Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 616.1/9/С 37
Автор(и) : Hyrina, Olha Mykolayivna, Pasiyeshvili, Liudmyla Mykhailivna, Barna, Olha Mykolayivna, Svintsitskyi, Anatoliy Stanislavovych, Skliarov Ye. Ya., Biletskyi S. V., Chornobrovyi V. M., Chukhgriyenko N. D., Babinets L. S., Bazulevych A. Ya. et al.
Назва : Family Medicine. In 3 books : [textbook for students of higher medical education establishments of the 4th level of accreditation]. Book 1 : General Issues of Family Medicine
Вихідні дані : K.: Medicine Publishing, 2016
Кільк.характеристики :558 p.: il
Примітки : На англ. мові
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-493-2: 410.00 грн
ISBN, Ціна 978-617-505-494-9 (Вооk 1): Б.ц.
ДРНТІ : 76
УДК : 616.1/9:614.254.3(075.8)
Предметні рубрики: ТЕРАПІЯ(англ)
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): підручники--national textbook
Анотація: The book explores the theoretical basis of family medicine. It also seeks to ana-lyze the social preconditions of the need for family medicine, the main aspects of the family doctor's practice, the working process problems as well as the means to solve them. The book summarizes years of experience in teaching family medicine at lead-ing medical universities of Ukraine.The authors outline modern views in general practice and the concept of its devel-opment; describes the or¬ganization of outpatient care in the most widespread diseases of the therapeutic profile; study the methods of providing emergency assistance in life-threatening conditions. The textbook provides information on the diagno¬sis, treatment, prevention, prophylactic medical observation, examination of incapacity for work, which will allow the doctor to properly assess symptoms, determine a list of diseases for differential diagnosis, and in future — to formulate a diagnosis and plan treatment and rehabilitation activities. MAIN ABBREVIATIONSCHAPTER 1. The Place of Family Medicine in the General Structure of Public Health and the Principles of Family Public Service on the Basis of Family Medi-cine. The Organization of Family Doctor's Work. The Peculiarities of Out-of-Hospital Therapeutic Care1.1. The Key Aspects of Training and the Functions of a Family Doctor1.2. A Systemic Theoretical Basis of the Family1.3. The Psychogenic Aspects of Family Doctor's Work. Solving Social and Medical Problems of the FamilyCHAPTER 2. Insurance Medicine and Quality Standards for Family Medicine2.1. Family Medicine and Health Insurance in Ukraine2.2. Mandatory and Voluntary Health Insurance. Health Care Funding Options in Terms of Health InsuranceReferences2.3. Family Medicine Models. International ExperienceReferences2.4. The Role of Professional Organizations in Family Doctor's Practice. International ExperienceReferencesCHAPTER 3. Fundamentals of Informatics, Evidence Medicine, Screening Diagno-sis, Clinical Observation, Telemedicine3.1. Fundamentals of Informatics3.2. TelemedicineAdvanced and Experimental ServiceTelemedicine in Ukraine3.3. Evidence-Based Medicine3.4. Screening Diagnosis3.5. Clinical observationReferencesCHAPTER 4. Medical and Social Aspects of Public Health4.1. The Family Physician's Role in Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle, Prevention Examsand Preventive Care4.2. Health Promotion and Primary PreventionReferences4.3. Screening of Oncological DiseasesReferencesCHAPTER 5. Evaluation of Risk Factor Prevalence in the Development of Major Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Elaboration of Preventive Measures with Account for Syndrome-Based ApproachCHAPTER 6. Prevention of the Most Common Therapeutic Diseases6.1. Circulatory System Diseases AtherosclerosisIschemic Heart Disease (IHD)HypertensionCongestive heart failure6.2. Respiratory System DiseasesChronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseBronchial Asthma6.3. Diseases of the EsophagusFunctional Diseases of the EsophagusGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Functional DyspepsiaChronic Gastritis, DuodenitisPeptic Ulcer of the Stomach and DuodenumDisorders of the Liver and Biliary TractChronic CholecystitisGallstone Disease (Cholelithiasis)Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseAlcoholic Liver DiseaseLiver CirrhosisChronic PancreatitisReferencesIrritable Bowel SyndromeIntestinal DysbiosisReferences6.4. Urinary System DiseasesUrolithiasisChronic PyelonephritisChronic Kidney DiseaseCystitisReferences6.5. AnemiaIron Deficiency AnemiaB12 (Folic-) Deficiency Anemia6.6. Endocrine System DiseasesDiffuse Toxic GoiterChronic Autoimmune ThyroiditisHypothyroidismDiabetes Mellitus6.7. Rheumatic DiseasesAcute Rheumatic FeverRheumatoid ArthritisSystemic Lupus ErythematosusSystemic Sclerosis Systemic Vasculitis Dermatomyositis and PolymyositisOsteoarthritis Seronegative Spondyloarthritis6.8. Oncological DiseasesCervical CancerReferencesBreast CancerColorectal CancerProstate CancerCHAPTER 7. Organization of Work of the Out-Patient Department and Home Care7.1. Organization of the Out-Patient Department WorkThe Procedure for Admission to the Out-Patient Department General Indications and Contraindications for Treatment in Out-Patient FacilitiesRegulations on the Medical Staff of the Out-Patient Department 7.2. Organization of Home CareCHAPTER 8. Medicosocial Assessment in Internal Diseases8.1. The General Issues of Medical and Social Assessment 8.2. Medical and Social Assessment of Patients with Common Internal Diseases Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Bronchial Asthma Hypertension Myocardial Infarction Peptic Ulcer Chronic Hepatitis and Liver Cirrhosis Chronic Renal Insufficiency CHAPTER 9. Urgent Medical Aid by a General Practitioner at the Pre-Admission Stagein Case of Sudden Death 9.1. Sudden Cardiac Death 9.2. Resuscitation Measures The first stage of CPCR — Elementary Sustaining of Life The Second Stage of CPCR — Further Sustaining of Life 9.3. Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death CHAPTER 10. Emergency Care for Pain in Family Practice 10.1. Headache 10.2. Pain in Muscular-Skeletal Conditions Lumbar Syndromes Thoracic Syndromes 10.3. Abdominal Pain 10.4. Acute Thrombosis of the Major Lower Limb Arteries 10.5. Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Extremities and Pelvis 10.6. Oncogenic Pain References CHAPTER 11. Diagnostics and First Aid for Syncopes, Cramps and Convulsive Syndrome11.1. Diagnostics and First Aid for Syncopes General Aspects of the Syncope Problem Non-Syncopic Conditions, which Can be Mistakenly Regarded as Fainting Cardiogenic-Mediated Syncope Syncopes in Pediatric Practice Syncopes in the Elderly Treatment of Patients with Orthostatic Hypotension Chronic Adrenal Cortex Insufficiency Neurologic and Psychiatric Variants of Loss of Consciousness Particular Situations that Can Cause a Syncope 11.2. Convulsive Syndrome, Diagnostics and Urgent Aid at the Pre-Hospital Stage Convulsive Syndrome in Children Epileptic seizures (General Information)Epileptic Seizures in Children Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome (CFS) Hyperkinesis Spasms Caused by Hysteria CHAPTER 12. Urgent Medical Aid in the Family Physician's Practical Work in Caseof Stings, Bites, Electrical Injury, Drowning, Affect of Low and High Tempera-ture 12.1. Clinical Manifestations and First Aid in Case of Stings by Hymenoptera 12.2. Snake Bites and Urgent Aid in These Cases 12.3. Clinical Manifestation and First Aid in Case of Animal Bites 12.4. Clinical Manifestation and First Aid in Case of Arthropoda Bites Black Widow (Karakurt) Bites Tarantula Bites Scorpion Stings 12.5. Clinical Manifestations and First Aid in Case of Electric Current Shock, Drown-ing,Critical Temperature Influence Electric Current Shock Drowning The Influence of Critical Temperatures
Примірники : всього : Наук.Аб.(3), ЧЗ(1), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(45)
Вільні : Наук.Аб.(3), ЧЗ(1), Гурт.4(1), Уч.Аб.(45)
Дод.точки доступу:
Hyrina, Olha Mykolayivna
Гиріна Ольга Миколаївна
Pasiyeshvili, Liudmyla Mykhailivna
Пасієшвілі Людмила Михайлівна
Barna, Olha Mykolayivna
Барна Ольга Миколаївна
Svintsitskyi, Anatoliy Stanislavovych
Свінціцький Анатолій Станіславович
Skliarov, Ye. Ya.
Скляров Євген Якович
Biletskyi, S. V.
Білецький С. В.
Chornobrovyi, V. M.
Чорнобривий В. М.
Chukhgriyenko, N. D.
Чухрієнко Н. Д.
Babinets, L. S.
Бабінець Л. С.
Bazulevych, A. Ya. et al.
Базилевич А. Я.
Hyrina, Olha Mykolayivna \ed.\
Pasiyeshvili, Liudmyla Mykhailivna \ed.\