Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 577.1/Г 93
Автор(и) : Gubsky, Yuriy Ivanovich
Назва : Biological chemistry : [textbook for students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties of higher educational establishments of Ukraine] . -3nd ed.
Вихідні дані : Б.м., 2020
Кільк.характеристики :487 p.: il.
Примітки : На англ. мові. - List references: p. 487
ISBN, Ціна 978-966-382-835-0: 220.00 р.
УДК : 577.1+612.015](075.8)
Предметні рубрики: БІОХІІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники(англ)
Анотація: The textbook in Biological Chemistry consists of 30 chapters made up of text material and plentiful illustrations, including chemical formulas, reaction equations, drawings depicting complicated intracellular transformations of biomolecules, and metabolic “charts”. The textbook is intended for students of medical and pharmaceutical faculties of higher educational establishments of Ukraine. Підручник з біологічної хімії складається з 30 розділів і містить текстові матеріали та велику кількість ілюстрацій, у тому числі хімічні формули, реакції та їх рівняння, рисунки складних внутрішньоклітинних перетворень біомолекул і метаболічні “схеми”. Підручник призначений для студентів медичних та фармацевтичних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів України PREFACE .............................10 Part 1. BIOMOLECULES. CELLS. METABOLISM Chapter 1. BIOCHEMISTRY: BIOMOLECULES, METABOLISM........ 13 1.1. Biochemistry as fundamental biomedical science............. 13 1.2. Biomolecules – major classes, representatives .............. 14 Chapter 2. PROTEINS. AMINO ACIDS. PEPTIDES............. 19 2.1. Amino acids: structure, properties................... 19 2.2. Peptide bonds, polypeptides .....................24 2.3. Proteins. Levels of protein structure ..................28 Chapter 3. NUCLEIC ACIDS. NUCLEOTIDES. DNA. RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 3.1. Nucleic acids and the flow of genetic information ...........36 3.2. Nucleotides: structure, biological functions ............... 37 3.3. Nucleic acids as polynucleotides: DNA, RNA .............42 Chapter 4. CARBOHYDRATES. SUGARS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES......46 4.1. Monosaccharides. Hexoses. Pentoses. Amino sugars ........... 47 4.2. Oligosaccharides. Homopolysaccharides ................49 4.3. Heteropolysaccharides. Glycoproteins ................. 53 Chapter 5. LIPIDS. FATTY ACIDS. BIOMEMBRANES ............. 57 5.1. General characteristics of lipids. Biological functions ........... 57 5.2. Fatty acids: structure and properties ................ 58 5.3. Structure and properties of special classes of lipids .......... 61 5.4. Steroids: cholesterol, bile acids, steroid hormones ............ 67 Chapter 6. CELLS. METABOLISM: GENERAL ASPECTS ............ 71 6.1. Metabolism: overall conception, metabolic pathways ........... 71 6.2. Cells. Compartmentalization of metabolic pathways.......... 72 Part 2. ENZYMES. GENERAL METABOLIC PATHWAYS Chapter 7. METABOLISM. ENZYMATIC REACTIONS ............. 77 CONTENTS 5 7.1. Metabolism: general conceptions, metabolic pathways ......... 77 7.2. Enzymes as the principal molecular devices of metabolism .......80 7.3. Enzyme nomenclature and classification ................84 7.4. Molecular mechanisms of enzyme catalysis ............. 91 Chapter 8. COENZYMES. CONTROL OF ENZYMATIC REACTIONS ......94 8.1. Coenzymes: classification, structure. Vitamins as coenzyme precursors ..94 8.2. Kinetics of enzyme catalysis. Michaelis – Menten theory........99 8.3. Inhibition of enzymes. Kinds of inhibitors ...............103 8.4. Enzymic catalysis regulatory mechanisms ............... 107 Chapter 9. BIOENERGETICS-1. CATABOLIC PATHWAYS.TRICARBOXYLIC ACID CYCLE ............................. 114 9.1. Bioenergetics. ATP and other high-energy compounds .......... 114 9.2. Overview of catabolic pathway steps ................. 116 9.3. Tricarboxylic acid cycle: overview ................. 117 9.4. Tricarboxylic acid cycle: reactions and enzymes ........... 118 Chapter 10. BIOENERGETICS-2. MITOCHONDRIAL ELECTRON TRANSPORT. OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION ................... 124 10.1. General notions of free energy transfer in biochemical systems ...... 124 10.2. Electron transport chain in mitochondria ............... 126 10.3. Oxidative phosphorylation. ATP synthase ............. 131 Part 3. METABOLISM OF MAJOR CLASSES OF BIOMOLECULES Chapter 11. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM-1. PATHWAYS OF GLUCOSE OXIDATION ............................. 137 11.1. Major routes of carbohydrate metabolism............... 137 11.2. Aerobic and anaerobic oxidation of glucose. Glycolysis ........ 139 11.3. Enzymatic reactions of glycolysis. Regulation of glycolysis ........140 11.4. Aerobic oxidation of glucose. Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate....149 11.5. Pentose phosphate pathway ....................150 Chapter 12. CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM-2. GLYCOGEN METABOLISM. GLUCONEOGENESIS........................ 156 12.1. Glycogen metabolism. Glycogen-storage diseases .......... 156 12.2. Gluconeogenesis: reactions, regulation................ 167 6 12.3. Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 12.4. Control of blood plasma glucose. Diabetes mellitus........... 174 Chapter 13. LIPID METABOLISM-1. TRIACYLGLYCEROL CATABOLISM. OXIDATION OF FATTY ACIDS. KETOGENESIS .............. 177 13.1. Lipids: general characteristics, biological functions ........... 177 13.2. Fat metabolism: overview, lipolysis ................ 179 13.3. Degradation of fatty acids (ß-oxidation) .............. 182 13.4. Ketone bodies. Ketogenesis in diabetes mellitus ............ 188 Chapter 14. LIPID METABOLISM-2. LIPOGENESIS. CHOLESTEROL METABOLISM. LIPID METABOLISM PATHOLOGY ............ 193 14.1. Biosynthesis of fatty acids: reactions, enzymes ........... 193 14.2. Biosynthesis of acylglycerols: triglycerides, phosphoglycerides..... 197 14.3. Sphingolipids: representatives, metabolism .............. 201 14.4. Cholesterol synthesis and biotransformation. Atherosclerosis .....207 Chapter 15. AMINO ACID METABOLISM-1. AMINO ACID DEGRADATION: DEAMINATION, TRANS AMINATION, DECARBOXYLATION. UREA CYCLE ... 213 15.1. Protein turnover. Principal pathways of amino acid metabolism . . . . . . . . . 213 15.2. Transamination of amino acids: reactions, enzymes........... 216 15.3. Deamination of amino acids: reactions, enzymes ............220 15.4. Decarboxylation of amino acids: reactions, biological significance ..... 221 15.5. Amino nitrogen metabolism. Urea cycle: reactions, enzymes...... 223 Chapter 16. AMINO ACID METABOLISM-2. AMINO ACID SPECIALIZED METABOLIC PATHWAYS. PORPHYRIN METABOLISM ...........228 16.1. General pathways of amino acids carbon skeleton degradation ......228 16.2. Specialized pathways of individual amino acid metabolism ...... 231 16.3. Amino acids as precursors of biologically important compounds .... 242 16.4. Diseases associated with abnormal amino acid metabolism ......244 16.5. Biosynthesis and catabolism of porphyrins. Gout .......... 245 Chapter 17. METABOLISM OF PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE NUCLEOTIDES. PURINE DEGRADATION. GOUT ............. 255 17.1. Nucleotides: structure, biochemical functions ............. 255 17.2. Biosynthesis of purine nucleotides ................ 257 7 17.3. Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides ................263 17.4. Catabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. Gout .........265 Part 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS Chapter 18. GENE, GENOME. DNA REPLICATION ............270 18.1. Gene, genome. DNA, RNA: structure, properties...........270 18.2. Telomeres. Telomerase ..................... 281 18.3. DNA technologies .......................284 Chapter 19. mRNA TRANSCRIPTION. RIBOSOMAL TRANSLATION.......288 19.1. mRNA. Transcription: enzymes, mechanisms ............288 19.2. Genetic code. Translation in ribosomes................ 291 19.3. Ribosomal molecular machinery .................293 Part 5. METABOLIC CONTROL. HORMONES AND VITAMINS Chapter 20. HORMONES-1. BIOCHEMICAL AND CELLULAR MECHANISMS OF HORMONAL REGULATION .................... 301 20.1. Hormones: general definitions.................. 301 20.2. Basic principles of hormone effects .................303 Chapter 21. HORMONES-2. HORMONES OF PEPTIDE AND PROTEIN NATURE... 308 21.1. Peptide and protein hormones of hypothalamus and hypophysis....308 21.2. Protein hormones of pancreatic gland............... 321 Chapter 22. HORMONES-3. AMINO ACID DERIVED HORMONES: CATECHOLAMINES, THYREOIDS. LIPOPHILIC HORMONES ........ 327 22.1. Catecholamines and other biogenic amines .............. 327 22.2. Thyroid hormones: representatives, pathology ........... 331 22.3. Steroid hormones: representatives, effects, pathology ........ 335 22.4. Hormonal regulation of calcium homeostasis............ 342 22.5. Eicosanoids. Biomedical and pharmacological aspects ........346 Chapter 23. BIOCHEMISTRY OF NUTRITION-1. VITAMINS AS ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OF HUMAN DIET. WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS.......350 23.1. Biochemistry of nutrition. Components of human diet ........350 23.2. Vitamins: basic definitions, classes of vitamins ........... 352 8 23.3. Water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins as coenzymes: structure, biochemical properties..................... 353 Chapter 24. BIOCHEMISTRY OF NUTRITION-2. VITAMIN C. LIPID-SOLUBLE VITAMINS AS BIOREGULATORS AND ANTIOXYDANTS ..... 367 24.1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 24.2. Vitamin A (retinol): structure, biochemical functions.........370 24.3. Vitamin D (calciferol) as calcium and phosphorous homeostasis regulator... 373 24.4. Vitamin E (tocopherol) as principal antioxidant in human body...... 375 24.5. Vitamin K: structure of vitamers. Role in blood clotting........ 377 Part 6. BIOCHEMISTRY OF SPECIALIZED TISSUES AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS Chapter 25. BIOCHEMISTRY OF BLOOD. HEMOSTASIS. COAGULATION CASCADE SYSTEM ..........................380 25.1. Blood: composition, biochemical functions.............380 25.2. Hemoglobin: transport of oxygen. Hemoglobinopathies .........382 25.3. Hemostasis: blood clotting, fibrinolysis................389 Chapter 26. BIOCHEMISTRY OF SPECIALIZED CELLS AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS. BIOCHEMISTRY OF LIVER. METABOLISM OF XENOBIOTICS....398 26.1. Liver: survey of major biochemical functions ............398 26.2. Liver: metabolism of heme and bile pigments. Bilirubin transformation. Icterus .................403 26.3. Liver detoxification function. Biotransformation of xenobiotics and endogenous waste products ..................408 Chapter 27. BIOCHEMISTRY OF TOOTH AND SALIVA ............ 415 27.1. Anatomy and physiology of human teeth ............... 415 27.2. Biochemical composition and molecular organization of dental tissues... 417 27.3. Tooth enamel: properties, biochemical composition ......... 417 27.4. Dentin: structure, biochemistry. Periodontum. Cementum ........420 27.5. Tooth pulp: physiology, metabolism .................426 9 27.6. Tooth pathology. Caries: biochemical aspects ............. 427 27.7. Biochemical components and functions of saliva............428 Chapter 28. BIOCHEMISTRY OF MUSCLEs. MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION.....................430 28.1. Muscle tissue: general characteristics of functions, structure and biochemistry .......................430 28.2. Sliding filament model of muscle contraction. Role of calcium in muscle contraction control ..................440 28.3. Regulation of muscle contraction. Role of calcium in muscle contraction control........................444 Chapter 29. BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE ......................446 29.1. Connective tissue: cells and biomolecules .............446 29.2. Structural and adhesive proteins of connective tissue. Structural proteins of extracellular matrix .............450 29.3. Biochemistry of extracellular matrix. Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans of connective tissue .............. 457 29.4. Molecular pathology of connective tissue .............462 Chapter 30. BIOCHEMISTRY OF SPECIALIZED CELLS AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS. BIOCHEMISTRY OF NERVE TISSUE AND NEUROTRANSMITTERS... 466 30.1. Nerve tissue: general characteristics of structure and functions ....466 30.2. Peculiarities of brain biochemical composition and metabolism......469 30.3. Neurotransmitters: classification, receptors, representatives .....470 30.4. Drugs, neurotransmitters and synapses ..............483 LIST OF REFERENCES ....................... 487
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