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    Lozynskyj Askold, Askold Stephan (1952.02.08, New York).
    Ukraine: Issue that Matter. Genocide. Post-Independence. Historical Truth. Ukrainian Diaspora / A. Lozynskyj Askold. - K. : Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2021. - 451 p. - About the author: p. 450-451, 4 p. cover. - На англ. мові. - ISBN 978-966-518-793-6 : 050.00 грн.
Переклад назви: Україна: питання, які мають значення. Геноцид. Після здобуття незалежності. Історична правда. Українська діаспора / А. Лозинський

Рубрики: ІСТОРІЯ--Україна

Анотація: “Ukraine: Issues that Matter” is the newest publication of Askold S. Lozynskyj, a Ukrainian-American attorney, former president of numerous Ukrainian organizations, including the Ukrainian World Congress, and a writer of hundreds of articles published worldwide and many Ukrainian language books. This is a collection of articles, often quite controversial, on four major issues: Ukrainian genocides, Ukraine post-independence- events and persons, the need for historical truth and an overview and an anecdotal picture of the Ukrainian diaspora. This publication should be of great interest to Ukrainian students and academia in Ukraine who know the English language and are interested, in particular, in a Ukrainian-American perspective, which may be different from their own. The casual reader may find this publication entertaining and even informative. CONTENTS Ivan Patrylyak Opening Ukraine to the World. 7 GENOCIDE Justice for Communist Criminality. . 13 Ukraine's Great Famine 1932-33-75th Anniversary......... 21 The Case for Seven to Ten Million... . 23 Insensitive...................... 28 The Ukrainian Famine and Academic Zealotry ...... 31 Yanukovych and the Ho/odomor 36 Bigoted......................... 39 Ho/odomor at the UN.............42 The Genocide Convention . 45 Sixty-Five Years Ago ..... 48 What Lessens Us! ...... 51 Ukraine's President Missing on the Ho/odomor ........... 54 Ukraine's Great Famine 1932-33-80* Anniversary....... 56 Banality.......................... 61 Ho/odomor Loss Count ... ... ... 64 Ukrainian-Polish Relations ..._._._ 74 Ho/odomor Recount ... . 77 AkcjaWisla. ...81 Poland's Ukrainian Minority.... 88 Red Famine 75 Years............. ... 90 ...........94 POST-INDEPENDENCE Is Russia Testing the West?... . 99 Beware the Russian Bear 101 Yanukovych Goes to Washington . . 108 Appeasement . 110 Democracy under Siege . 113 Language of Czars, Commissars and Chauvinists... 115 A Bad Joke 119 Failure to Indict 121 Independence Diaries: Vigilance 124 Yanukovych's Rubicon 127 Soviet Alumni 130 UWC to OHCHR 133 On the Eve of the Chicago NATO Summit . . 138 Free but not Fair. 141 An Embarrassment . ... 144 Losing Credibility... 146 You Cannot Make This Up 149 The Euromo/dan- A Revolution of Dignity ... 151 Letter to Senator Menendez.... 155 Letter to Senator Menendez (Follow-Up).. . 157 Freedom from Fear............. 160 Price of Land Grab ........... 163 Putin's Masked Little Green Men.....165 Letter to Vice President Biden ... 168 Follow-Up Letter to VP Biden . 171 Letter to Secretary Hagel.... 173 Letter to President of the United States......... 176 Report from Kharkiv......... 178 Letter to President Barack Obama 180 A Convenient Morality . 183 Russian Invaders.............. 185 Russian Czars, Commissars and Presidents ..... ...... .... 188 The Gravity of Words ......... 191 To Ukrainian Jurists ......... 193 You Can't Make This Up- 2nd Installment............. 196 Sanctions and Weapons ...... 198 UCCA Kharkiv Mission..... 200 UN Security Council Debate. .. 202 US Intelligence Story ...... 204 NATO Security................. 207 Geneva v. Moscow ..........209 To Stop Putin, You Must Stop Him ........... 212 Minsk Two.... .. 215 Because He Can ....... .... 218 Politics in Sports 221 American Blind Patriotism i n Boxi ng....................... 223 What a Country!............... 225 Back to Appeasement ........ 228 Feigning Human Rights' Concern.................... 231 Elections in America ....... 234 Notable Quotes on Ukraine and Russia................... 237 Ukraine at the United Nations 240 An Ethnic and Religious Haven Nonetheless... 243 Donald the President and Napoleon the Pig........ 246 Book Review/Nonfiction 248 No Need for New Russia Sanctions 250 A Test for US Jurisprudence. 253 From Bucharest to Brussels...... 256 White Christmas in Ukraine....259 Progressive Disinformation... 261 Ukraine's Presidential Election... 264 HISTORICAL TRUTH Mudslinging . 273 Rewriting History. 278 Shame on You! 282 Ukrainian Nationalist in World War II and the Holocaust 286 An Enlightened Liberation Movement 296 History Should Be Written by Objective and Competent Scholars 299 A Review of a National Archives Publication ........... 302 The Ukrainian CIA Connection.. 305 Letter on Jewish Life in Lviv.. in Ukraine........................ 312 A Eulogy for John Demjanjuk.. 315 Offensive German Politics .... 317 A Special History......... 320 Journalistic Sensationalism.. 329 I n Defense...................... 331 Not Doing Your Homework... 334 Primitive....................... 336 Offensive Letter from Ukraine.. 339 Correcting Inaccuracies. 340 Open Letter to a Melancholy Russophile. 343 Open Letter to an Anti-Ukrainian Russian Jew346 Rendering Anti-Semitism Meaningless................... 348 Disinformation . 351 A Confused Russia Expert. 354 The Bad Guest . 357 Letter to a Disingenuous Scholar with Agenda . 359 A Peculiar Defense. 362 Historical Dilettantism 364 Baseless 366 A Peculiar Smear 369 Divide et Impera 372 Poland's Dark Past 375 International Hubris ______ 377 A Victim of the Nazis and Yankees. 379 UKRAINIAN DIASPORA The UCCA and Realpolitik. 383 The Ukrainian Diaspora , 394 Church Matters......... 402 Russian Abuse at the UN .406 Memorandum 409 Whose Foreign Ministry? 413 David and Goliath at the UN 416 A Ukrainian Treasure 419 Russian Abuse . 80th Anniversary of a Central Ukrainian Organized Presence in America 427 About the Author . 450
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