
    General surgery : [textbook for students of higher educational institutions] : пер. з укр. / ed. Bereznytsky Ya. S., Zakharash M. P., Mishalov V. G., Shidlovsky V. O.; V. P. Andriushchenko, Ya. S. Bereznytsky, A. V. Verba et al. - 2nd ed. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2020. - 327 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - Autors: p. 3. - На англ. мові. - References: p. 326-327. - ISBN 978-966-382-852-7 : 220.00 р.
Переклад назви: Загальна хірургія : підручник для студентів вищих навч. закладів / за ред. Березницького Я. С., Захараша М. П., Мішалова В. Г., Шідловського В. О.

Рубрики: ХІРУРГІЯ(англ)--Підручник

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
підручники англійською
Анотація: The contents of the textbook correspond with curriculum for the general practitioner training in connection to the general surgery main topics, that is approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The textbook contains the main terminological, diagnostic and medical principles of providing medical care to patients with main, socialy significant surgical diseases, along with the questions of surgical care organization, examination and supervision of surgical patients. Well-structured information in the textbook with clearly highlighted main sections of the topic is given according to the professionally-oriented tasks approved by industry standards. Each section of the topic is presented in an algorithmic form, which in authors’ opinion, should facilitate a better understanding of materialby students while using credit-module teaching system. Preface from the editors ................ 7 Part 1. Fundamentals oF surgical care organization 1.1. general principles of surgical care organization ..................... 9 General issues of the terminology and medical care organization........................ 9 Outpatient surgical care ..............10 Inpatient surgical care ...............10 General issues, terminology and periods of surgical treatment ........................10 Preoperative period ................12 Intraoperative period ................13 Postoperative period .................14 1.2. surgical patient care ...............19 General principles of patient care .............19 General patient care ..................20 Techniques of medication administration .......26 Postinjection complications ............31 Application of the simplest treatment procedures ..32 Specialized care of operated patients ............38 Surgeries on the thorax and thoracic organs ....38 Surgeries on the abdominal cavity and abdominal organs ...................39 Urological surgeries ................40 Proctological surgeries ................41 Care of critically ill and agonizing patients......41 1.3. desmurgy ......................43 Desmurgy: dressings, bandages, materials and techniques of making .................43 Classification of bandages .............43 Roller bandage and its elements. Rules for bandaging ......................44 Techniques of applying roller bandages, triangular, four-tailed, adhesive and tubular elastic bandages ..45 1.4. asepsis and antisepsis ..............65 General information and terminology ..........65 Basics of modern asepsis .................65 The main channels of infection and its prophylaxis ....65 Airborne droplet infection and its prophylaxis ....65 Contact infection and sterilization ...........67 General principles of sterilization ...........67 Physical methods of sterilization ............67 Chemical methods of sterilization ..........69 Selected issues of sterilization ...........69 Implantation infection and its prophylaxis .....73 Endogenous infection and its prophylaxis ......74 Hospital acquired infection and its prophylaxis .....75 The problem of HIV-infection and other transmissible infections in surgery .........75 The sequence of actions to be followed by medical staff in case of medical accidents ............76 Basics and types of modern antisepsis ..........77 Mechanical antisepsis ...............77 Physical antisepsis ...................78 Chemical antisepsis .................79 Biological antisepsis ................80 Classical principles of rational antibiotic therapy ..80 1.5. general issues of pain, anesthetic management, intensive care of medical emergencies, cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation ....81 Terminology used in anesthesiology and intensive care ..81 Essential ideas of pain in surgical practice .........83 Pain control: terminology and general issues ......83 Methods of anesthesia .................84 Local anesthesia ....................84 Some peripheral blocks with local anesthetics....87 Intercostal nerve block ................87 Procaine retromammary block .............87 Procaine short block ..................88 Intrapelvic block according to Shkolnyk – Selivanov..88 Postoperative pain and the main principles of its elimination ........................88 General information on pain associated with operative interventions, its mechanisms and the principles of pain control depending on the type and extent of an operative intervention .......88 General principles of intensive therapy .........93 General issues of diagnosis and intensive care of acute respiratory failure .....................95 General issues of diagnosis and intensive care of acute cardiovascular collapse and shocks ............ 100 Hypovolemic shock and blood loss .......... 102 Terminal states and patho physio logy of dying and clinical death ..................... 105 Preagony ...................... 105 Terminal pause .................... 106 Agony ...................... 106 Types of death ...................... 107 Clinical death .................... 107 Biological death .................. 108 A complex of cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation ..................... 108 First stage of resuscitation (Basic life support (BLS)) .............. 109 The second stage of resuscitation (Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)) ....... 112 test questions for part 1 ................ 116 Part 2. general issues oF surgical Pathology 2.1. terminology, diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhages .................. 121 General issues of hemorrhage and principles of its classification...................... 121 Clinical presentations of acute and chronic hemorrhage ................... 123 Arrest of bleeding (hemostasis) ............ 125 2.2. Wounds and wound process ........... 129 General concepts of wounds and wound process ..... 129 Types of wound healing and phases of wound process ....................... 132 Principles of wound treatment .......... 136 Treatment of surgical wounds ........... 136 Treatment of newly infected wounds ......... 137 Treatment of purulent wounds .......... 139 2.3. combat surgical trauma (prehospital care) .... 141 2.4. thermal, chemical and cold injuries ....... 151 Terminology of thermal and chemical injuries ..... 151 Thermal burns .................. 151 Burn disease ................... 156 Local treatment of burn wounds ......... 159 Peculiarities of patient care in treatment of burns .... 161 The main methods of rehabilitation of patients with burns ...................... 161 Chemical burns ................... 162 Cold injury ...................... 164 2.5. necroses, fistulas, ulcers ............. 169 Necrosis (local death of tissues) .............. 169 Gangrene ..................... 171 Fistulas ....................... 173 Ulcers .......................... 175 2.6. Fundamentals of clinical oncology....... 178 Terminology and classification of neoplasms ...... 178 General symptomatology and diagnostics of neoplasms 180 Principles of tumors treatment .............. 184 Prophylaxis and early diagnostics of tumors ........ 186 test questions for part 2 ................ 188 Part 3. clinical transFusiology 3.1. general issues of transfusion medicine ...... 193 3.2. immunological fundamentals of blood transfusion ...................... 194 Concept of group antigens and blood antibodies ..... 194 3.3. the abo blood group system .......... 196 The ABO blood groups ................ 196 Determination of the ABO blood types ...... 197 Blood typing with the help of monoclonal antibodies ...................... 197 Determination of blood group by the cross method (double reaction) .................. 197 3.4. the rhesus-antigen system .......... 199 The Rh antigen system: ................. 199 Determination of Rh blood group by using monoclonal antibodies (colyclones) .................. 199 Errors in the ABO and Rh blood typing .......... 200 3.5. methods of transfusion of blood components and products .............. 201 3.6. technique of transfusion of blood components and products .............. 203 3.7. modern approaches to blood transfusion therapy ........................ 207 Classification of transfusion mediums ........... 207 Blood components ................... 207 Blood-derived medicinal products ............ 209 3.8. complications of transfusion therapy ...... 211 3.9. Blood donation ................ 215 3.10. legal aspects of blood transfusions ....... 216 Legal aspects of hemotransfusions ........ 216 test questions for Part 3 ................ 219 Part 4. surgical inFection General issues of the development, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory and purulent diseases ... 221 4.1. Purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissues ............... 223 Purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat (furuncle, carbuncle, abscess)............... 223 Phlegmon ........................ 226 Hidradenitis ....................... 228 Erysipelas ........................ 229 Erysipeloid ....................... 231 4.2. inflammatory diseases of lymphatic vessels and nodes ................. 232 Lymphangitis .................... 232 Lymphadenitis ..................... 233 4.3. infections of the hand ............... 235 Felon (whitlow) (purulent processes of the fingers)... 236 Purulent diseases of the hand .............. 242 4.4. inflammatory diseases of the glandular organs ....................... 245 Mastitis ......................... 245 Lactational mastitis ................. 245 Parotitis ......................... 247 4.5. Purulent diseases of bones and joints ...... 249 General issues of the development, diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis .............. 249 Hematogenous osteomyelitis ............ 251 Posttraumatic osteomyelitis ............ 253 Purulent disease of the joints ............. 254 Acute purulent arthritis ............... 254 Acute bursal abscess ............... 256 4.6. anaerobic infection ................ 258 Clostridial surgical infection (gas gangrene) ........ 258 Nonclostridial anaerobic surgical infection ....... 261 4.7. specific surgical infection ............. 263 Tetanus ......................... 263 Anthrax ......................... 266 Diphtheria of wounds ................. 267 test questions for Part 4 ................ 269 Part 5. general issues oF Patient examination 5.1. the sequence and methodology of examination of a surgical patient .......... 273 Patient’s complaints ................. 273 Characteristics of pain by location ......... 274 Vomiting ....................... 275 Hiccup ........................ 276 Heartburn .................... 276 Dysphagia .................... 276 Eructation .................... 277 Regurgitaion ..................... 277 Disturbance of the large bowel emptying ....... 277 Urination disorders.................. 277 Menstrual disorders ............... 277 General weakness ................. 277 Vertigo ....................... 278 History of the present illness .............. 278 Patient’s life history .................. 278 Evaluation of patient’s general condition ........ 279 5.2. technique of physical examination of a patient ...................... 281 Skin and visible mucous membranes .......... 281 Lymph nodes ..................... 281 Muscular system and osteoarticular apparatus ..... 281 Head and face ...................... 282 Neck ......................... 282 Thorax ........................ 283 Respiratory organs ................... 283 Cardiovascular system .................. 283 Abdomen...................... 284 Digestive apparatus ................ 284 Rectum and perianal region .............. 285 Urinary system ..................... 285 Nervous system and psychic state ............ 286 Assessment of local status ............... 287 5.3. supplementary methods of patient examination ...................... 288 Laboratory methods of examination .......... 288 Instrumental methods of examination ......... 288 Endoscopic methods of examination ....... 288 Ultrasound methods of examination ....... 293 Roentgenological and radiological methods of examination .................... 294 5.4. documentation of patient’s condition ..... 298 test questions for Part 5 ................ 299 Control tests ..................... 301 References ...................... 326
Дод.точки доступу:
Andriushchenko, V. P.
Андрющенко, Віктор Петрович
Bereznytsky, Yakov S.
Березницький, Яків Соломонович
Verba, A. V.
Верба, Андрій В'ячеславович
Ganzhiy, V. V.
Ганжий, В. В.
Horobchuk, O. O.
Горобчук, О. О.
Dronov, O. I.
Дронов, О. І.
Zheliba, M. D.
Желіба, Микола Дмитрович
Zarutskyi, Ya. L.
Заруцький, Я. Л.
Zakharash, M. P.
Захараш, Михайло Петрович
Kobelyatskyi, Y. Y.
Кобеляцький, Ю. Ю.
Kovalska, I. O.
Ковальська, Інна Олександрівна
Lihonenko, O. V.
Лігоненко, Олексій Вікторович
Chorna, I. A.
Чорна, Ірина Олексіївна та ін.
Bereznytsky, Ya. S. \ed.\
Zakharash, M. P. \ed.\
Захараш, М. П.
Mishalov, V. G. \ed.\
Мішалов, Володимир Григорович
Shidlovsky, V. O. \ed.\
Шідловський, Віктор Олександрович

Примірників всього: 1
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