual sensory system investigation.......................... 152 Lesson 24. Auditory and vestibular sensory systems investigation................ 161 Lesson 25. Conditioned reflexes formation and inhibition investigation. Behaviour congenital and innate forms investigation: learning, memory, motivations, emotions, attention, and consciousness................................... ...........169 Lesson 26. Sleep, its types, stages, physiological role. HNA types investigation. ...... 179 Lesson 27-28. Credit module controlling the managing module 1: General physiology, CNS physiology, higher integrative functions.......................... 185 References............................................... 188
Примірники : всього 10: Наук.Аб.(14), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(184), ЧЗ(1), ННА(4)
Вільні : Наук.Аб.(14), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(184), ЧЗ(1), ННА(4)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 612.3/З-33
Автор(и) : Zaporozhets, Tetyana, Tkachenko, Olena, Tryniak, Svitlana
Назва : Dental Physiology : Study manual in English
Вихідні дані : Lviv: Magnolia 2006, 2019
Кільк.характеристики :166 с.: вкл. л., il.; 20 cm.
Колективи : UMSA (Potava)
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Glossary: p. 151-154. - Suggested reading: p. 155-166
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-574-143-6: 300.00 грн.
УДК : 612.31(075.8)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: CONTENT Shortenings list ........................................4 Chapter I. ORAL CAVITY ORGANS AND TISSUES STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................ 6 Bone apparatus ....................................... .6 Temporal-mandibular joint................................ .7 Maxillary-facial area muscles peculiarities...................... 12 Teeth............................................. 20 Parodont......................................... 37 Oral mucosa......................................... 41 Salivary glands and salivation................................. 56 Lips.............................................. 80 Tongue............................................ 81 Oral cavity major functions................................ 82 Blood circulation and its regulation peculiarities in maxillary-facial region.... 94 Maxillary-facial area organs innervation......................... 96 Chapter II. FUNCTIONAL METHODS USED IN DENTISTRY ........... 96 Linguodiagnostics........................................ 96 Methods characterizing mastication effectiveness (mastication coefficients)....... 98 Helman's probe......................................... 101 Gnathodynamometry...................................... 102 Masticacyography......................................... 103 Electromyography........................................ 104 Chronaxymetry........................................... 109 Methods with electrical current usage............................. 110 Electroodontodiagnostics................................ 110 Galwanization..................................... 112 Methods of blood supply assessment................................! 14 Neurophysiological assessment of trigeminal nerve reflexes............... 117 Chapter III. JAWS, ORAL MUCOSA AND SALIVARY GLANDS PECULIARITIES....................................... .121 In a childhood.................................... 121 While aging........................................ 124 Chapter IV. SOME APPLIED ASPECTS..............................................139 Changings in oral cavity at endocrine glands pathology..................139 Feeding ration and stomatological problems development................ 147 Oral cavity pathological processes development....................... 148 GLOSSARY............................................ 151 SUGGESTED READING.................................... 155
Примірники : всього : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(5), Гурт.4(2), Уч.Аб.(42)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1), Наук.Аб.(5), Гурт.4(2), Уч.Аб.(42)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 612/З-33
Автор(и) : Zaporozhets T. M., Rud M. V., Sukhomlyn T. A.
Назва : Physiology : educational guidelines for students of medical and dental faculties. Module 1 : General physiology and high integrated functions
Паралельн. назви :Фізіологія. Модуль 1. Загальна фізіологія та вищі інтегративні функції: навчальний посібник для студентів вищих мед. навч. закладів/ Т. М. Запорожець, М. В. Рудь, Т. А. Сухомлин; МОЗ України, УМСА, Кафедра фізіології
Вихідні дані : Poltava, 2018
Кільк.характеристики :192 с.: il.; 29 cm.
Колективи : UMSA
Різночитання назви :Загл. обл.: General physiology and high integrated functions
Примітки : На англ. мові. - Підгот.
Ціна : 050.00 грн
УДК : 612(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ФІЗІОЛОГІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): навчальні посібники(англ)
Анотація: Contents Lesson 1. Physiology subject and tasks. Physiological investigations methods. Excitability. Excitement. Irritation laws.................................7 Lesson 2. Membrane potentials. Resting and action potentials. Excitability changing during action potential.......................................12 Lesson 3. Skeletal muscles contraction mechanisms investigation......................21 Lesson 4. Skeletal and smooth muscles comparative characteristics...................34 Lesson 5. Reflex arc investigation. Receptors physiology............................38 Lesson 6. Excitement transmission investigation through nervous fibres................. 46 Lesson 7. Excitement transmission investigation through synapses....................52 Lesson 8. Excitement processes investigation in CNS. Inhibition processes investigation in CNS...........................................59 Lesson 9. Reflectory activity co-ordination mechanisms investigation...................64 Lesson 10. Practical skills on the content modules 1,2,3- Situational tasks solving on the content modules 1,2. ....................67 Lesson 11. Spinal cord role investigation in motor organism functions regulation......... 68 Lesson 12. Spine conductive function investigation.................................78 Lesson 13. Posterior brain role investigation in motor and sensor functions regulation..... 84 Lesson 14. Midbrain role investigation in motor and sensor functions regulation........92 Lesson 15. Cerebellum, diencephalon, subcortex nuclei role investigation in organism motor functions regulation........................................... 98 Lesson 16. Situational tasks solving on content modules 3,4.............. .108 Lesson 17. Sensory systems general characteristics. Pain and anesthesia physiological bases. Somato-sensory system investigation.............................109 Lesson 18. Visual and acoustic sensory systems investigation. 117 Lesson 19. Conditioned reflexes formation and inhibiting investigation................130 Lesson 20. Brain activity investigation. Electroencephalography. Sleeping, its types, phases, physiological role...............................................135 Lesson 21. Behaviour congenital and innate forms investigation: attention, study and memory, motivations and emotions, thinking and speech, psychics and consciousness....139 Lesson 22. HNA types investigation..............................................147 Lesson 23. Autonomic nervous system structural-functional organization, its role in visceral functions regulation............................................ 154 Lesson 24. Autonomic reflexes, their practical usage in clinics......................... 164 Lesson 25. Humoral regulation, its factors, hormones action mechanisms to the target cells, hormones secretion regulation. Hypothalamic-hypophyseal system................ 167 Lesson 26. Hormones role in regulating the psychic, physical development, body linear growth, organism adaptation and homeostasis.............................175 Lesson 27-28. Credit module controlling the managing module 1: General physiology, CNS physiology, higher integrative functions..................189 References. 192
Примірники :Наук.Аб.(1)
Вільні : Наук.Аб.(1)
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